guidelines for applicants



LRCP Catalyst Grants for Translational Cancer Research


The LRCP Catalyst Grants for Translational Cancer Research support cancer research to discover and develop new knowledge that leads to improvement in cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Applications to promote and achieve these translational goals are encouraged. Cancer research will be viewed in its broadest sense (including basic, clinical, health outcomes, and other research components relevant to cancer). Proposals from all relevant disciplines are eligible for support.


Principal Applicants MUST be primary OR cross-appointed faculty members in the Department of

Oncology at Western University. Their place of research is unrestricted and can be any UWO-accredited

London site (main campus, SJHC, LHSC, Lawson, and elsewhere).

The number of co-applicants is unrestricted.

Co-applicants need not be appointed in Western's Department of Oncology but must be either faculty members in other departments/faculties at Western or at another accredited university.

Senior trainees (PhD students, Postdoctoral Fellows, or Clinical Residents or Fellows) are eligible to be coapplicants but only if their involvement in the research project for which support is requested is exceptional and in a leadership role consistent with co-applicant status. If senior trainees are proposed as co-applicants, the principal applicant MUST consult with the Catalyst Grants program to confirm, in advance, that this is the case – please contact Charlene Manax ( for this purpose.

Applicants must provide evidence that the project has the potential to directly or indirectly generate support from an appropriate external agency ( e.g.

, CCSRI, CIHR or other) and/or private sector partner.

Applications will be considered on the basis of scientific merit, feasibility, originality, early translatability to patients, and scientific track record of the applicant(s). However, new investigators without a substantial scientific track record are encouraged to apply since the first four criteria will be of primary importance.


Separate from the Grant Categories outlined below, grant funds have been allocated to research on specific cancer disease sites. The following disease sites are currently identified for funding:

Translational Breast Cancer Research

Translational Ovarian Cancer Research

Translational Prostate Cancer Research

Translational Head and Neck Cancer Research

If the translational cancer research in your application has specific relevance to one or more of these cancer disease sites, please indicate this on page 2 of the application form and address both translational strength and relevance to specific cancer disease site in the "Self Assessment".

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Primary applicants can be the principal investigator on only one grant in any one competition. Supervisors of applicants for Studentships and Fellowships will be considered the primary applicant.

Funds must be administered through the office of the Director, Business Affairs, LRCP. A two page progress report must be provided for the most recent LRCP Catalyst/Small Grant awarded to the Principal

Investigator . Grants from the Fund will not be awarded unless the report is included. All funds must be used only for the purpose for which they were awarded, and funds unspent at the end of a 24 month period must be returned to the LRCP.

Where appropriate, research involving humans, animals, and/or biohazards, must be approved by the University of Western Ontario "Health Sciences Standing Committee on Human Research", the "Council on Animal

Care", and/or the UWO Biohazard Committee.

Applications must be signed by the Department Head.

Self Assessment must be included.

Travel funds are not eligible.

Funds to purchase computers are not eligible unless the circumstances are exceptional.

Funds for summer student stipends are not eligible.

Cover pages or additional appendices are NOT allowed . The first page of the template MUST be the first page of your application.

An electronic PDF with original signatures (not scanned signatures), containing all required files, is mandatory. In addition, one original paper copy with original signatures must be submitted within 1 week of the competition deadline.

The entire application must be legible or it will be rejected. Do not submit poor quality scanned PDF pages.

The address and email you provide will be used for further communication -- so please be sure to complete all areas of the application.

Please be sure to fill in the dollar amount requested on the second page of your application.

Receipt of complete applications will be acknowledged by email to the Principal Applicant only. Applications will be adjudicated by a LRCP Catalyst Grants Review Panel (including London cancer researchers from multiple disciplines and backgrounds). The Principal Investigator of each application will be notified in writing of the outcome of the competition by June 30 or December 30 and funding for successful applications will begin July 1 or January 1. All successful grants must be administered through the LHSC.


There are 6 categories listed on the following pages. Please select the most appropriate and follow the guidelines specific to that Category.

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CATEGORY 1: New Research Ideas

These grants are for preparation of new research ideas for future application to external peer review agencies and/or private companies. Only research proposals that have not been previously funded will be considered in this category.

Funds may be used for:

Expendable supplies

Technical support (not including research trainees... please contact the LRCP Financial Services for information

on benefit costs required in addition to salary, Jen Spencer Ext. 53104 )

Services (commercial preparation of reagents, equipment rental, equipment maintenance, etc.


Research Proposal:

A clear, concise description of the research proposal, describing the current state of knowledge about the work proposed with appropriate reference to the literature. It should include relevant work done by the applicant and provide a rationale for choosing particular methods and approaches.

Submit not more than 6 double-spaced pages, not including references (print size 12 Times New Roman), with 1” margins at top, bottom and sides.

Period of support: 1 year, eligible for only one further year on the basis of competitive re-application.

