Experiential Learning Faculty Success Stories School of Education

Experiential Learning Faculty Success Stories
School of Education
In the Teacher Preparation course students work with local schools to do lesson plans, observe,
and actually implement the lesson plans in class. Students complete an observation of the
lesson being taught by the teacher. The course utilizes in-class lectures, placement in the
classroom, discussions and observations to create confidence in teaching and knowledge of
new strategies in evidence based practices in field of Education. ~Michael Livovich
Here in the Teaching & Learning K-12 Classroom course, the team teaching approach is utilized,
and general methods are used. Field work is supervised and built-in as part of the course.
Students actually teach a lesson in the field, thus leading to special methods for special topics.
Lesson planning is the framework for secondary teaching. ~Robert Rivers
School of Engineering, Math, and Science
In Mechanical Engineering Senior Design, students take a project from design to finish. The
most recent project completed has been the Moon buggy project. Mechanics-based projects
are ongoing. Students learn to work in groups to achieve goals within time and resource
constraints. ~Harvey Abramowitz
The Civil Engineering course consists of five days of field work, where the instructor teaches
class and lab. Students are divided into groups and each group spends five days in the field
with the agency - Dyer Storm Water Board on Fridays. Instructor and a senior civil engineering
student work with students on the project and coordinate it. Each group goes out in the field
on different Fridays so that the agency is receiving 25 days of work depending on the number of
students. In the end, one student is offered an internship with the Dyer Storm Water Board.
~Chandramouli Viswanathan
In the Biological Science Research course, students complete undergraduate lab research
projects. Projects here are student-directed, and the benefit is that the student receives
intensive support. The course is comprised of one student to one instructor. Instructor
encourages students to apply for a fellowship for graduate school. ~Young Choi
In this two semester Senior Design course, students work to solve a problem. The first semester
is the design phase; students have an idea or problem and have to design a solution. During the
second semester, students have to build their design. ~Donald Gray
Senior Design in Computer Sciences is a one semester course for individual projects. Students
choose their own project. Students gain experience designing programing solutions to open
ended challenges. ~Roger Kraft
Research in Physics allows students to work with Instructors on campus via demonstrations and
programming. Students gain exposure to lab facilities, safety precautions, and research
protocols. In the summer, Instructor takes the students to Fermilab to tour the facilities and
meet physicists. Students gain rare opportunities and exposure to state of the art facilities and
mentorship with expert researches in science. ~Neeti Parashar
Here in Research in Physics, students work on research. Students gain the knowledge of how to
shift realization of working toward potential new information in unknown areas of astronomy.
Students then present their findings at Research Days. ~Adam Rengstorf
Chemistry research for undergraduates in my group is much like what is done at many
pharmaceutical companies. Many of the same laboratory techniques are used thus preparing
students for meaningful careers which for some include going on to graduate school or various
professional schools (medical schools, pharmacy schools, etc.). About 80 PUC students have
been a part of this experience during my time at PUC. ~Hal Pinnick
School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
The HTM Cruise students experience a high-end cruise while engaging staff based upon their
specific discipline interests. Students observe top customer service standards and gain
understanding of different cultures. A big part of this course is not just the experience on a
cruise, but coming back and promoting and selling the experience to other students. Students
act as a sales person for tourism in videos or flyers, while working as a team. This part of the
student experience takes place at the Student Convocation in the fall of each year. The students
use reflection and social media to discuss their experiences. This has been a life-changing
adventure for many of these students. ~Geralyn Farley
Almost every student who has completed an ExL Service Learning/Civic Engagement Class has
stated they got more out of the experience than they ever expected. They sign up for the SERV
class thinking that just volunteering a few hours a week is a cake walk, but they find themselves
investing in the concept of helping community while using their college major to enhance the
experience. At the end it is like the community organization got my hours but I got an
education in life. It becomes so much more than just Volunteering as the semester
progresses. For example Biology Major Jose Tenorio volunteered at the Columbia Explorers
Academy in Chicago by assisting in a Bilingual class in the sciences. He was excited about the
opportunity to teach Photosynthesis in a bilingual environment. He learned from his teacher
mentor that he needed to ensure that the students understood the scientific material but in the
process he learned he was more than capable of teaching the class without losing track of what
was important-the student learning. He stated “I was able to learn more about me and about
my capabilities”. No matter where they go (schools, libraries, United Way Tax Preparation for
Seniors, Pop Warner Football, Hammond Food Pantry, Association for Wolf Lake Initiative,
Catholic Charities, Lake County Juvenile Detention, PFLAG chapter for NWI, Dominican
Republic Orphanage Outreach, After School programs, Battered Women’s shelters, Public
Radio, Humane Society, Lupus and Lymphoma Society, a Church Thrift Store or Hospice) or
what they do there every semester our students make a statement that they are concerned
about where they live and their future-and that Purdue University Calumet played a big role in
