Accidents / RIDDOR Procedures Any accident involving a member of staff, volunteer, client or member of the public must be recorded on an accident form. Accident forms are available in the main office and once completed should be passed to the Operations Manager immediately for filing and /or reporting. In line with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive the following incidents must be reported via RIDDOR: Types of reportable injury Deaths Major injuries – reportable major injuries include: fracture, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes; amputation; dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine; loss of sight (temporary or permanent); chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the eye; injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness, or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; any other injury leading to hypothermia, heat-induced illness or unconsciousness, or requiring resuscitation, or requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; unconsciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to a harmful substance or biological agent; acute illness requiring medical treatment, or loss of consciousness arising from absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin; 1 Accident / RIDDOR Procedures February 2013 acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a biological agent or its toxins or infected material. Over-seven-day injuries - injuries that lead to an employee being away from work, or unable to perform their normal work duties, for more than seven consecutive days as the result of an occupational accident or injury (not counting the day of the accident but including weekends and rest days). The report must be made within 15 days of the accident. Occupational Diseases – Any occupational disease listed as reportable under the RIDDOR section of the Health and Safety Executive website, must be reported to the operations Manager as soon as a written diagnosis is received in order that the proper reporting procedure can be followed. Dangerous occurrences – Any dangerous occurrence or near miss event that could have resulted in an accident or injury must be reported as soon as possible to the Operations Manager. If it is a reportable dangerous occurrence under RIDDOR legislation, the appropriate reporting procedure will be taken. Person responsible for reporting incidents: Operations Manager – Wendy Knight And in her absence: Chief Executive – Jane Howard SIGNED CEO Chair Date Date 2 Accident / RIDDOR Procedures February 2013