Elders Boyanup Store Sale Friday 16th May 2014 Commencing at 1pm 1000 CATTLE 1000 500 Friesian Steers 500 150 Beef Steers 150 300 Beef Heifers &First Cross Heifers 300 50 Cows and Calves 50 1 Bull 1 Friesian Steers: J Italiano Daniel Taylor EA Barnes LM & EA Crouch R & L Gardiner RK & B Woodhouse Tony Lembo Silvertree Farms RK & B Woodhouse Kingsley Mcswain G & VJ Willis WH & SE Mottershead NR & JL Gilbert Negus Enterprises 9 11 20 40 11 54 32 9 59 50 10 30 18 80 Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers Friesian Steers 20-22 months 18-20 months 16-18 months 14-16 months 14-16 months 12-16 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 8-10 months 8-10 months 8-10 months 6-8 months 6-8 months 4-6 months Beef Steers: MR & JL Piggott Robert Tognela DR & TJ Rea L & M Ierace G & S Whitburn G & S Whitburn Shanakill Holdings Laurelhurst Farm BW & DJ Bell Silvertree Farms Emu Downs Grazing RK & B Woodhouse Elking Springs G & VJ Willis L & V Energy Julie Marshall 14 28 15 5 4 4 8 6 5 2 3 2 14 8 30 7 Angus/Friesian Steers Angus x Steers Angus/Friesian Steers Angus Steers Angus/Friesian Steers Murray Grey/Friesian Steers Murray grey x Steers Murray Grey Steers Charolais Steers Angus/Simmental Steers Charolais/Angus steers Angus Friesian Steers Murray Grey Steers Murray Grey/Friesain Steers Red Angus Steers Angus/Friesian Steers 18-20 months 14-18 months 14-16 months 14-16 months 14-16 months 14-16 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 10-12 months 10-12 months 8-10 months 8-10 months 6-10 months 6-8 months Beef Heifers: SS & SA Zappia SJ & RM Lees Shanakill Holdings Carters Farm J & K Purcell BW & DJ Bell Fairbury Ag co Silvertree Farms Alcoa Farmlands Alcoa Farmlands Emu Downs Grazing DJE & MT Lane L&M Ierace Elking Springs L & V Energy IL & CP Avery 5 26 24 23 28 7 5 1 40 20 11 6 20 12 30 20 Sim/Angus heifers Simmental Heifers Murray Grey x Heifers Angus Heifers Angus x Heifers Charolais Heifers Angus/Chianina x Heifers Angus Heifer Angus Heifers Murray Grey Heifers Charolais/Angus Heifers Simmental/Angus Heifers Angus Heifers Murray Grey Heifers Red Angus Heifers Hereford x Heifers 16-18 months 12-16 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 12-14 months 10-12 months 10-12 months 10-12 months 10-12 months 8-10 months 8-10 months 6-10 months 6-8 months First Cross Heifers: RK & B Woodhouse 6 Angus/Friesian Heifers 8-10 months Cows and Calves: Rob Whild 14 Murray Grey/Friesian cows, 4th calvers with Murray Grey calves at foot, running back with a Murray Grey Bull from the 2nd May2014 PD Hyder & Irter Pty Ltd 10 Angus Cows, 4th -5th calvers with Angus Calves at foot Tex Family Trust 13 Murray Grey cows, 4th -5th calvers with Murray Grey calves at foot (February – March born) Running back with a Murray Grey Bull. Bulls: Tex Family Trust 1 Murray Grey Bull For an updated list and photos of Cattle in this sale visit www.elders.com.au Further nominations are now being accepted All live weight cattle are to be received by 9am with appraisal cattle to be received by 11am For further enquiry or details please contact Michael Carroll 0427 975 620