Connections between Water Chemistry and Phytoplankton Populations on Racing Beach Eleanore Carson Zachary Atkins-Weltman 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 1 Connections between Water Chemistry and Phytoplankton Populations on Racing Beach The objective of this project was to study the relationship between phytoplankton population and seawater composition in three different locations: the northern jetty, the freshwater inlet, and an open water location well south of the jetty and fresh water areas. Each day the different locations were tested for silica, pH, phosphate, ammonia and nitrate levels. Phytoplankton numbers were also counted each day. The hypothesis for this project was that higher nutrient levels, particularly silica, would result in higher numbers of phytoplankton in that area. The data, especially the third day’s increase in phytoplankton population and lack of corresponding chemical increases indicates that the populations may not follow chemical changes at all but, rather weather or current patterns. It was also hypothesized that more acidic water might cause a lower phytoplankton population, but a conclusion could not be reached based on pH data. Introduction: The idea of the project is to study the effects of water chemistries on phytoplankton. It stemmed mainly from previous research done at Racing Beach. One such experiment was that of Travis Law and Scott Osborn who, in 2011, tried to understand how water chemistries changed between the fresh water inlet, a place on the beach where water from a swamp flows into the ocean, and the jetty. From their data, they recommended doing this study because their productivity results, pointed to the idea that the Phytoplankton were not acting as expected with respect to water chemistries.1 Their experiment indicated that Lamotte Chemistry tests were very helpful in testing the water, but this project also required finding the best possible way to obtain and count phytoplankton. In 2005, Isabel Guenette and Rachel Perpignani studied marine phytoplankton at the beach in order to help with future studies. They used a ten-micron net and towed it around in a circle for a set amount of time so that they weren’t dragging into the waves or parallel to them. They claimed results of up to 5000 phytoplankton in 1 ml of water on one day.2 Another method involved taking a sample of water and straining a certain amount of it, then taking a subset of that sample to look at the populations under a microscope. This method would give a result that could be compared more easily to other results because it would be more quantitative. Because of this conflicting information on ways to collect phytoplankton, another aspect of this experiment was to find the best method for collecting at Racing Beach. While this way would 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 2 give more quantitative and comparative data, it would limit the number of phytoplankton and different species in the subset. The other procedure from the earlier tests would give large amounts of plankton, but with an immeasurable amount of strained water, the amounts would be hard to compare.3 Diatoms, the most abundant type of phytoplankton, depend on silica.4 Therefore the hypothesis of this experiment was that phytoplankton would congregate in locations with high silica levels. Francisco A. Comin and Ivan Valiela noted that the main control of plankton production is phosphorus in fresh water, and nitrogen in seawater.5 It was therefore hypothesized that higher phosphate, and nitrate levels would lead to higher populations of phytoplankton in that area. In addition, experiments6,7 have shown that such an increase in carbon dioxide causes a decrease in phytoplankton populations due to reduced pH. Populations should therefore be higher at a more neutral pH. The article by Hupert, Blasius, and Stone, A Model of Phytoplankton Blooms further supports this hypothesis,8 but also notes that the phytoplankton population will begin to decrease behind the decreasing nutrients. This could make it difficult to interpret the relationship between phytoplankton and nutrients. Materials and Methods: Water was collected by scoping large bags underwater from three places on Racing Beach, the north side of the jetty, the fresh water inlet, and from the beach south of both other sample areas. Tests for Si, NO3, PO4, NH3, and pH were done for each location using the Smart 2 Colorimeter system. The quantitative method involved filtering 100ml of water through a piece of PVC with a 10 micron net on the bottom. Three drops of the filtered water were added to a slide with one drop of Iodine and the number of phytoplankton in 10 drops of each location was counted.. Because of the low plankton numbers using this method, the samples on the 16th and 17th were counted using the qualitative towing method. A 10 micron net. was dragged in a spiral…….2 Water was taken for the slides and the chemical tests directly from the bags of water after shaking them. The last day water was taken separately from the tow for chemical testing. 