review packet - pages 1/2 - Manhasset Public Schools

Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
Name: ____________________________________
Aim #17: What are indicators and how are they used in biology?
Aim #18: What is the cell theory?
Aim #19: What are the functions of cellular organelles?
Aim #20: How do plant and animal cells differ? (venn diagram completed in class)
Aim #21: What is the structure and function of the cell membrane?
Aim #22: In what ways can the cell transport materials?
Aim #23: How are the properties of a cell membrane demonstrated in the NYS lab "Diffusion Through a Membrane"?
Aim #24: What is the structure and function of DNA?
Aim #25: How and why does DNA replicate?
Aim #26: What are the differences between DNA and RNA?
Aim #27: How is information stored in DNA used to produce proteins in a cell? (protein synthesis)
Aim #28: What are mutations and how do they affect protein production?
Aim #29: What is biotechnology and how is DNA fingerprinting used?
Aim #30: How can we alter an organism's DNA?
Aim #17:
Describe a positive test for each of the following indicators:
(Think back to Diffusion Through a Membrane Lab)
Aim #18:
What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
Aim #19:
Cellular Organelles: Match each of the following organelles with their correct function.
Nucleus, mitochondria, vacuole, ribosomes, golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleolus, centrioles, cell wall,
cytoplasm, chloroplast, lysosome, cell membrane
1. _______ command center of the cell; DNA is found in the form of chromosomes here.
2. _______ small organelles in the nucleus that makes ribosomes
3. _______ the site of protein synthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
4. _______ transport system of the cell
5. _______ collects, packages, and distributes proteins
6. _______ contains digestive enzymes to break down waste products
7. _______ storage tank of the cell, stores mostly water/ions
8. _______ organelle that is the site of cellular respiration
9. _______ organelle that is the site of photosynthesis
10. _______ assists in cell division in animal cells only
11. _______ the jelly-like material inside the cell- consists of mostly water
12. _______made of cellulose; rigid boundary outside the cell membrane
13. _______encloses the cell, controls what comes in and out
Now, next to each organelle above write either a P for Prokaryotic cells or E for Eukaryotic cells.
Aim #20
Plant Cells
Animal Cells
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
Aim #21:
What is the function of the cell membrane?
Label the diagram of the cell membrane with the following terms:
Phospholipid bilayer, protein molecules, hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tails
Aim #22:
Passive Transport
Direction of
Types of
Active Transport
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
Use the word bank to define each term.
active transport
carbohydrate chain
facilitated diffusion
passive transport
phospholipid bilayer
selectively permeable
transport protein
turgor pressure
high to low movement of monomers; uses transport protein; no energy required
equal amounts of solute molecules
structure that identifies the cell
having less solute molecules than cytoplasm of a cell
allows certain molecules to pass through; keeps some molecules out
use of vesicles to move polymers out of the cell
outward pressure on cells
movement of molecules from low to high; uses transport protein; requires energy
high to low movement of water; through phospholipid bilayer; no energy required
movement of molecules from high to low; no energy required
use of vesicles to move polymers into the cell
having more solute molecules than cytoplasm of a cell
structure that consists of 2 layers of lipids
high to low movement of small, fat-soluble, uncharged polar molecules; through phospholipid
bilayer; no energy required
structure that allows cells to communicate with each other to work as a unit
structure that helps move molecules across the cell membrane
Aim #23:
Diffusion Through A Membrane
A) Part A
1. What you did:
Made a model cell using dialysis tubing.
Put glucose and starch inside your “cell.”
Put starch indicator (iodine) outside cell
2. What you saw:
Inside of cell turned black because iodine diffused into the cell
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
Because outside of the cell was not black, you know the starch did not diffuse through the membrane.
Used blue glucose indicator (Benedict’s solution) to see that glucose did diffuse through the membrane.
3. What you learned
Small molecules (glucose, iodine) can diffuse through a membrane on their own.
Large molecule (starch) cannot diffuse through a membrane on their own.
You can use indicators to identify the presence of specific substances.
B) Part B
1. What you did:
Looked at red onion cells under the microscope.
Added salt water to the onion cells.
