Planning Committee - 31/01/2013 UPDATES ITEM 10 Major Application Planning Ref: W/12/01521/PN Proposal: Site: Ward Councillor Field Adjacent to, Holly Cllr Keith Wright Close, Bretforton Recommendation Approved planning Full planning application for the development of 48 dwellings, including 17 affordable units, open space and associated infrastructure on land north of Station Road, Bretforton. Officer: Heather Pearson Parish/Town Council: Bretforton Applicant: Crest Nicholson South West & Alliance Trust Pensions Ltd Consultation Responses Environment Agency The Environment Agency have provided the following information in response to further letters of concern from neighbours regarding flooding on the site and immediate vicinity. It was likely that the flooding within the lower sections of the site, and the identified flooding in the immediate vicinity of the site during 2007, was as a result of either surface water and/or groundwater flooding. As such we recommended that suitable measures, for example floor levels, were incorporated into the design of the development to mitigate such risks. In this instance we would expect the LPA, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), to ensure that the proposed development will not have a detrimental impact on adjacent land or existing development. The characteristics of the weather preceding the two events you referenced (i.e. prolonged periods of consistent heavy rainfall events), both in 2007 and the end of last year, represent the sort of conditions we would expect to raise groundwater levels and increase the risk of groundwater flooding. We also raised some concerns in relation to the surface water drainage proposals on site with URS and queried the suitability of using soakaways (given the identified risk of groundwater flooding). It was recommended that the LPA's building regulations department ensure that the ground is suitable for soakaways. Where soakaways were not suitable we recommended the application was not determined until a suitable alternative sustainable drainage technique was incorporated into the development and submitted for approval. In conclusion, given the risk identified within the FRA it is reasonable to assume that the developer would undertake additional investigations, both to ensure the site is suitable for development and that it will not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding area. The Environment Agency are not objecting to the proposed development. The LPA as the Lead Local Flood Authority, need to be satisfied that the surface and ground water issues have been adequately addressed. Drainage Engineers 2012 has been officially recorded as the wettest year on record and in this District the total rainfall exceeded that recorded in 2007. The only ‘relatively dry spell’ recorded in 2012 was during the months of January, February & March. November and December 2012 were two of the wettest months of the year and despite the fact the level of rainfall experienced was much less intense than during the 20th & 21st July 2007 event, surface water flooding was experienced throughout the District on a large scale simply because the ground was at saturation point. Taking this into account, it is therefore highly probable that flooding to the extent witnessed was not previously experienced apart from in July 2007. The size of the trial hole excavations would not have any subsequent affect on the movement of groundwater. Only excavated material from the specific trial hole in question would be placed back in it as backfill, so this can only be a combination of gravel and clay; groundwater will always find its way naturally through ground and unless there is a specific spring or seep where groundwater issues, then the recent flooding was the result of nothing more than ground at saturation point. Monitoring of groundwater within the trial pits was undertaken in accordance with national guidelines; unless anything untoward is discovered during the excavation, there is no need to carry out long-term monitoring. In conclusion, there is no evidence to suggest that any problem has been caused during the site investigation, or that the Flood Risk Assessment submitted is ‘incomplete and flawed’ Representations Received David Johnson Don Bird Warwick Partington (Bretforton Community Alliance) Representations Made Concerned that the Trent House on Plot 8 has been moved 1.5 meters in a southerly direction towards Station Road. This will further reduce the privacy of 'the occupants of Barefield. Concerned that there has been a material change in the flood risk assessment for the site. Recent moderate rainfall has caused flooding to areas that last flooded in 2007. Previous to this local residents have no experience of these areas flooding. There is concern that a underground drainage channel that crosses the site has a blockage possibly caused by the archaeological dig that took place or by the Hydrock test pits dug to assess drainage on the site. Considers that failure to conduct long term monitoring of drainage on the site is a mistake. The original FRA undertaken by URS is incomplete and flawed because some data was ignored. The village is suffering the highest groundwater levels and unexplained flooding in certain areas in living memory. Evidence has been found of a forgotten underground watercourse that runs across the field to the north of Station Road. This appears to have been partly blocked possibly during construction of new houses in Ivy Lane in 2002 and 2008. A number of photographs showing the site with some standing water have been submitted. Further development on this site will permanently block the flow of water and back it up to escape further back in the village underground reservoir system. Update Officer Appraisal Plot 8 is a 5 bedroomed 'Trent House'. As part of the minor repositioning of dwelling to accommodated the changes to housing mix on the site this property has moved approximately 1 metre to the south. There are no windows that directly overlook the existing properties 'Barefield' and 'Spring Gardens' to south east. The dwelling on plot 8 is 21 metres from 'Barefield' at the closest point. In your Officers opinion there is not any detrimental impact on this property. Flooding The Environment Agency have no objection to the proposed development. The issues of surface water drainage have been considered by your Engineers. It is considered that the scheme is acceptable in terms of drainage subject to the attached conditions. Condition 7 requests further information to be submitted that includes drainage details before the development commences. The possible impact on ground water drainage channels, of the trail holes dug to assess drainage, has been considered. The size of the trial hole excavations would not have any subsequent affect on the movement of groundwater. Your Officers are satisfied that with the inclusion of the drainage condition, that satisfactory drainage can be achieved on this site. Planning Contributions The proposal includes an area of public open space within the site. It is proposed to keep this as open amenity land and not provide children's play equipment in this area. Instead the applicants have agreed to provide a commuted sum towards off site children's play space. There is an existing play area for children to the immediate south of the proposed development. The Parish Council have indicated to the applicants that they would like to upgrade this area rather than have two separate children's play areas in close proximity. Your Officers are calculating the appropriate contributions that will be required to be collected through the S106 for the provision and maintenance of off site play equipment. Condition 11 should be amended to read as follows: 'Prior to the commencement of development hereby approved full details of open space shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details to be submitted shall include a delivery plan, management plan, landscaping and planting to be provided on the proposed amenity spaces. The approved details shall be provided implemented in accordance with the approved delivery plan and maintained in accordance the approved management plan. Reason - To ensure the provision of adequate amenity/open space and recreation facilities to serve the proposed development'. The second paragraph on page 160 refers to the applicants entering into a S278 with the County Council to improve pavements off site. This will now be dealt with by planning contributions under a S106 and not by S278. Recommendation Approval subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure 35% affordable housing in perpetuity and financial contributions towards off-site sports pitch, off-site play equipment and maintenance, sports/leisure built facilities, cycling, recycling, education, public art and culture and improvements to bus stop (at levels referred to in the Committee Report) the provision of a footpath link to the adjacent development site on the Western Boundary and a contribution towards improving the pavement between the site and the village centre to be established once in receipt of comments from County Council highway officers.