KING EDWARD VI HANDSWORTH SCHOOL Rose Hill Road Handsworth Birmingham B21 9AR Telephone: 0121 554 2342 Fax: 0121 554 3879 Email: Website Dear Applicant Thank you for your interest in the post of Teacher of Biology at King Edward VI Handsworth School. We hope that, after reading the enclosed details, you will wish to proceed with your application. We are looking for someone who will share our commitment to girls’ education, our work ethic and our sense of humour! Our school is part of a family of five grammar schools of the King Edward VI Foundation. The school was founded in 1883 but our buildings date from 1911. We are proud of our heritage and long standing service in the City of Birmingham but firmly believe that we are a forward-looking school which tries to retain what is valuable in our tradition while adopting the best of modern teaching philosophy and practice. In September 2003 we became a Specialist School for the Performing Arts and in February 2009 we also became a specialist school for science. As a Voluntary-Aided school the Governors of the School are our employers. We have applied to become a Converter Academy. Our aim is to help all girls become confident young women who will be successful in their personal and professional lives and who will make a positive contribution to the welfare of others. Owing to the selective nature of our school we do expect and encourage high academic achievement but not at the expense of the more rounded development of the individual. We are fortunate in having pleasant and well-motivated pupils and our working atmosphere is at the same time relaxed and disciplined. We are fortunate to have well-qualified teachers who seek to raise standards through outstanding teaching. All four OFTSED inspections have been graded ‘outstanding’ with all judgements gaining grade 1 last time. For this reason we wish to appoint a graduate with a good honours degree and a record of excellence in the classroom, whether as a student or as a teacher. This School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment and contribute to the pastoral care of the pupils. We look very much look forward to receiving your application and we hope that you find the enclosed information helpful. If you require any further information please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Elspeth V Insch OBE Headmistress