Amount: Maximum: $30,000 per year

For applications in Category 1 please submit the following:

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Completed Approval Forms (or applied for)(Human Ethics, Animal Use, Biohazard, if applicable)

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

Summary of Research Proposal

Research Proposal

CVs of Principal Investigator and Co-Applicant(s) NOTE: CV of Collaborators NOT required

Budget Module

Details of Financial Assistance

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without a progress report on the most recent LRCP Catalyst Grant /Small Grant award to the Principal Investigator.

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CATEGORY 2: Supplements to Research Operating Grants from National/International Peer-Review


National and international peer-review agencies (CIHR, CCSRI, NIH and similar) approve only excellent grants for funding, on a highly competitive basis. Peer review panels carefully consider the budgets submitted with those grants and recommend an amount sufficient to do the work. Because of budgetary constraints, however, agencies sometimes provide less funding than recommended by peer review panels. It is recognized that insufficient funding for successful grants is an impediment to success. Applications to supplement budgets for grants from peer review agencies to a maximum of the total amount recommended by peer review panels will be considered.

Summary of Research Proposal: (Not to exceed 250 words)

For all Operating Grants, the objective(s), hypothesis, approach and research plan should be summarized.

Period of support: Requests may be submitted annually, up to the final year of the grant (maximum).

Amount: Maximum:

the difference between recommended and awarded funding, up to $30,000 for one year . NOTE: Partial supplementation only may be awarded, depending on availability of funds.

For applications in Category 2 please submit the following:

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Completed Approval Forms (or applied for)(Human Ethics, Animal Use, Biohazard, if applicable)

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

Summary of Research Proposal (Page 6): Explain the need for supplementary funding.

Budget Module

CV of the principal applicant and co-applicants, not exceeding 5 pages and including: i) a list of all current grant support by the primary and co-applicants (any overlap with existing

grants should be justified), and ii) a list of publications for the last 5 years

Cover page, detailed grant summary page, and budget pages of the existing successful grant

Evidence that the grant has been awarded. A print of the web page from the granting agency indicating the

award, including dollar amounts and duration; or an Authorization for Funding form from the agency.

Information sheets indicating: i) the reviewing committee ii) number of grants reviewed iii) application rank of the application among others considered iv) rating score v) recommended average annual operating amount vi) recommended equipment amount

All Scientific Officer notes and written internal and external grant reviews for the successful grant, provided

to the applicant by the external funding agency.

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without a progress report on the most recent LRCP Catalyst Grant /Small Grant award to the Principal Investigator.

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CATEGORY 3: Renewal of Existing Grants from External Agencies

Applications for funds to generate preliminary data and/or complete and report on ongoing studies, in support of renewal applications for existing grants from external peer review agencies. Applications in this category will be considered only if they are submitted at least 6 months in advance of the external agency's renewal deadline. The intent is to heighten the chance of renewal of existing grants. A summary of the plan to generate data or complete reports is required (maximum 6 pages double spaced, Page 7 of application) and a budget appropriate to that plan.

Period of support: 1 year only

Amount: Maximum: $30,000 for one year

For applications in Category 3 please submit the following:

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Completed Approval Forms (or applied for)(Human Ethics, Animal Use, Biohazard, if applicable)

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

Summary of Research Proposal

Research Proposal (use Page 7)

Budget Module

Cover page, detailed grant summary page, and budget pages for the current successful grant

CV of the principal applicant and co-applicants, not exceeding 5 pages and including: i) a list of all current grant support by the primary and co-applicants (any overlap with existing grants should be justified), and ii) a list of publications for the last 5 years

Evidence that the grant has been awarded. A print of the web page from the granting agency indicating the

award, including dollar amounts and duration; or an Authorization for Funding form from the agency.

Information sheets indicating: i) the reviewing committee ii) number of grants reviewed iii) application rank of the application among others considered iv) rating score v) recommended average annual operating amount vi) recommended equipment amount

All Scientific Officer notes and written internal and external grant reviews for the successful grant, provided

to the applicant by the external funding agency.

A plan for in-house review of the renewal application before submission to the external agency.

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without a progress report on the most recent LRCP Catalyst Grant/Small Grant award to the Principal Investigator.

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CATEGORY 4: Bridging Grants

Projects that are funded by external peer review agencies, but are unsuccessful on submission for renewal to those agencies, fall into this category. Catalyst grant funding of such projects is intended to support early resubmission to external funding agencies and increase the potential to regain funding. Projects supported by Catalyst program bridge funding must be submitted to an external funding agency within 1 year of obtaining Catalyst support.

Period of support: Two years, non-renewable.

Amount: Maximum $60,000 in total over 2 years. Principal Applicants awarded Catalyst Bridging

Grants are not eligible to apply for Catalyst grant support, as PIs in any category, for the 2 year duration of the Bridging award.

