Student Government Minutes for the Meeting of April 21st, 2011 The meeting on April 21st, 2011 was called to order by President Meagan Gibson. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barbara Hendrey. The roll was taken by Secretary Stacy Schulman. Absent Non Voting Members: Corey Clark, Robert Bolton, and Anthony Errigo. Absent: CassAndrew Kelly, Amanda Copney, and Anup Poudel. Present: Meagan Gibson, Stacy Schulman, Scott Ullom, Barbara Hendrey, Neal Sheme, Rusty Holstine, Shawn Ragsdale, Jessica Arnsberger, Jessica Nardo, Derek Starn, David Tennant, Jess Kromer, and Zach Hammett. Old Business Secretary Stacy Schulman reported on the Blood Drive that occurred on Tuesday April 19th from 12:00-5:30pm, thanking all volunteers and that it went very well. Secretary Stacy Schulman gave the Treasurers report due to CassAndrew Kelly being absent. She reported on the event, Allah Made Me Funny which occurred on Thursday April 14th at 7pm, stating that it was a lot of fun and very funny. New Business Epsilon Iota Chapter Alpha Sigma did the second reading to reinstate their petition. President Meagan Gibson asked for a motion to accept their petition; Barbara Hendrey Motioned. President Meagan Gibson asked for a Second for the reading to reinstate their petition; Scott Ullom Seconded. The Spanish Club read to reinstate their petition. President Meagan Gibson asked for a motion to accept the reading of their petition; Shawn Ragsdale Motioned. President Meagan Gibson asked for a Second to accept the reading; Neal Sheme Seconded. Secretary Stacy Schulman handed out the Minutes from April 8th, the Spring Retreat, April 7th, the revised Minutes, and the Student Government Minutes from April 14. Secretary Stacy Schulman asked for a Motion and a second to table the verbal reading of all Minutes. Shawn Ragsdale Motioned and Barbara Hendrey Seconded. There was a typo in the Spring Retreat Minutes. Secretary Stacy Schulman asked for a Motion and a Second to table the Spring Retreat Minutes until revised. Scott Ullom Motioned and Neal Sheme Seconded. Secretary Stacy Schulman asked for a Motion and a Second to accept the Minutes from April 8th and April 14th. Shawn Ragsdale Motioned and Barbara Hendrey Seconded. Secretary Stacy Schulman informed Student Government Members that the Earth Day Family Carnival that was originally scheduled for Thursday April 21st, then was potentially rescheduled for Thursday April 28th is now cancelled due to not enough organizations participating. President Meagan Gibson announced that we will have Vice President Nominations. She then read the eligibility requirements to run and or be nominated. President Meagan Gibson asked for a Motion and a Second to open Nominations for the Vice President position. Scoot Ullom Motioned and Derek Starn Seconded. Jaron Hollida was the only member nominated for this position. President Megan Gibson reminded members of the upcoming Battle of the Band Event occurring Wednesday, April 27th at 6pm in Colebank. Volunteers for this event Derek Starn and Amanda Copney. President Meagan Gibson told members to email the Executive Officers if they have any more ideas for the Homecoming Slogan. Advisor’s Report Advisor Laurie Johnston stated that there is a chance there might be other nominations for the Vice Presidents position, due to members wanting to run had the option to turn in a form to her Secretary Sue Conrad if they could not attend the Student Government Meeting. Advisor Laurie Johnston asked for a Motion and a Second to close Vice President Nominations. Shawn Ragsdale Motioned and Jess Kromer Seconded. Advisor Laurie Johnston asked members to discuss a Homecoming Slogan to put on Flyers, cake a logo design, the Alumni need it for the summer to put in the Alumni Magazine. Ideas for slogan from members are: Off With Their Heads, A Fantasy of Wonderland, A Dance in Wonderland, Don’t Ever Be Late For a Very Important Date, Anything is Possible in Wonderland, Let Your Curiosity Become a Reality, Journey in the Rabbit Hole, Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk, and A Wonderful World. Advisor Laurie Johnston thanked members for their creative ideas. Advisor Laurie Johnston informed members that the Final Fling is a Tradition Student Government Event that takes place every year. Battle of the Bands hasn’t been around forever. And Student Government does a Back to School Bash to welcome new students, welcome back old students, and for everyone to get together again. Advisor Laurie Johnston informed members of Upcoming Event Final Fling that will be held on May 5 at 12:30-1:30pm. The Institution Advancement folks had extra funding to put towards Final Fling. Presidents Dr. Larson Dr. Rose and Meagan Gibson will share a few words, we will be giving away 1,000 t-shirts, there will be an aerial photo taken, cookout, and local band Vintage Drive will be performing. Volunteers for this event duties will be assisting in handing out shirts, coordinating a shape for the aerial photo. Advisor Laurie Johnston informed members that next Thursday, April 28 will be our last Student Government meeting of the semester. In lieu of our regularly scheduled Student Government Meeting we will be at Final Fling. Visitors Epsilon Iota Chapter Alpha Phi Sigma The Spanish Club Committee Reports and Announcements Scott Ullom spoke of the Smoking Committee that there will be a meeting Monday, April 25th and Tuesday, April 26 at 12:30pm concerning an overview of pictures. Jess Kromer spoke of the Alpha Sigma Tau Walk with Habitat for Humanity which is on April 30. Registration is a 10am, the walk begins at 11am, free t-shirts and entertainment will be provided. Zach Hammett informed members that there will be a Board of Governors Meeting on Wednesday, April 27th. Petition Epsilon Iota Chapter Alpha Phi Sigma did the second reading to reinstate their petition. The Spanish Club read to reinstate their petition. Induction None. The meeting was adjourned by President Meagan Gibson.