February 19 - Phoenix High School

Collaboration Meeting Notes
February 19th – 12:30 p.m. – District Office
Cally McKenzie, Juanita Ephraim, Tami Ingwerson, Lisa Albano, Heather
Lowe, Amy Sampson, Bettye Hitchko, Carol Cox, Aaron Santi, Brent
Barry, Dale Rooklyn, Carolyn White, Shawna Schleif, Alice Levey and
Sarie Wu
Group Norms:
 Be present
 Equity of voice
 Be timely
 Be respectful
 Be open to new ideas
 Confidentiality
 Problem Solving – Solution focused
Consortia Meeting
 Student learning goals:
o Ashland:
 Has four teachers on special assignment to help with writing
student learning goals, coordinate release time, provide
opportunities for teachers to observe each other and/or have team
planning time.
 Career pathways is a learning process
 3 Main Focus Areas:
 Meaningful goals
 Encompassing for all students
 Goals must be “manipulative”
 Four people are equivalent of 2.5 FTEs
o For student learning goals OAKS can serve as an additional measure.
What you want is student learning growth goals that are assessment
based in a classroom with OAKS as an additional measure on top of it.
 Inter-rater Reliability
o Challenge is the collaboration and calibration of evaluations and making
sure the consistency is there
o It’s important to involve teachers
o Of particular importance is the calibration between levels 2 and 3.
o One suggestion was during fall-in service to have teachers look at clips
and discussion groups the same way as administrators did.
o Calibration exercises get everyone on the same page.
o Ways to work plans into the calendar should also be considered
o Clearly explain to teachers and staff the difference between levels so that
everything is consistent across the board.
o Give examples of what makes someone reach a certain level.
o Review rubrics with teachers so they understand them.
o At next Administrative Team Meeting will discuss what activities can be
developed for rating and calibration suggestions.
o Bend Compensation Plan:
 Separate salary schedules built around teacher levels
 There are certain things they can do to move through the levels on
the schedule
 Each teacher level has steps within each category. There is a
minimum but not a maximum level that the teachers can be in.
 New teachers will be in the new schedule; old teachers will be in
former schedule
o Stipends
o Column pathways – need to earn district credit and/or university credit to
move over a column
o Noted that the compensation will be in “concept” which can then be
negotiated for the contract.
o Need a vision for compensation to present with the grant application but it
might not be negotiated until the next contract.
o Will look at options for teachers who are topped out as well.
o Time, work and output need to simulate what it would be like to receive
these credits from a university.
o Every piece should be research based.
Career Pathways
o Redmond District Career Pathways:
 Design principles were number one task
 Don’t be too elaborate – make it manageable
 Put together leadership teams that would work on initiatives,
performance plans, professional development, had an evaluation
teacher leader, student information system teacher leader, and a
common core teacher leader.
 Had a couple of TOSAs
 Stipend and release time was compensation
 Extra-responsibility stipend.
 Had a separate in-house mentor program
 Stipend was given per day of operation
 Did an extensive needs survey
 Focus career pathways on whatever the stumbling block is
o South Lane School District:
 Utilized teacher grants
 Piloted a curriculum
Had district-wide fair where all teachers could go around and
observe what the other teams did to impact student achievement
Anyone could chose to participate and application process was
very simple
Mini-grants were about 10% of overall grant budget but they put a
lot into stipends for teachers who were doing this work.
One way to encourage people to be mentored was to give them
incentive for taking on a coach.
Advised to not reinvent the wheel and go within the District to build
off of what you already have.
