Real Number System Project Grading Rubric

Model or picture chosen
does not depict any
relationships between the
numbers of the real number
Teacher provided the
student with an idea.
Overall idea is good, but
actual product lacks
connectivity within the
parts of the real number
Model or picture is
student’s own idea – not one
shared in class. Student
does not get approval from
Mrs. Stephan by Friday,
October 24.
There are at least 5
examples in each of the
categories (natural, whole,
integers, rational,
irrational). Examples do not
show clear definition
between the categories.
Final product is neat, but
may lack color or outlining
of important information.
Model or picture chosen
clearly depicts the
relationship between its
parts – parts are not
separate entities.
Model or picture is
student’s own idea – not one
shared in class. Idea is
presented to and approved
by Mrs. Stephan by Friday,
October 24.
There are at least 5
examples in each of the
categories (natural, whole,
integers, rational,
irrational). Examples
clearly show how the
categories differ.
Final product is close to
flawless. There are no
smudges, rips, tears, bends,
etc. Color is used as
appropriate. Pencil (if used)
is outlined in marker or dark
There are fewer than 5
examples in each of the
categories (natural, whole,
integers, rational,
Project does not meet
standard and must be
*Additional points will be awarded for projects that go above and beyond (especially well executed 3D models)
Points Earned
X 10
X 10
X 10
Project Description:
The real number system is made up of two distinct parts: rational and irrational numbers. Within the rational numbers, there are additional
categories – whole numbers and integers. Your job is going to be to create a real world model of the real number system. While the model
must incorporate both the rational and irrational numbers, it must also take into account the interconnectivity of the categories of numbers
within the rational numbers. While I do not want to give you too many ideas and impose on your ability to come up with a creative, unique
idea, I have shared a couple project ideas from years past.
Successful projects from years past:
Human Head: Rational –hair, Integers - skin, Whole – skull; Natural – brain; Irrational – hair bow
Not Successful Project from years past: (note there is no connection within the types of rational numbers)
Happy Meal: Rational – burger, Integers – fries, Whole – drink; Irrational – prize
Important Dates:
NO LATER THAN Friday, October 24: You must submit your project idea to me (I will list it on the board). At this time I will give you
any feedback that I think is important to make your project a success!
Monday, November 3: Project is due. Each student will take a couple minutes to present their project to the class – I will grade your
projects during this time.
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