Social Neuroscience and Culture

Skeleton syllabus including textbook info
Psyc 10a: Introduction to Psychology
Fall 2015
Mon, Wed, & Thurs 11:00am-11:50am, Schwartz 112 Auditorium
Prof. Angela Gutchess
Contact information: Office: Lemberg 106; Phone: 6-3247
Office Hours:
Course website:
Textbook: Schacter, D. L., Gilbert, D.T., Wegner, D.M., & Nock, M.K. (2014). Psychology (3rd
edition). New York: Worth. Additional readings for assignments will be posted on LATTE, as
needed. Should you purchase an earlier edition, you are still accountable for material covered in
the 3rd. See FAQ on LATTE for more information.
LaunchPad is Worth's online learning space that integrates the full eBook along with activities,
interactive learning objects, videos, and more. Use of this resource is optional, but it provides
helpful study tools. LaunchPad access should be included with textbook bundles purchased
through the bookstore. If you purchase a textbook from another source or would like to purchase
only the eBook (rather than a hard copy of the book), you can consult the following webpage for
direct purchase or to access: TBA
Required Accessories: iClicker. This system will be used for interactive participation during
class. Data from this system will be used to calculate the attendance and participation portion of
your grade. You must purchase the iClicker remote, bring it to every class yourself,
and participate in order to receive participation credit!! I have only one iClicker that
can be loaned out for a class – first come, first served. Please address other iClicker questions
to TBA, who will coordinate attendance. The iClicker should be bundled with the textbook
through the bookstore. I have also asked the bookstore to order additional remotes in case
students purchase the book from other sources, but they often run out early in the semester. You
can also order it online through the iClicker website (you would want to purchase the original
iClicker1 or iClicker+, rather than an advanced model, like iClicker2). Support for iClicker:
At this time, I am not supporting REEF polling. Should that change, it will be announced and
updated on the syllabus before the beginning of the semester.