Added distilled (pure) water to the onion cells.
2. What you saw:
Salt water caused the onion cells to shrivel.
Distilled water cause the cells to swell back to normal.
3. What you learned:
Salt water causes water to diffuse out of a cell.
In pure water, water will diffuse into a cell.
Aim #24:
DNA is the molecule that makes up your genes and chromosomes.
Analogy: If your genes and chromosomes are the “instruction manual” for your body, DNA would be the paper it
is printed on.
The shape of a DNA molecule is a_______________________, which resembles a twisted ladder.
The shape of DNA allows it to _________________________ (copy) itself almost perfectly.
DNA is made of 4 bases: ____________________.
Base pairs: _________ and __________
in RNA the pairs are __________ and ____________
Use the word bank to fill in the following sentences:
Adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, hydrogen bond, uracil, replication, sugar, ribose, Watson and Crick, nucleotides,
Rosalind Franklin, double helix, genetic, deoxyribose, phosphate, DNA, RNA, nitrogen base
a. The two types of nucleic acids are _____________________ and __________________
b. The building block of a nucleic acid is a ________________________, which is made of a ______________, a
________________, and a _________________________________
c. _____________________ is found in all living things and stores genetic information
d. In DNA, ______________________ bonds with _________________, and _________________ bonds with
e. The nitrogen bases are held together by _____________________________
f. The shape of a DNA molecule is a ____________________________, discovered by ___________________
g. _________________________ took X-ray photographs of DNA that helped determine its structure.
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
h. _________________________ is a process that makes an exact copy of DNA.
i. The sugar in DNA is ____________________, but the sugar in RNA is ___________________
j. In DNA adenine bonds with ___________________, but in RNA it bonds with ___________________
k. _______________ is single stranded and ______________ is double stranded
l. ______________ is copies by ____________ which becomes the pattern for making proteins.
m. _______________ engineering involves inserting foreign DNA into host DNA to make recombinant DNA.
Aim #25:
Number the steps of DNA replication in the correct order (1, 2, 3):
_____ Daughter strands are formed using complementary base pairing.
_____ DNA unwinds
_____ The DNA of the daughter strands winds with together with its parent strand.
Why is DNA replication called “semi”conservative”? _________________________________________
The two daughter strands made during DNA replication are (different / identical).
Aim #26:
Nitrogen base
# of strands:
Location in cell:
Aim #27:
Word Bank: translation, diffusion, transcription, proteins,
mRNA, amino acid, DNA, peptide, tRNA, codon, nitrogen bases, cytoplasm, ribosome, nucleus, anticodon
1. Almost everything in a living organism is made of or made by ___________________
2. The process of protein synthesis consists of 2 steps: _____________________ and ____________________
3. During _______________________, the genetic code is copied from ______________ to ______________
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
4. Because DNA can’t leave the ____________________, the message is carried out to the ________________ by
5. Once the message from DNA is copied, the ______________ leaves the nucleus and travels to a _____________ in the
6. A sequence of 3 bases on mRNA is called a ___________ but 3 bases on a tRNA molecule are called an
7. Each ___________________ is linked together by _______________ bonds to form a protein
8. Another name for the process of assembling the proteins is ______________________
9. The sequence (order) of ________________________ on DNA carry the genetic code.
Aim #28:
Define mutation: ________________________________________________________________________________
3 types of mutations
1. ____________________ - a base is lost
2. _____________________- a base is added
3. _____________________- one base is “swapped out”
Which types of mutation is worse – a point mutation or a
frameshift mutation? Explain why:
Aim #29:
List 2 ways that DNA Fingerprinting (Gel Electrophoresis) can be used:
What is the purpose of using restriction enzymes during this process?
Quarter 2 Review Packet – Regents
Ms. Mogavero
Match each Couple with the correct
Couple A: _________________
Couple B: _________________
Couple C: _________________
Aim #30:
The process of taking a gene from one organism and placing
it into another organism is called:
R________________________ DNA Technology
What is a plasmid? How is it used in this process?
*** Important Example**
Transgenic E. Coli can be used to produce the human
hormone _______________ which can then be used by
individuals with diabetes.