Palomar District Convention
April 30, 2013
California Center for the Arts - Salon 1
340 N. Escondido Boulevard, Escondido, CA 92027
The meeting was called to order by Jan Imonti, President, at 9:25 a.m. Della Bond gave the Salute to the
Flag. A patriotic song was sung. Mary Elaine Gustafson gave an inspirational message, “I Am Your Flag.”
Jan welcomed guests: Reggie Mattox, De Anza District President, Barbara Nelson, Southern District
President, Martha Pritchard, San Diego District President, and Maryann Alianille, Southern District Dean.
Reggie, Barbara, and Martha gave greetings from their districts. Jan introduced Palomar District Past
Presidents: Pat Harvey, Diana Smith, Rosalia Zamora, Sylvia Hirschberg, Edie Seger, Barbara Lerma, and
Dolores Juditz.
Barbara Rugg gave the Preliminary Credentialing Report. Voting members: CFWC Officers/Chairman 3,
Palomar District Officers 10, Club Presidents 5, Palomar District Chairman 6, Past Presidents 2, and
Delegates 9. Total voting members 35. Quorum (540 x 5% = 27). Quorum met. Total attendance 56.
Convention rules were read by Barbara Lerma, Parliamentarian, and she moved that we accept the rules
as printed in the program. The motion was approved.
Jan appointed the following members to review minutes of this meeting: Evelyn Madison, Barbara
Rugg, and Maggie Owen.
Recording Secretary, Myrna Binford, did the Roll Call clubs for members attending: Bonsall (9), Carlsbad
(2), Escondido (3), Fallbrook (11), Contemporary Women of North County (CWONC) (2), Inland Valley (3),
Julian (3), Oceanside (4), Poway (5), San Dieguito (5), Valley Center (6), Vista (2), Parliamentary Law (7),
and Stars of Palomar (20).
Corresponding Secretary, Joye Davisson, said she had received a letter from Camp Pendleton and had a
card for everyone to sign for Rita Wittenberg who has moved from the area.
President’s Report - Jan reported that this past year has been successful and she is looking forward to
next year with fresh ideas to make events even more interesting. There will be an Executive Board
meeting in August and the State Convention is next month. She hopes that members will attend. Edie
Seger is taking reservations. (President’s report is attached)
Treasurer, Shirley Ledda, gave the following report for the period of February 21 through April 29, 2013.
The beginning balance was $4352.71, income was $4169.50 and expenses were $1908.29. This leaves an
ending balance on April 29 of $6613.29. (Treasurer’s report is attached) Pat Harvey asked if we got
interest on CD. Shirley said only a few cents more than last year, but she didn’t have amount. Auditor,
Sonia McCalley, said she will be doing the audit at the end of June and will report at the September
Board meeting.
Club yearly reports – Throughout the convention, the clubs reported on their yearly accomplishments:
Bonsall- Phillis Zenz reported that she will continue as President next year. Through their fundraisers,
they have raised over $20,000 to date for charities. They have themes for their monthly meetings and
had over 1300 volunteer hours during the past year.
Fallbrook – Linda Gregg said Loraine Genovese will continue on as Co-President next year with Sandy
Becker who will be new. President’s project, Canine Companions, has raised over $2,000. They are
active with the military at Camp Pendleton and were able to give donations to 20 organizations with
their fundraising.
Julian – Janet Bragdon reported that Debbie Bainbridge will be President next year. They had six major
fundraisers this year and were able to increase scholarships by 2½ times. There is a literacy problem in
Julian so the club has taken up this cause by working with schools and parents.
Escondido – Evelyn Madison (report attached). Evelyn will continue on as President next year.
San Dieguito – Bestina Cuaron (report attached). She and Loni Vossekuil will be Co-Presidents next year.
Parliamentary Law – Pat Harvey (report attached). Barbara Lerma will be President next year.
Carlsbad – Lillian Shine. Club will have two new Co-Presidents next year. Carlsbad and Jrs now joined.
Inland Valley – Rosalia Zamora (report attached). Will have new President next year.
Valley Center – Bobbi Weiss. They have done well with fundraisers and support several charities.
Stars of Palomar – Maggie Owen. Support Stand Up for Kids. Current/past Presidents can join.
