Dolf Weijers CV: Plantenbiochemie & Ontwikkeling

Curriculum vitae – Dolf Weijers
2012 - present
Full Professor in Biochemistry of Plant Development, Wageningen University, NL
Associate Professor, Wageningen University, NL
Assistant Professor, Wageningen University, NL
Junior group leader, Wageningen University, NL
(EMBO) Postdoctoral fellow, laboratory of Prof. Dr. G. Jürgens, University of
Tübingen, DE
PhD in Developmental Genetics, laboratory of Dr. R. Offringa, University of
Leiden, NL
Biochemistry/Biotechnology studies, Hogeschool Enschede, NL
Honors and awards
2013 – present
Editor in Chief, Plant Reproduction (Springer)
2011 – 2016
ERC Starting Grant
2010 – present
Faculty member, Faculty of 1000
Elected member of “the Young Academy”, Royal Netherlands Academy of
Annual award of Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2006 – 2011
2002 - 2004
EMBO Long-term fellowship
List of five most relevant publications (*corresponding author)
De Rybel, B., Möller, B., Yoshida, S., Grabowicz, I., Barbier de Reuille, P., Boeren, S., Smith, R.,
Borst, J.W., Weijers, D*. (2013). A bHLH complex controls embryonic vascular tissue
establishment and indeterminate growth in Arabidopsis. Dev. Cell, in press.
Rademacher, E.H., Lokerse, A.S., Schlereth, A.S., Llavata-Peris, C.I., Bayer, M., Kientz, M., FreireRios, A., Borst, J.W., Lukowitz, W., Jürgens, G., Weijers, D*. (2012). Different auxin response
machineries control distinct cell fates in the early plant embryo. Dev. Cell 22, 211-22.
Rademacher, E.H., Möller, B., Lokerse, A.S., Llavata-Peris, C.I., van den Berg, W. ,Weijers, D.*
(2011). A cellular expression map of the Arabidopsis AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR gene family.
Plant J. 68, 597-606.
Schlereth, A.S., Möller, B., Liu, W., Kientz., M., Flipse, J., Rademacher, E.H., Schmid, M., Jürgens,
G.*, Weijers, D.* (2010). MONOPTEROS controls embryonic root initiation by regulating a
mobile transcription factor. Nature 464, 913–6.
Weijers, D., Schlereth, A.S., Ehrismann, J.S., Schwank, G., Kientz, M., Jürgens, G.* (2006). Auxin
triggers transient local signaling for cell specification in Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Dev. Cell 10,