Writing Assignment 3 - University of Pittsburgh

Eckert 4:00
Nathan McIntire (nwm7@pitt.edu)
for Engineers would particularly apply in this case. The
single most important aspect of both aforementioned ethical
codes is the first of the Fundamental Canons. This canon
dictates that “Engineers shall hold paramount the safety,
health, and welfare of the public” [2][3]. It may seem that
the removal of weight from a vehicle would compromise its
structural integrity, but it can in fact increase the strength
and safety through substitution of alternate/composite
materials [4]. As long as the proposed design meets or
exceeds the standards set forth by the Insurance Institute of
Highway Safety, the first point outlined in each Code is not
violated as these are the basic requirements for a vehicle on
the road. In the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’
ethical code, the eighth canon requires that “Engineers shall
consider environmental impact and sustainable development
in the performance of their professional duties” [2]. The
fulfillment of this ethical canon can be furthered by the
incorporation of automotive lightweighting into the design
and manufacture of vehicles. By increasing the safety of
automobiles while reducing their environmental footprint,
engineers would be practicing further within their governing
ethical codes, an essential part of the career and goals of an
A brand new trend sweeping though the automotive
industry is the concept of “lightweighting,” or removing
excess weight from vehicles, mainly through the use of
alternate materials, to both increase the safety ratings of
vehicles and to help meet new fuel efficiency requirements
set forth by the Obama Administration. In July of 2011, new
standards were passed for the 2025 Model Year requiring
that cars and light-duty trucks meet a minimum fuel
efficiency rating of 54.4 miles per gallon [1]. This action is
a needed action in a positive direction which will help
reduce both our consumption of fossil fuels and
subsequential emission of greenhouse gases, an important
point laid forth by eighth canon of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers’ Code of Ethics [2]. In addition to the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ eighth canon,
the first Rule of Practice in the National Society of
Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics calls for the safety
and welfare of the public to be held in the highest regard [3].
The combination of these ethical codes with furthered
research of Although lightweighting has been the standard
for years in the high-performance vehicle industry, these
newly passed standards have brought about the need for
changes in consumer vehicle markets. The emergence of
high-strength steel (HSS), aluminum, and carbon fibre in
consumer automobiles will become common-place.
These two ethical doctrines, the NSPE and ASME Code
of Ethics of Engineers, outline how engineers should
professionally conduct themselves as well as how they
should practice as an engineer. By holding paramount the
safety, health, and welfare of the public, engineers may only
practice in a manner which is conducive to safe design. In
addition, when practicing in accordance with the eighth
canon of the ASME ethical code, vehicular lightweighting
reduces the detrimental effects of automobiles on the
The lightweighting of automobiles, not only to meet
government regulations, but also to farther fulfill the ethical
codes of engineers, is crucial to the future of the auto
industry. Not only will new materials help reduce the
weight and fuel consumption, but they will also improve the
safety of cars and trucks on the road. Comparable parts
made from carbon fibre are significantly stronger than those
constructed from heavier steel. Vehicular lightweighting is
not just important for safety and for the future of the
environment, but it is also important to me as a prospective
mechanical engineer hoping to work in the automotive
Despite the use of weight saving materials in
performance vehicles, these advances have not made their
way into the general consumer automobile market. The use
of HSS, aluminum, and carbon fibre reinforced plastics
(CFRP) has been the standard of construction to increase
performance and trim weight, which consequently improves
fuel efficiency.
With fast-approaching deadlines for
dramatically improved fuel efficiency, manufacturers are
finding ways to implement these materials into their
products. The use of carbon fibre is especially prevalent in
the performance auto industry and is now making
appearances in some high-end consumer vehicles.
Automotive components constructed of carbon fibre can
Ethics of Vehicular Lightweighting
All engineers are morally and legally bound to a code of
ethical practice, if not multiple codes. The National Society
of Professional Engineers’ (NSPE) Code of Ethics for
Engineers pertains to all engineers and then the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers’ (ASME) Code of Ethics
University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering
28 October 2012
Nathan McIntire
weigh up to 50% less than their equally strong steel
counterparts while being more rigid, providing a more safe
vehicle [5]. Both Ford and Dodge currently have vehicle
models in production which have a body structure consisting
of over 50% HSS [6]. In addition, HSS is considerably
lighter than traditional steel (10-15%), enabling auto
companies to maintain safety and vehicular strength while
cutting weight and improving fuel economy [7]. Aluminum
has already started appearing more frequently in production
automobiles despite the slower adoption of HSS and carbon
fibre. It is lower cost than carbon fibre, lighter weight than
HSS, and easier to work than carbon fibre. Auto makers
have begun implementing aluminum into their products
because of its lightweighting properties and aluminum
components can be produced by the same means as
traditional steel; an additional cost saving means as carbon
fibre requires entirely new means of production [5].
can be formed in one step compared to possible dozens
when forming the same piece from metal [5].
