The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Global Fellowship Program “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” 2012-2013 Application Form For the summer of 2013 The FDR Suite Foundation at Adams House is pleased to offer a new grant to support summer undergraduate field-research, experience or study in the areas of international relations, international trade, economic affairs and development, global governance and affairs, international languages, humanities, sciences or global medicine, to be guided by the spirit of FDR’s Fourth Inaugural Address: “Today, in this year of war, 1945, we have learned lessons—at a fearful cost—and we shall profit by them. We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other Nations, far away… We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community. We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said, that, ‘The only way to have a friend is to be one.’” Participants will be known as Franklin Delano Roosevelt Fellows. The Foundation will award one grant this year. The size of the grant will vary depending on the country of destination, length of stay, and type of program in which the recipient will be participating, as well as on the applicant’s individual budget and financial need. Current Harvard College freshmen, sophomores & juniors are eligible to apply, with special consideration given to students from FDR’s own Adams House. The FDR Global Fellowships are restricted to students who 1) can demonstrate family income below 60K* per year and 2) who would otherwise have to work during the summer to meet term-time obligations. The Foundation will grant up to $6000 for summer expenses, as well as an additional stipend of up to $4000 upon successful completion of the summer program to make up for lost summer wages, the amount being determined by the student’s previous summer earnings.. The application deadline is March 1 2013. Please type your responses directly in the text boxes on the form. • NOTE: Maximum family income levels are approximate; students whose family income slightly exceeds the limit are still encouraged to apply. Page 2 of 10 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Full Name: Student ID#: Email: Cell phone: ( - Class Year: Field of Concentration: Overall G.P.A.: - ) GPA in Field of Concentration: Campus Address Address Line 1: Address Line 2: City, State: Zip: Country: Campus phone: ( ) - Permanent Address Address Line 1: Address Line 2: City, State: Zip: Country: Permanent phone: ( ) - What is your average household income (the amount reported as income to the IRS by those claiming you as a dependent) over the last three years? Page 3 of 10 HONORS AND ACTIVITIES Honors and awards received since enrolling at Harvard: OUTSIDE SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS List any awards or grants since entering Harvard EMPLOMENT HISTORY Please list all fellowships, internships and jobs you’ve had since entering college. (FRESHMEN: enter your Harvard work experience and last two summers of high school.) Employer Nature of Work Dates of Employment Hours/Week Total Income Page 4 of 10 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Share information on the community service, sports, professional organizations or other extracurricular activities in which you have participated, including the approximate time that you’ve spent on them weekly. Activity Hours/Week PUBLICATIONS AND OTHER MEDIA We’re interested in how you communicate your ideas. Please list anything you’ve published, either on paper or digitally. Examples might be articles you wrote for the Crimson, your project blog, or a video you made for YouTube. Publication Link/Description Page 5 of 10 OUTSIDE FUNDING SOURCES Please list the other sources of funding you’re applying to for your summer program. The Foundation actively encourages you to apply for additional funding, especially if you feel our grant won’t fully cover your expenses, but be aware that your combined awards cannot exceed the cost of your summer program, and the FDR grant will be adjusted accordingly. Funding Source Contact/ Email Address RECOMMENDATIONS You will need a letter or recommendation from your faculty advisor or someone at Harvard associated with your proposed summer program of study. If you wish, you may also provide a secondary letter of recommendation from someone associated with your academic life. Neither letter should be written by your fellow students. List the recommendation writer’s name and phone number: Name: Phone: ( ) Email: Additional recommendation writer’s name and phone number (if applicable): Name: Phone: ( ) Email: Page 6 of 10 SUMMER PROGRAM OUTLINE In 750 words or less, please outline the summer program you intend to pursue. Page 7 of 10 Page 8 of 10 ESSAY QUESTION 1 In 750 words or less, please describe how your summer plans fit into the Foundation’s stated goals of promoting the spirit of FDR’s Fourth Inaugural Address, specifically: “We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other Nations, far away… We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community. We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said, that, ‘The only way to have a friend is to be one.’” Page 9 of 10 ESSAY QUESTION 2 As part of your award responsibilities, you will be asked to send biweekly reports and photos during your summer experience, which we may choose to publish on-line to our supporters. What other ways might you envision expanding the visibility of the FDR Global Fellowship program during the next academic year, both at Harvard and abroad? Examples might be giving a lecture to interested students at Adams, designing a continuation of your summer program at Harvard, involving your peers in your efforts, proposing a joint program with another organization, etc. Please answer in 250 words or less. Page 10 of 10 APPLICATION PACKAGE AND INSTRUCTIONS Your application should include all of the following: Application Element Submission Instructions The Application Form (this file) Email Three essays Email A Letter of Recommendation Emailed by the recommendation writer with a contact number included for verification purposes An Official Harvard College Transcript Scan and email Signature (this page only) along Scan and email with a photograph of yourself. This doesn’t need to be a formal portrait/passport photo etc but will be shared with members of our selection committee who might be unavailable to meet you in person. SIGNATURE Provide your signature here: ____________________________________________________________ Print your name here: __________________________________________________________________ Thank you for applying for the scholarship. The information we’ve requested will only be used for the purpose of determining the scholarship recipients. Applications will be kept on file until each student has graduated from the College. Feel free to send an email to with questions.