FWC 2014 College Scholarship Application Checklist APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the application and return it with the following items via email to arobertson@wedchild.org or to the address listed below postmarked by the deadline of Friday, July 18, 2014: Copy of your unofficial high school transcript or a copy of your GED certificate One letter of recommendation by a teacher, foster parent, caseworker, or mentor A 500 word essay covering area of study, plans for your future and reasons to be selected for the scholarship Acceptance letter to school of choice 3 Page Friends of Wednesday’s Child Scholarship Application Friends of Wednesday’s Child Scholarship Program Acknowledgement Agreement Friends of Wednesday’s Child Authorization & Consent for the Disclosure of Information Friends of Wednesday’s Child PAL College Scholarship Referral Form PLEASE NOTE: INCOMPLETE PACKAGES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. ALL APPLICANTS WHO HAVE SUMBITTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE INFORMED OF THEIR STATUS NO LATER THAN THURSDAY JULY 31ST. MAIL APPLICATIONS TO: Friends of Wednesday’s Child Scholarship Application Attn: Alisha Robertson 2801 Swiss Avenue Suite 130 Dallas, TX 75204 Selected scholarship recipients must submit a copy of their unofficial transcript every semester to show their grades from their last semester (must show cumulative GPA) and their schedule for their next semester. In addition, each year while receiving the scholarship there will be additional checkpoint documents required (one per semester). If documents are not submitted as required your scholarship disbursement could be delayed or suspended. FWC staff is available to assist you with questions you may have about the college application and financial aid process. We look forward to being a resource for you! Please call 972.231.1433 ext. 204 for assistance. FWC 2014 College Scholarship Application Please complete the enclosed application and return it to FWC postmarked by the deadline of Friday July 18, 2014. Feel free to attach additional paper if you need more room to write. Name: SSN #: Originating County: Email: Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Preferred #: ☐Home ☐Cell Birthdate: Age: Ethnicity: Gender: Current School: GPA: School Type (Please check the appropriate response): Number of High Schools Attended: ☐ Public ☐ Charter ☐ Magnet ☐ Private Number of Middle Schools: Affiliations (Please indicate if you were referred by any of the following): ☐ Agency ☐ CPS Caseworker ☐ PAL Date When You Entered Care: Month: ☐ Other Year: Will you be participating in Extended Foster Care? ☐ Yes Age at time: ☐ No Approximate number of placement changes since entering care: Length of time at current placement: Caregiver: Phone: Email: CPS Worker: Phone: Email: Type of Institution You Will Be Attending: 4 Year College 2 Year Community College Trade School Other (please specify): Address of School: Financial Aid Office Contact: Applicant Will Attend School: ☐ Full Time ☐ Part Time Enrollment Date: Area of Study: Type Degree/Certification Sought: Projected Graduation Date: List any Scholarships for which you have applied or plan to apply other than FWC: Name of Scholarship: Date Applied: Name of Scholarship: Date Applied: Name of Scholarship: Date Applied: Name of Scholarship: Date Applied: Standardized Test Scores: If you have taken either or both the SAT and the ACT please record your most recent scores below. If you have not taken these tests, please leave blank. SAT Scores: Math Critical Reading ACT Scores: Math Reading Written Science Cumulative English Composite List any honors or awards you have received: Name of the Award Area (Service, Athletics, Academic, Other) Date Received Please list your work history below Company Position (if applicable): Dates of Employment Average # hours/week List any extracurricular activities (inside or outside of school) in which you have participated (e.g., sports, clubs, band, volunteer groups, student government, church, caring for family members): Name of Club or Organization Title and Role Years of Involvement Total 9th 10th 11th 12th Years Hours/ Week Weeks/ Year ESSAY On a separate sheet of paper, please type your 500 word essay. Essay topic: Write about your area of study, your plans for the future and the reasons why you should be selected for this scholarship. Friends of Wednesday’s Child 2014 Scholarship Program Acknowledgement Agreement (Please Sign and Return this page) I, , understand that all future communication relating to Student Name my application will be conducted via email. It is my responsibility to provide a current email address that I will check on a weekly basis, or more frequently, so as to remain current with the application process. If I move or change contact information, I must immediately notify Friends of Wednesday’s Child with my updated contact information (phone number and email address). I understand that I must continue to meet all the deadlines in order to remain in good standing with my scholarship. In addition, I agree to perform and/or be bound by the following obligations: 1. I will maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent in a non-standardized grading system. 2. I will remain a full or part time student while receiving this scholarship and if I fail to do so I understand my scholarship can be revoked. Full-time scholarships are $1000 per semester and part-time scholarships are $500 per semester. 3. I sign this release allowing the school to send FWC information on each term including, but not limited to: transcripts, schedules, and financial status. 4. I will inform FWC immediately if I am placed on academic probation. I acknowledge and understand that if I fail to perform or abide by these obligations, my scholarship provided by Friends of Wednesday’s Child may either be delayed or terminated. Student Signature: Date: Friends of Wednesday’s Child Authorization & Consent for the Disclosure of Information Student: SSN: DOB: School Address: I hereby authorize and request that the following infomration with regard to my record be provided to: Friends of Wednesday’s Child 2801 Swiss Avenue, Ste.130 Dallas, Texas 75204 972-231-1433, Fax #972-231-3422 Primary Contact at FWC: Alisha Robertson, Mission Manager I understand that the inform,ation will be given to FWC to assist in their process for providing my scholarship. The information provided wil be limited to the follownig specific types of information: Grade Reports Class Schedules Financial information including other scholarship/grant monies and balance due The consent is subject to revocation by the undersigned at any time, and if not earlier revoked, shall terminate upon graduation from this institution. Student’s Signature Date Friends of Wednesday’s Child PAL College Scholarship Referral Form Completed applications are due by July 18, 2014. Please submit the PAL referral with your completed application by the deadline. Fax Number: 972.231.3422 Email: arobertson@wedchild.org Student Information: Student’s Name: Student’s Email: Phone: Home: Birthdate: Preferred #: ☐Home ☐Cell Cell: Cumulative GPA (9th-12th): Current School: Eligibility Requirements (must meet all): 1. This student originated in Region 3. 2. The student is planning to attend a 2 year community college or 4 year university beginning Fall 2014. 3. The student is currently earning a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. 4. This student has completed the PAL program. PAL Staff Member Information: PAL Staff Member Name: Phone: Email Address: Thank you for your referral to Friends of Wednesday’s Child College Scholarship Program. Signature of PAL Staff Member Date