Jay Baron, the president and CEO of the Center for
Automotive Research, stated that automakers are focusing
on the body, chassis, and suspension of their vehicles as
these systems each comprise roughly a quarter of the auto’s
Additionally, Baron noted that the greatest
lightweighting will be achieved when vehicles are comprised
of “mixed materials,” or a combination of new metal alloys
and composites [9].
Bavarian Motor Works, in their concept “i” line of
vehicles slated for release in the upcoming years, will have
an exclusively carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)
cockpit. Making the “Life Module” of the BMW i series
entirely of CFRP will not only extend the life of the structure
of the vehicle, but results in a significantly stronger and
lighter weight, thus more fuel efficient vehicle [10].
Carbon Fibre in Vehicles
The implementation of carbon fibre, the most viable
composite for vehicles of today, is beginning to weave its
way into common companies’ production lines. Lexus, in
their premiere sports car the LFA, has made many
components such as the roof, hood, floor, and C-pillars from
different types of carbon fibre to both lightweight the vehicle
and increase fuel economy [5]. The cost of carbon fibre is
still considerably higher than that of steel or other metals,
but additional savings in the production costs of carbon fibre
components could help to offset this higher material cost and
increase the amount of carbon fibre in vehicles.
These future vehicles composed of composites, alternate
alloys, or a mixture of both will help to reduce the total
emitted greenhouse gases by reducing weight and increasing
fuel economy.
One dramatic change that could be implemented is a
change in not just materials, but in an entire sub-system of
the vehicle. A lightweighting movement already adopted by
some manufacturers is the downsizing of the vehicle’s
engine. They have begun pairing smaller, lighter engines
with turbo or superchargers to reduce fuel consumption
without sacrificing power output [11]. Engine hybridization
is also an increasingly common way to extend fuel economy
[5]. Gas-electric cars help to conserve fuel by shutting off
the gasoline engine when idling or moving at low speeds
where the full power of the gasoline engine isn’t required.
Recently, Ford has partnered with engineers from Dow
Chemical’s Automotive Systems sub-division in efforts to
reduce the cost of raw carbon fibre as well as advance its
implementation into Ford’s vehicles [8]. Ford is aiming to
utilize this partnership to help meet, and exceed, the fuel
efficiency requirements set by the government in 2011.
These regulations, named the Corporate Average Fuel
Economy (CAFE) standards, have provoked automakers to
implement new measures to lightweight their vehicles. By
the end of the decade, Ford Motor Company hopes to
increase fuel economy by lightweighting their new cars and
trucks by up to 750 pounds through the use of carbon fibre
As an alternative to traditional gasoline engines, diesel
engines in compact cars have proven to be greatly more fuel
efficient than gasoline engines, and can reduce overall CO 2
emissions due to lower fuel consumption [12].
An entirely new style of engine, referred to as the Grail
engine could overhaul how vehicles are powered, while
improving the power-weight ratio of the engine and reducing
fuel consumption. Grail engines are currently single
cylinder, two stroke engines that function without the usual,
polluting, burning of oil associated with two stroke engines.
Multiple cylinder Grail engines are in development, but not
yet pushed to the prototype stage. The developer of the
Grail engine states that it can be fueled by nearly any type of
fuel commonly available today; “gasoline, propane, diesel,
or natural gas” [13].
Composite materials, carbon fibre specifically, will make
a slower appearance in consumer vehicles because its
production would require a near complete overhaul of the
automakers’ production lines. Currently, it is only costeffective to produce carbon fibre components in smaller
volumes or for extremely complex components where they
A 500cc prototype of the Grail engine has been built
which can produce 100 horsepower and maintain a fuel
Nathan McIntire
efficiency of 100 miles per gallon, while being lighter than
comparable, traditional engines. In addition, Grail engines
are being pioneered to run on hydrogen fuel cells, and can
avoid current contamination issues associated with current
fuel cell vehicles [13]. A series of joined Grail engines
would weigh considerably less than an equally powerful
gasoline engine of today. Four inline Grail engines would
produce an astounding 400 horsepower, consume less fuel
than a comparably powered engine, and help with the
lightweighting push being made by auto makers [13]. These
improvements in fuel economy, weight reduction, and fuel
options make the Grail engine an ideal alternative to
traditional means of powering a vehicle of the hopefully not
so distant future.