For applications in Category 4 please submit the following:

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Completed Approval Forms (or applied for)(Human Ethics, Animal Use, Biohazard, if applicable)

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

Justification of bridge funding must also be included with a strategy on how to recover funding (use

Research Proposal Page 7 for this section).

Budget Module

Complete comments of the panel reviewers and panel scientific officer

A rebuttal to the comments of the panel reviewers

Cover page of unsuccessful grant

Detailed grant summary page of unsuccessful grant

Budget pages for the unsuccessful grant

Principal Investigator and Co-Applicant CVs

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without a progress report on the most recent LRCP Catalyst Grant/Small Grant award to the Principal Investigator.

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CATEGORY 5: Training Stipends for Graduate Students (MSc or PhD) and Postdoctoral Fellows/Clinical

Research Fellows

NOTE: summer studentships are NOT funded by the LRCP Catalyst Grants Program:

Catalyst program training stipends support trainees only until independent external support is obtained.

They are not intended to support trainees for their entire training period.

Graduate students are eligible for funding if they have been in their graduate training program for less than 4

years (PhD students) or less than 2 years (MSc students). Stipends will not be awarded for training beyond 4

years (PhD) or 2 years (MSc).

Postdoctoral Fellows must apply no later than 2 years after being awarded a PhD degree. They are eligible to

receive one year of stipend funding (maximum $25,000, supplemented to an appropriate level by additional

funds identified by their supervisor), potentially renewable for one further year only.

Trainees who obtain independent support from an external competitive agency that provides less than that

awarded by the LRCP Catalyst program may apply to supplement their stipend to the higher level.

For graduate students, provide transcripts and the names of graduate advisory committee members.

For Postdoctoral Fellows and Clinical Research Fellows, identify the total stipend to be paid and the source of supplementary funding. i) MSc students who have been in graduate training programs for less than 2 years are eligible. Awards for support beyond 2 years in the MSc program will not be considered. Awards will be for $18,700 per year. ii) PhD students are eligible if they have been in their graduate training program for less than 4 years. Awards for support beyond 4 years in the PhD program will not be considered. Awards will be for 1 year to allow time for application to external agencies. One additional year of support may be applied for in exceptional circumstances.

Awards will be for $19,700 per year.

For graduate student applications in Category 5 please submit the following:

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Completed Approval Forms (or applied for)(Human Ethics, Animal Use, Biohazard, if applicable)

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

Research Proposal (using Page 7, please provide a 2 page, double-spaced Research Proposal)

Evidence of acceptability to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

CVs of supervisor and trainee

Trainee transcripts

Names of external agencies to be applied to for funding

Names of supervisory committee members

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without a progress report on the most recent LRCP Catalyst Grant/Small Grant award to the Principal Investigator. iii) Postdoctoral/Clinical Research Fellows: are only eligible to apply no later than 2 years after their PhD degree or completion of post-graduate clinical training, respectively. Clinical Research Fellows must spend at least 75% of their time on research . Awards will be for only 1 year. Applications for renewal for one further year will be considered only under exceptional circumstances. Maximum: $25,000 per year. Include CVs for both the supervisor and Postdoctoral Fellow/Clinical Research Fellow (no more than 5 pages each) and identify the total stipend to be paid and the source of necessary supplementary funding.

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It is expected that Postdoctoral /Clinical Research Fellows will receive stipends appropriate to their level of training and at least that recommended by Tri-Council funding agencies.

For applications in Category 5 (Postdoctoral Fellows/Clinical Research Fellows) please submit the following:

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Completed Approval Forms (or applied for)(Human Ethics, Animal Use, Biohazard, if applicable)

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

Research Proposal (using Page 7, please provide a 2 page, double-spaced Research Proposal)

CVs of supervisor and trainee

Names of external agencies to be applied to for funding

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without a progress report on the most recent LRCP Catalyst Grant/Small Grant award to the Principal Investigator.

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CATEGORY 6: Equipment Grants

Applications to purchase equipment may be from new investigators, established investigators, or collaborative groups. Priority will be given to equipment to support multiple users and groups. Specific research projects to be supported by use of the equipment, the extent of use in different projects, and multi-user potential should be outlined in 2 pages. A quote from the supplier should be appended. All equipment is the property of the LRCP.

NOTE: Computers are not normally allowed unless the circumstances are exceptional.

Amount: There is no maximum amount. However, awards over $30,000 without partner funding from other

sources will be made only in exceptional circumstances.

Grant Themes – Check off appropriate box, if applicable

Application been signed by the appropriate people

Self Assessment

CVs of Principal Investigator and Co-Applicant(s). NOTE: CV of Collaborators NOT required

Budget Module

Provide detailed justification for equipment request using Research Proposal on Page 7 (maximum 2 double-

spaced pages).

Progress Report, if applicable. New funding will not be awarded without description of progress from the most

recent LRCP Catalyst Grant /Small Grant awards.

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