January 19, 2012 at AMSS
Draft Summary (Jan 24)
1. Status of funding
a. Trustee agency funding
 Should be available to PIs now
 PIs need to follow reporting schedule in Program Mgmt Plan
b. Non-trustee agency funding
 Will go through PWSSC/OSRI as a cooperative agreement from NOAA
 Both LTM and HRM programs will be in 1 agreement
 Need contact info for contract point person at each non-trustee
 Will be circulating contracts to all relevant parties; check statement of
work and milestones for accuracy.
 Start date is still February 1
 Still working out details of cooperative agreement with NOAA; funds
won’t be available on Feb. 1
 Once award to PWSSC received, then center can turn around subawards very quickly
 If you need to spend money on your project prior to final NOAA
approval, contact Katrina Hoffman at PWSSC.
c. Trustee intentions
 According to EVOSTC Executive Director Elise Hsieh, the current
Trustee Council envisions a 20-year Long Term Monitoring and
Herring Research and Monitoring Programs. However, they are not
legally committed to them and will review funding annually.
 We need to produce results and show the value of these programs to
resource management agencies
Follow-up: Contact Katrina Hoffman (khoffman@pwssc.org) if your contract point
person is not you (the PI). When you receive your draft contract, check statement of
work and milestones for accuracy. If you need $$ prior to final NOAA approval,
contact Katrina ASAP.
2. Program Management Plan
 PIs still have some questions about the plan; not ready to be signed
 PIs should submit their comments on draft to their component leads (Brenda
Ballachey for Benthic and Lingering Oil, Jeep Rice for Pelagic, and Russ
Hopcroft for Environmental Drivers), who are all members of the Science Team
Coordinating Committee, by February 10. The committee will meet with the
Program Management Team to resolve any issues.
A final, revised documentt will be submitted to all PIs by March 1. Assuming
there are still no issues, PIs will be expected to sign and fax/email signed
documents back to Molly McCammon.
3. Data management
a. Project coordination site
 Rob Bochenek has set up a Google applications site and a wiki for
discussion forums, sharing of calendars, temporary sharing of
documents, review of data salvage priorities, etc. You need a Google
Account to use. Contact Rob (rob@axiomalaska.com) if you need help
in setting it up.
b. Project site in Ocean Workspace
 Will be available February 1. Your Google account user name and
password will be the same for this site.
 PIs need to review its functionality and provide comments to Rob and
 Data will be secured via back-ups.
Follow-up: PIs should send to McCammon the names and emails of any others who
they want included as part of the program team. This list will then be used as our
primary contact list.
4. Field sampling schedule
PIs reviewed field schedules and platforms for the upcoming year.
Follow-up: Kris Holderied will coordinate use of Google Docs and Calendar on the
program website to maintain an updated fieldwork (ship and sampling) schedule.
ATTENDEES at 1/19/12 meeting
Project Management Team: Molly McCammon, Kris Holderied, Katrina Hoffman
EVOS Staff: Elise Hsieh
NOAA agency staff: Pete Hagan, Shawn Carey, Jeff Joyner
Others: Rosa Meehan (AOOS), Scott Pegau (Herring, OSRI), Noa Bruhis (OSU grad
Mayumi Arimitsu
Brenda Ballachey
Sonia Batten
Mary Anne Bishop
Rob Bochenek
Jim Bodkin
Rob Campbell
Mark Carls
Heather Coletti
Tom Dean
Angie Doroff
Tuula Hollmen
Russ Hopcroft
Bobby Hsu
Katrin Iken
David Irons
Brenda Konar
Kathy Kuletz
Mandy Lindeberg
Craig Matkin
Dan Monson
John Moran
John Piatt
Michael Shephard
Ben Weitzman