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 3 Results: 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 4 Figure 1: NO3 vs Population 350 Phytonplankton/ml 300 250 200 Open Water 150 Fresh Water N. Jetty 100 50 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 NO3 levels (PPM) 0.4 0.5 Fig 1: There is no significant correlation between nitrate levels and phytoplankton populations. The other chemicals have similar graphs with no trends. Nitrate in open water however related in a correlation of .98. Figure 2: Average Phytoplankton Population 120 (Phytoplankton/ml) 100 80 Open Warer 60 Fresh N. jetty 40 20 0 Fig 2: The average phytoplankton population per ml of water was highest in the open water and lowest in the northern jetty area. None of the values were significantly different. 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 5 Figure 3: Average Chemical levels 1.60 1.40 1.20 (ppm) 1.00 0.80 Average Open Water 0.60 Average Fresh 0.40 Average N. jetty 0.20 0.00 -0.20 Si(ppm) NH3(ppm) -0.40 NO3(ppm) PO4(ppm) Chemicals Fig 3: The chemical levels overall were highest in the northern jetty area. The only significant difference was between the northern jetty Si and fresh water outflow or open water Si. Figure 4: Population 350 (Phytoplankton/ml) 300 250 200 Open Water 150 Fresh Water Jetty 100 50 0 5/13/08 5/14/08 5/15/08 Day 5/16/08 5/17/08 Fig 4: The overall open water and jetty values increased over the 5 days with a large spike on day three. Fresh water also went up with a spike on day three, but went down on the last day. 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 6 Conclusion: This project is about possible connections between phytoplankton populations and water chemistry and the thought that phytoplankton would congregate in areas where there were higher nutrient levels. Furthermore, silica levels would have the highest correlation since diatoms, the most abundant type of phytoplankton, rely on it.4 None of the chemicals produced a correlation to phytoplankton populations , but limited time and data make it hard to decisively disprove our hypothesis. While concluding that whether phytoplankton correspond to rising and falling chemical levels cannot be done, certain trends in the data indicate that chemistry is not the underlying cause of high or low population, but that perhaps weather or currents may be the cause of the dramatic changes. Figure 1 indicates just how scattered all the plots are, with no significant correlation at all with Si, NO3, NH3, or PO4. Though the open water nitrate suggests a significant correlation, this is most likely due to chance because none of the other locations or chemicals have a significant or suggestive trend line that could indicate a pattern. With more accurate data, some correlation may be proven; however, the currents or weather might have a bigger affect on phytoplankton populations. Since there wasn’t much of a correlation between phytoplankton population and the chemical levels, the northern jetty area may have had the least amount of average phytoplankton (Figure 2) due to the fact that it is protected from the long shore current. This experiment suggests that currents are more important than originally thought because they may carry nutrients and phytoplankton. Unlike the hypothesis, the open water, which had the lowest average Silica levels, had the most phytoplankton. However, the jetty, with the highest silica levels had the lowest phytoplankton population. This could be because the phytoplankton in the open water are using the silica making its levels lower, and the lower population in the jetty would cause a higher amount of silica in that area. Figure 3 indicates that overall the fresh water outflow has the lowest levels of chemicals other than silica, when the over range NH3 is added to the chart. This location also has a relatively low population of phytoplankton. From this, there really isn’t much evidence of a 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 7 connection between the chemical levels and the populations because the populations are low at both relatively high and low chemical levels. It is impossible to attribute any change in phytoplankton populations to the different areas or the differing chemical levels between those areas, because the populations are too similar. The nutrient levels also proved to be too similar to each other with the exception of silica. While this exception may be due only to chance, it might also be an interesting chemical change that may affect the ecosystem on the north side of the jetty, which has never been studied before. None of the averages in population or chemicals were significantly different from one another in the three separate locations. This would suggest that with