providing that connection and guidance. ~Judy Hack
The Human Development & Disability Seminar course meets one Friday per month, and the
goal is to connect students with work opportunities in human development. Students spend
time with leaders of different organizations, and also participate in a day trip to Indianapolis to
Riley Child Development Center. There they watch and observe testing, case discussion, and
interact with others. Students learn about a multi-discipline and medical model approach to
human development. The instructor also has guest speakers’ talk to students about different
theoretical approaches and models. ~Thomas Pavkov
The History of Indiana course has an average of 30 Students per semester with one half
International students. The course takes students to tour physical artifacts and take exam of
homes. Students’ view and stereotypes of native Indiana are challenged while connecting
content to history. Students present their research findings in conference setting. ~Wendy St
The Hispanic American Leadership course partners with IDIS. Students are required to write
papers and do book reviews, they then go to the National Conference in Chicago. Students are
engaged in reflective work with portfolio’s, discussion boards and networking. Students are
making connections for their future and inspiring interests in graduate school. ~Kathleen Tobin
School of Management
Here in the Internship in Management (Accounting) the instructor makes contact with the
Community Partner and Kimberly Uhll helps to get an announcement out to the students to
make student connections. When the instructor meets with the Community Partner, they
identify goals and expectations for students upfront, and student will apply for the position via
a post through Kim Uhll. The instructor requires that students put in at least 100 hours of time
during the internship, and the internship frequently takes place during tax season. Students are
required to write a reflection paper at end of experience; along with a 3-5 page research topic
paper on something they are interested in based on their experience. ~Edward Furticella
Advertising Campaigns is run as a full service advertising agency. The instructor gives students a
case study to dissect, and students become familiar with the organization and have to produce
an advertising campaign for them. This is a two semester course, in the fall they build a
research packet, and in the spring they build the campaign. The students then compete on a
district level between schools from Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana at the AAF competition. This
class has grown into a school-wide initiative. ~Matthew Hanson
In the course ENTR-40000 “Small Business Consulting” students serve as management
consultants to area businesses. They work in groups of 4 or 5 with help from faculty advisors.
Each group of student-consultants is assigned a ‘client’ company, a real live small business
owner, who identifies his/her concerns & issues. The student-teams then thoroughly analyze
these issues to come up with recommendations. The clients’ issues can vary and may include:
customer retention, hiring employees, increasing sales, competitive analysis, growing the
business, profitability analysis, developing strategies, etc. PowerPoint presentations are made
in the presence of all clients before the semester ends, and formal consulting reports are
submitted during the finals week. Full business consulting takes place. ~Jamaluddin Husain
In the Management Promotion course, marketing students are divided into two teams which
function as boutique advertising agencies competing to satisfy the overall objective set in place
by the community partner. The semester long project ends with a final pitch to Wes Lukoshus,
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Advancement and Mark LaCien, Associate Vice Chancellor for
Marketing where one team wins the challenge and is then invited to intern for the PUC
Marketing Department. ~Jordan Kerr
Personal Selling students are involved in various experiential learning exercises including sales
role-plays, a half-day shadowing experience and role-play with a real sales professional, and a
class-specific sales competition. This environment allows students to a) link theory to practice,
b) receive feedback from the instructor, fellow students, and sales professionals, and c) build a
video portfolio of their sales experience through the final competition. ~Claudia Mich
In the Internship in Management, the Instructor mentors students in Finance internships. The
instructor takes about 2 students per semester and mentors them throughout an intern
experience with a community partner. Many students are gaining direct offers of employment
from these experiences. ~Paolo Miranda
The Intent of the Social Entrepreneurship course is to apply the business skills that students
have learned to social issues or social problems. Students find a business or entrepreneur and
are required to interview them. Students have the opportunity to network with the business,
the end result being to create a business plan with that entrepreneur. Students use the
interview process to explore the client needs, and then they create a business plan for the
client. ~Charles Rarick
School of Nursing
Here for the Nursing Practicum, the students already have basic nursing skills so goal is to teach
time management and prioritization of tasks. Delegation techniques are also explored. This
course also exposes student to intricacies of collaboration with other members of a medical
team, i.e. physicians, social services, case managers, and therapists. Working with all members
of the medical team teaches the importance of clinical reasoning skills and conflict resolution
being in the clinical setting with opportunity to reflect allows students to gain the connection
between clinical knowledge and critical patient connections. ~Joan Dorman
Health Promotion is an online course, with hundreds of students in the class, who are all
practicing nurses. The main focus is on health promotion and health literacy. Students are
required to design a program promoting a health topic based on needs in their community.
