Victorian Recycling Industries Annual Survey 2013-14 Organic waste recovery in Victoria 2013-14 The Victorian Recycling Industries Annual Survey 2013-14 was conducted between September 2014 and January 2015 and sought data from sixty eight (68) Victorian reprocessors, excluding fifty four (54) plastic reprocessors surveyed as part of the 2013-14 National Plastics Recycling Survey. A total of sixty two (62) reprocessors responded, estimated between them to account for more than 95% by weight of all material recovered in Victoria. For more information or to download a copy of the Victorian Recycling Industries Annual Survey 2013-14 report, please refer to the Sustainability Victoria website The information presented is an extract of the Organic waste recovery figures from the report. Recovery and trends Organic recovery in Victoria fell by 5% in 2013-14, totalling 827,000 tonnes after reaching an all-time high of 978,000 tonnes in 2011-12. This represents the lowest amount of organic material recovered since 2009-10. Of the total Organic material recovered in Victoria, 43% is recovered Garden organics, primarily sourced from municipal kerbside collections. Wood and timber which accounts for 20% of total organics in 2012-13, saw a decrease in proportion to only 14% in 2013-14, while Food organics jumped from 3% to 9% of the total Organics. Composition of organic material recovered for reprocessing (by weight), Victoria 2013-14 Wood & timber (other than packaging) 5% Wood & timber pallets / packaging 9% Food organics 9% Sawdust & other forestry residuals 17% Other & mixed organic waste 17% Garden organics 43% The figure below shows how since 2004-05, Organics recovery, although fluctuating, is generally trending upwards. Nevertheless, in the last two years this category has seen a decrease on the total amount recovered. Victorian Recycling Industries Annual Survey 2013-14 Organic waste recovered for reprocessing, Victoria 2004-05 to 2013-14 1200 1000 Tonnes ('000) 800 600 400 200 0 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Note: Figures for 2005–06 have been updated to more accurately reflect tonnes recorded in the Victorian Local Government Data Collection 2005– 06 report. After a steady upward trend from 2005-06 until 2011-12 of the recovery of Garden Organics, over the past two years the amount recovered of this material has experienced a decrease of 28%. The 359,000 tonnes recovered of Garden Organics in 2013-14 is the lowest amount recovered since 2009-10. Garden organic waste recovered for reprocessing, Victoria 2004-05 to 2013-14 600 500 Tonnes ('000) 400 300 200 100 0 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Note: Garden organics figures for 2005–06 have been updated to more accurately reflect tonnes recorded in the Victorian Local Government Data Collection 2005–06 reports. Victorian Recycling Industries Annual Survey 2013-14 Sources of recyclables The Municipal sector decreased its overall share of recovered organic material in 2 percentage points while the Commercial & industrial sector increased from 48% in 2012-13 to 50 % in 2013-14. No garden organics were imported from interstate or overseas for reprocessing in Victoria in 2013-14. Source sectors of organic material received for reprocessing (by weight), Victoria 2013–14 Commercial & Industrial 50% Municipal 47% Construction & Demolition 3% Table Organic waste material recovered in Victoria for reprocessing over the past 10 years, Victoria 2004-05 to 2013-14 Garden organics Sawdust / forestry residuals Other Total organic waste recovered Timber Food organics 2004-05 229 13 310 26 40 618 2005-06 84 26 276 35 29 450 2006-07 196 35 302 144 77 754 2007-08 123 29 311 67 76 605 2008-09 158 13 327 155 150 802 2009-10 163 31 384 127 216 924 2010-11 107 22 421 126 193 870 2011-12 112 31 500 150 185 978 2012-13 129 55 402 157 127 870 2013-14 118 73 359 136 141 827 Tonnes (‘000) Note: Food organics recovery data does not include any prescribed industrial waste figures such as meat waste generated from rendering processes or grease traps. Garden organics figures for 2005–06 have been updated to more accurately reflect tonnes recorded in the Victorian Local Government Data Collection 2005-06 reports.