HUMBER CAMPUS RECREATION NORTH 2015/2016 INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION FORM All tournament registration form submissions must include an appropriate team name. Only teams that submit completed forms with required minimum number of males & females will be registered into tournaments. Tournament entries are on a first come, first served basis. Performance bonds are due with registration forms. Return forms to Room A131 (North Campus). A. Team Name, Sport & Date of Tournament B. Team Members & Contact Information Team Captain: Captain’s Email: Captain’s Student #: Player 2: Email: Student #: Player 3: Email: Student #: Player 4: Email: Student #: Player 5: Email: Student #: Player 6: Email: Student #: Player 7: Email: Student #: Player 8: Email: Student #: Player 9: Email: Student #: Player 10: Email: Student #: Player 11: Email: Student #: Player 12: Email: Student #: Player 13: Email: Student #: Player 14: Email: Student #: Player 15: Email: Student #: C. Tournament Information Sports Available: Registration: Dodgeball Flag Football Ultimate Frisbee 4on4 Volleyball Indoor Soccer Badminton 3on3 Basketball Indoor Cricket 3on3 Floor Hockey Opens 3 weeks / Closes 1 week prior to each event Captain’s Info: Day prior to event between 9am & 6pm, A131 (date/time information for each event can be found online at D. Team Bond Payment Information Student Name & Student #: Date of Payment / Receipt #: Recreation Staff Name: Amount: Intramural tournaments are available to full-time students, faculty & staff. HUMBER CAMPUS RECREATION NORTH 2015/2016 INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENT AVAILABILITY FORM All tournament registration form submissions must include an appropriate team name. Only teams that submit completed forms with full co-ed teams will be registered into tournaments. Return forms to Room A131 (North Campus). A. Team Name & Sport B. Team Captain & Contact Information Team Captain: Captain’s Email: Captain’s Student #: C. Team Availability *Place an “X” in all of the boxes where your team IS AVAILABLE to play tournament games within the date of the event. *1/2 of the chart (during the scheduled tournament times) must be marked with an “X” to be entered into the tournament. *Teams may be requested to add more spaces to their chart, even if they have submitted the minimum requirements. *Games are scheduled based on team, facility and officials’ availability ; back to back games are common *If you are unsure of how to fill out this form, ask for assistance from recreation staff! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9:55am10:45am 10:50am11:40am 11:45am12:35pm 12:40pm1:30pm 1:35pm2:25pm 2:30pm3:20pm 3:25pm4:15pm 4:20pm5:10pm 5:15pm6:05pm 6:10pm7:00pm 7:05pm7:55pm 8:00pm8:50pm 8:55pm9:45pm 9:50pm10:40pm For additional program information, please visit, Facebook or email to Intramural tournaments are available to full-time students, faculty & staff.