In addition to lightweighting the structure of the vehicle,
auto manufacturers are looking into lightweighting the
powertrain of their vehicles. The use of diesel or hybrid
engines can decrease the weight and greenhouse gas outputs
of their automobiles. Implementing an entirely new style of
engine, such as the Grail engine, could overhaul how the
automotive industry powers vehicles without a complete
change of production means. This engine can be produced
in nearly the same way as current gasoline engines, but has
the option to use alternative, low-to-zero emission fuels
while increasing the power-weight ratio of the engine and
using fewer raw materials.
The value of incorporating an assignment of this style
into a freshman engineering curriculum is immense.
Becoming familiarized with the professional expectations of
an engineer provided insight into how important engineers
are to the advancement of technologies, but also proved how
seriously an engineer must take their job. The ethical codes
are not just ethical codes in the common use of the term
ethics with which I am familiar, but also they are general
safety and conduct mandates by which an engineer must
abide. In addition, this assignment was of extra importance
to me because it allowed me to delve deeper into the current
issues faced by mechanical engineers and future problems I
may encounter as the full effects of CAFE revisions will
only be felt after I have entered the workforce.
This original research assignment, coupled with the
follow-up revision and expansion assignment, as a whole,
was a beneficial and enlightening assignment. It enabled me
to research, in depth, a current topic faced by engineers in
my intended field as well as familiarized me with the codes
under which these professionals practice. Prior to these two
assignments, I was entirely unaware of how strictly these
ethical codes controlled engineers’ work. Learning about
how these ethical doctrines dictated the means by which
engineers act was extremely valuable to me as a hopeful,
future engineer. It opened my eyes to the gravity of the role
of an engineer in the public workforce and to how seriously
the job at hand must be taken. I had seen engineering as a
career which I would enjoy and that would help me reach
my goals of working in the automotive industry, but now I
realize how much respect this profession demands and the
potential impact it could have on the general public.
Lightweighting of vehicles is something that nearly all
manufacturers are attempting to adopt with the new, strict
fuel efficiency standards set forth in July of 2011. The
objective of these standards is to reduce oil consumption and
emitted greenhouse gases. By lightweighting cars, both
structurally and systematically, manufacturers are increasing
the fuel economy of their vehicles.
With the revisions to the Corporate Average Fuel
Economy standards, automobile manufacturers are taking
new measures to meet these requirements. One of the initial,
easiest changes to make is lightweighting, or dropping of
excess weight from the car’s structure to improve fuel
efficiency. To lightweight a vehicle without compromising
performance or structural integrity, manufacturers are
beginning to use alternate construction materials, such as
high strength steel, aluminum, and carbon fibre. Each of
these materials boasts its benefits, but has drawbacks. High
strength steel is relatively heavy compared to other
alternates, but is the cheapest. Aluminum is slightly more
expensive that HSS, but is considerably lighter than
traditional steels. Carbon fibre, despite its higher cost, has
the highest strength-weight ratio and is the most versatile.
The implementation of carbon fibre will greatly reduce the
weight of a car and increase the fuel efficiency by
lightweighting the structure.
[1] Office of the Press Secretary. (2012). “Obama
Administration Finalizes Historic 54.5 MPG Fuel Efficiency
Standards.” The White House. (Online Article).
[2] “Code of Ethics of Engineers” (2007) The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Online document).
[3] “Code of Ethics for Engineers” (2007) National Society
[4] M. Cummings & A. Von Gorp. (2011). National
Nathan McIntire
[5] B. Morey. (2011). “Carbon Fiber on Its Way?.”
[6] “Vehicle Lightweighting.” (2012) General OneFile.
[7] “Ultra-High-Strength Steels.” (2012). Ford Motor
[8] “Ford and Dow Team Up to Bring Low-Cost, HighVolume Carbon Fiber Composites to Next-Generation
Vehicles.” (2012). Ford Motor Company. (Online article).
[9] S. Webster. (2012). “Lightweighting is the Buzzword in
Building Fuel-Efficient Cars.” Manufacturing Engineering.
[10] “BMW i Concept.” (2012). The BMW i USA Website.
[11] C. Squatriglia. (2011). “Three is the New Four as
Engines Downsize.” Wired: Autopia. (Online article).
[12] H. Kim, G. Koeleian, and S. Skerlos. (2010).
“Economic Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduction by Vehicle Lightweighting Using Aluminum and
High-Strength Steel.”
Journal of Industrial Ecology.
[13] P. George. (2012). “How the Grail Engine Works.”
I would like to finally thank the librarians and Writing
Center members who provided assistance with the
completion of this paper.
In addition, I would like to extend my gratitude to my
friend Connor Naughton for keeping me focused while
researching, and for providing comic relief when the
material became too dry to bear.