Communication plan will be important piece of grant application
Survey Results
 102 responses to survey
 Even breakdown of where teachers are at in years of service
 Mix of grade level placement
 Strongest interests were in instructional coaches and mentor teachers and
professional development leader
 Other ideas and comments were provided at the end of the survey
 Reviewed filtered results by years of experience and grade levels
 Identify what we already have, take survey information and integrate it into career
pathways plan
 Discussed adding classified staff to vision statement
Blueprint Areas
 Macro-Work for each area:
o Research
o Belief statement
o Needs assessment
o Include current status
o Vision or purpose
o Connection to other initiatives
o Sustainability
o Timeline
o Goals and Priorities
 Career Pathways
o Purpose: to provide opportunities to build leadership capacity that will lead
to higher student achievement, greater educator satisfaction & create an
in house network of expertise.
o Tasks:
 To select pathway options based on needs of the district
 Research effectiveness of each pathway
 Job description
 Application and application process
 Who will make the selections
 Length of service for each position
 Expectations for job
 How will the job be evaluated
Performance Evaluation Process
o Purpose: to grow and nurture the Teacher Evaluation system. The
evaluation system needs to drive all the other blueprint areas.
o Tasks:
 Identify or brainstorm needed areas for training
 How to write student learning goals
 Data gathering
 Other
 Evaluate monitoring system (currently through Google Docs) to see
if adjustments need to be made
o Purpose: To fairly allocate compensation that is sustainable, cost neutral,
and encourages educators to take on leadership roles that will lead to
higher student achievement.
 Needs language about linking to teacher effectiveness
 Also needs language about encouraging growth
 Tasks:
 Brainstorm ideas for how each career pathway will be compensated
Professional Development
 Reviewed possible early release calendar plan
 Have organized course list which can be reviewed
o Purpose: Create a blueprint that outlines how professional development
will be systematically implemented across the district to address district
and individual needs, and impact student success.
 Should connect to evaluation rubric
o Tasks:
 Determine district needs for PD
 Determine school needs for PD
 Determine individual needs for PD
 Teacher choice options
South Lane School District Grant Application Info:
 Committee reviewed the design for South Lane School District. This will serve as
a resource for career pathway planning. Can use language for macro-tasks
within each subgroup.
Assigned Small Groups:
 Career Pathways
o Tami Ingwerson
o Brent Barry
o Amy Sampson
 Professional Development
o Bettye Hitchko
o Shawna Schleif
o Lisa Albano
o Carolyn White
o Carol Cox
o Shawna Schleif
o Heather Ayers
o Aaron Santi
o Juanita Ephraim
o Alice Levey
Seven Design Principles
 The following three Design Principles don’t fit within a blueprint area. They will be
examined and developed across all of them. Will clearly spell out this process
within the grant application.
o Collaboration
o Student Achievement
o Recruit/Retain Staff
 Four Design Principles specific to blueprint areas:
o Career Pathways
o Compensation
o Performance Evaluation
o Professional Development
Room Assignments:
Large Conference: Evaluation and Professional Development
Small Conference: Compensation
Carolyn White’s Room: Career Pathways
For Next Meeting:
 Teams will begin working on the macro-work for their blueprint areas. Teams will
incorporate design principles regarding collaboration, student achievement, and
recruit/retain staff in addition to their team’s blueprint area specific design
 Mid-term report is due next week. Areas that will be included are:
o Guiding principles – will state already developed statements and for the
other three state “in progress.”
o Budget – starting with $14,000 for the beginning of this grant.
o Dates of meeting notes
o Evaluation plans and goals
o Group norms
Calendar for Grant – Grant is due on May 1st
February 26th
o Meeting will begin at 8:15 a.m.
o One person in each group will need to bring a laptop
o Get overall macro-work done by 12:00 p.m. for each blueprint area
o Bring research to next meeting
o Each group member can get one article in their area
o Bring information about what is already in place
o Bring research and explain how it ties to what they would like to do
o May want to consider meeting beforehand to assemble information
o 12:00 – 3:30 p.m. – share out and adjust
March 6th
o Begin micro-work
March 19th
o Compete micro-work
April 9th
o Polishing work
April 23rd
o Grant application needs to be completed by the end of this meeting
o Polishing could be completed between April 23rd and May 1st
Aaron Santi will receive a release day for collating and compiling the four written
blueprint areas, along with the other grant parts to write the grant in a ‘single