Contemporary Women of North County – Linda Bridges (report attached). Main project: Puppy Capes.
Oceanside – “Doc” Hensel (report attached). Celebrated club’s 95th anniversary. Clubhouse refurbished.
Poway – Joye Davisson (report attached)
Vista – Lori Sanna (report attached). Nancy Jones will be new president next year.
Celebration of Life - Members who died in the last year were honored. Members of their clubs – Dolores
Juditz, Linda Gregg, Lori Sanna, and Evelyn Madison each spoke. The deceased members honored were
Miriam Nichols and Margie Thomson (Vista), Gloria Rowe (Fallbrook), June Bilbrey (Escondido), and
Donnie Bailey (Stars of Palomar). Mary Elaine Gustafson gave a reading entitled, “To Those I Love.”
A blessing was given by Mary Elaine Gustafson followed by lunch.
Pat Harvey nominated Della Bond to be a candidate for the CFWC Nominating Committee at the
February 2014 State meeting in Ontario. Motion was seconded and approved. Pat Harvey nominated
“Doc” Hensel to be a CFWC Election Committee Candidate for the May State Convention. Motion was
seconded and approved.
Throughout the convention, Chairmen of Federation Departments and Special Projects or their
alternates gave their reports:
Communication and Public Relations – Linda Bridges (report attached). Need Chairman.
Leadership – Edie Seger. Need a LEADS candidate for next year as didn’t have one this year.
Legislation and Public Policy – Diana Smith. Had 175 volunteer hours, $625, and $40 In kind.
Membership First Timers – Claudia LeBarge. She will continue as Membership next year and said there
is a new purple key awarded for 13 or more members recruited. She will also be doing star pins. Next
report due 6/1/13. She then handed out first timers’ pins.
Women’s’ History and Resource Center – “Doc” Hensel. (report attached)
Fundraising – Rosalia Zamora (report attached). Volunteer hours 490, Dollars raised $3,558, In Kind
Domestic Violence Awareness/Prevention – Linda Bridges (report attached). Peggy Lee Dillon moved.
Advocates for Children – Sally Medina. 24 projects- 1540 volunteer hours, $5,625 dollars, $3,793 In kind.
Arts – Mary Jane Poulter. Encourage community involvement.
Conservation – Kathleen Warren (report attached).Did 34 projects.
Education – Linda Bridges (report attached) Encourage volunteers at Libraries.
Home Life – Linda Bridges (report attached). Supported help for children, seniors, women,and homeless.
International Outreach – Linda Bridges (report attached). Save cancelled stamps.
Public Issues – Dawn Mitchell. This has been centered on military.
Linda Bridges handed out award certificates to the clubs for their involvement in the above departments
and special projects. A report is attached indicating the awards that each club received in a category.
Hazel Erickson Scholarship Award – Lori Sanna. Carol Colclausure, a Palomar College student wanting to
become a teacher, is the recipient.
Community Improvement Contest – Lita Bowles. We need to come up with community projects.
Linda said that Chairmen were needed for Homelife, Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention,
Communications & Public Relations, and Photography. Let Jan know if interested. Linda also thanked
those involved in the Art Festival. She again thanked District Chairmen for volunteering to get word out
regarding all things District.
Jan read a Palomar District Resolution of Gratitude to the management and staff of the California Center
for the Arts, Escondido.
Jan asked for 7 volunteers (5 principals and 2 alternates) for the Nominating Committee for the 20142016 District Executive Board. Jane Bongiovanni, Joye Davisson, Pat Harvey, Diana Smith, and Sally
Medina are principals with Lori Sanni and Lita Bowles as alternates. Della Bond moved we accept the
committee. Motion was seconded and approved. Jan asked that the committee meet with Barbara
Lerma after the meeting.
Edie Seger volunteered to help at the May 24 State Convention selling tickets.
The Door Prize and Opportunity Basket Drawings were held.
Phillis said Bonsall’s Fashion Show is May 9
Linda Gregg said Fallbrook’s Mystery Play and Luncheon is May 18
“Doc” said Oceanside’s Fashion Show and Luncheon is May 2
Carol Stout said a poetry workshop is May 8 at 1:30 at the Fallbrook Library
Jan reminded everyone to take info from folders. The Collect was recited.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:22 p.m.
Myrna Binford
Recording Secretary