more data the hypothesis could be proven or disproven if the populations or chemistry made a significant change over a longer time period. Though not significant, observations showed such a jump on May 16th. The influx in population and stability in chemicals indicates a potential for the hypothesis to be disproven, but it is not enough data to say conclusively. Also, the large thunder storm on the 16th with winds that pushed outer waters into the beach area and might have mixed up the phytoplankton from the bottom, accounted for the sharp increase in phytoplankton population, especially in the open water and freshwater outflow, since the north side of the jetty is protected. If the population changed so dramatically without some sort of significant change in chemicals over the two days, then that indicates that phytoplankton populations really do not follow chemical levels. The first two days recorded had a separate procedure from the following days and this could have caused the slightly lower results on these days compared to the last three days. Identifying Marine Phytoplankton talked about the two different procedures tried for this experiment: the quantitative method, and the qualitative method. As mentioned earlier, the book talks about the pros and cons of each method, but while at the beach both methods were tested to see which worked the best, starting with the quantitative, but ending up with the qualitative half way through the week of sampling. An overall note is that each graph’s data is not strictly comparable because it comes from multiple procedures. As a recommendation for the future, the quantitative procedure is better for knowing specific amounts of 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 8 water, but the qualitative is better for getting a general amount of phytoplankton in a certain area. Another difficulty was with the chemistry test. The colorimeter would give inconsistent readings for the same sample. This indicated a possibility that the colorimeter was misreading floating particles in the filtered water, making its readings questionable. This problem was fixed on the last day by taking a separate bag of water for chemistry. It is therefore possible that on May 16 and 17 (the days without the separate unfiltered samples for chemistry testing) there was faulty chemical data. Another error in the data is part of Figure 4. The ammonia levels for open water were extremely high on May 14 and 15, so high that the colorimeter could not read them. Therefore this data could not be included in our graph. This caused the data to be less varied and the average ammonia level in the open water to go down. This means the ammonia average would be much higher if the over range points were taken into consideration. Another aspect of the hypothesis that turned out to be full of errors was the pH. Outside sources had indicated that more acidic water would cause lower populations of phytoplankton. 6,7 In this project LaMotte pH tests were used, and all three range tests were tried each day. The problem was that all three tests gave readings outside of the values that the colors were made for. These readings seemed very disturbing and untrustworthy, so the data could not be used to analyze the hypothesis. Therefore, the LaMotte pH tests are not recommended for future tests on pH or the tests should be tested before attempting to find the pH of the water. One interesting future study would be to relate population to wind and current patterns or to compare phytoplankton at different depths. A further study of silica levels and the differences in the population and nutrients north of the jetty could also be an interesting direction for future work. 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 9 Work Cited: 1. Law, Travis and Osborn, Scott. (2011). An Overview of Surface Current and Water Chemistry Including Productivity, at Racing Beach. CSW Marine Biology Project Chapter 3. 2. Guenette, Isabel and Perpignani, Rachel. (2005). Abundance and Diversity Patterns in Plankton. CSW Marine Biology Project Chapter 9. 3. Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, Academic Press. 332. Tomas, Carmelo R. (1997). 4. An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life, Fifth, Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Sumich, James L. (1992). 5. Comin, Francisco A. and Valiela, Ivan. (1993). On the Controls of Phytoplankton Abundance and Production in Coastal Lagoons. Journal of Coastal Research Volume 9 No. 4. 6. Kunshan, Gao et al. (2012). Rising CO2 and Increased Light Exposure Synergistically Reduce Marine Primary Productivity. Nature Climate Change. 7. Flynn, Kevin J. et al. (2012) Changes in pH at the Exterior Surface of Plankton with Ocean Acidification. Nature Climate Change. 8. Huppert, Amit and Blasius, Bernd and Stone, Lewi. (2002) A Model for Phytoplankton Blooms. The American Naturalist Volume 159 No. 2. 2012 Ch. 4 pg. 10