Students are required to decide where they would need to go to present the program and how
it would increase health literacy in that particular community. Students gain evaluative and
reflective feedback via on-line discussion and first hand observation of impacts in their nursing
practice. ~Peggy Gerard
Health Promotion live course, not online, objective is to design a health promotion based on a
health literacy issue. The students start by identifying a client and then conduct a needs
assessment. They then put together a health presentation based on needs. This course is
offered to the community, schools, and organization such as the Hammond Area Career Center.
This work has been showcased in their portfolio and during interviews. ~Dolores Huffman
The Community Nursing Practicum rotates through community settings, i.e. schools, shelters,
clinics, home health, and volunteer agencies. Students complete health assessments of
vulnerable individuals residing within a community, provide health education, and interventions
based on diagnosed needs. Many of the students go on to work or volunteer for agencies that
directly impact these vulnerable populations. ~Dorothy Soverly & Lynn Miskovich
Nursing Capstone course and design project is comprised of teams with 3 or 4 members.
Student nurses work to identify and design solutions to real world patient care issues. Working
with community health organizations, hospitals and other clinical industry these nursing groups
design unique solutions based on research in best practices. Students work is showcased on
campus and has received national recognition. ~Gail Wegner & Ellen Moore
School of Technology
In CGT216, Computer Imaging for Vector Graphics, students use vector imaging software along
with drawing and design instruction to develop a variety of illustration and graphic design
solutions. For recent EXL projects, students have developed logo designs, web graphics, poster
designs and theater graphics. Students develop solutions for a project through a process guided
by the instructor that involves a series of classroom critiques, revisions and final client
presentations. Successful designs have won recognition and have been actually implemented
by the client, including a recent logo design for the Perry Ferrini Dog Park in
Schererville. ~Barbara Labus
Assured Systems Design and Implementation allows students training to become systems
administrators. They learn the implementation of systems security policy. Students utilize
simulation software and hardware, and they look at risk assessment policies and compare cost
differences of various hardware. Students have to consider security systems for the business
technology system, and then they research the best type of system, implement and practice in
the lab. They also present their findings and recommendations via a professional presentation
within the classroom setting. ~Ricardo Calix
Senior Project is a two semester experience where the students use a large portion of their
education to solve a significant problem of their choosing. In the first semester, students
research the project and develop goals, specifications, a schedule, and a budget. During the
second semester, students complete the industrial project including a formal report and a
formal presentation to a large audience. ~James Higley
Senior Design students take the hands-on approach to deepen an understanding of the skill in a
specialty area within the broad field of construction technology by researching and applying
knowledge to a chosen interest area. Junior level students dive into the field of Construction
Inspection by participating in a survey project with the Greater Hammond Housing
Services. Entry-level construction students are engaging with Habitat for Humanity by taking
two dimensional drawings to three dimensional realities and learning a sense of materials and
tools needed for the building and framing of homes. These students are building experiences
for their future by engaging in the field now. ~Dennis Korchek
The CGT Internship offers hands on experience and the mentorship from a professional in the
environment. The professor selects the client and project for the students and the internship
can be on or off campus. Students work for the client and do weekly journal entries, along with
a final paper and presentation to the clients and advisory committee. ~Chuck Winer
If You Are Ready to Share Your ExL Story Contact Jennifer Muha @ 989-8340 or