Announcing the DENNIS W. FARRELL PRE-MEDICINE SCHOLARSHIP 2012-2013 ACADEMIC YEAR Sophomore, junior or senior pre-medicine students at Central Washington University are eligible to apply. The award is for tuition, books, and science laboratory fees for the academic year. Applications are available at the Biological Sciences DepartmentSCI. 338, the Chemistry Department- SCI 302, the Scholarship/Student Employment Resource Center- Barge 102, or online at Application deadline is MARCH 30, 2012. Announcing the Dennis W. Farrell Pre-Medicine Scholarship Central Washington University 2012-2013 Academic Year Given by Pearl Dixon Farrell, and Drs. Stan and Corinne Farrell of Ellensburg, Washington in honor of Dennis William Farrell, a pre-medical student at Central Washington University at the time of his death. PURPOSE: The scholarship shall be given to superior and successful sophomore, junior or senior pre-medicine students at Central Washington University. Scholarships are to be used during sophomore, junior or senior year for tuition, books, and science laboratory fees. Students may reapply for their sophomore, junior or senior year. This is an award for excellence. If applicants are equal in all eligibility requirements, Kittitas County residents will receive preference. Financial need is not a requirement. ELIGIBILITY: 1. A citizen of the United States of America. 2. A legal resident of the State of Washington. 3. A sophomore, junior or senior declared pre-medicine student who is a full-time, matriculating student on the Central Washington University Ellensburg campus. Any eligible student must have completed at least fifteen credits of approved science and mathematics coursework. 4. The applicant must have been a full-time, matriculating student at Central Washington University for at least one academic year before receiving the scholarship. 5. College grade point average of 3.5 in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics, excluding computer sciences, and with a 3.4 accumulative grade point average. 6. Awardee must be of good character, show leadership ability and altruistic activities in his/her community, on campus, and with fellow students. Participation in individual or team sports should be given only minor consideration. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MARCH 30, 2012. Applicants must submit the application form, official transcript(s) from all colleges attended, and at least three letters of recommendation by professors who know and have taught the applicant. This information should be sent to the Department of Biological Sciences, SCI. 338. You must include grades for the last quarter that you attended CWU (i.e. winter quarter of your application year). Applications can be obtained from BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT - SCI 338, CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT – SCI 302, and SCHOLARSHIP/STUDENT EMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTER – BARGE 102 or online at DENNIS FARRELL PRE-MEDICINE SCHOLARSHIP AT CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Application deadline is MARCH 30, 2012. Name___________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Student Identification Number________________________________ Current Mailing Address______________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Current Telephone Number________________________________ (Area Code) Permanent Address _____________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Permanent Telephone Number ________________________________ (Area Code) Parent or Guardian ________________________________________________________ Mailing Address_______________________________________________________________ Street City Current Class Standing __Freshman State __Sophomore __Junior Zip Code __Senior U.S. Citizen __Yes __No Washington State Resident __Yes __No Overall GPA _____ CWU Science GPA for Medical School ______ (see attached form) Dennis Farrell Pre-Med Scholarship Page 2 Type a one page essay on: 1) Why you want to be a physician? 2) What attributes do you possess that would support your admission into medical school? Dennis Farrell Pre-Med Scholarship Page 3 SCHOLARSHIPS CURRENTLY APPLYING FOR: PREVIOUS SCHOLARSHIPS OBTAINED: (Title and Date) (Title and Date) EDUCATIONAL INTENT OR GOALS: HONORS AND AWARDS: (State year and nature of honor or award, most recent first) Dennis Farrell Pre-Med Scholarship Page 4 OFFICES AND POSITIONS OF LEADERSHIP: (State year, position, and name or organization, most recent first) PARTCIPATION IN SCHOOL EXTRA CURRICULAR AND CIVIC ACTIVITIES: (Where no office was held, most recent first) EMPLOYMENT: (Give dates, employer, and duties, most recent first. Indicate if employment was salaried or non-salaried) PROPOSED COURSE OF STUDY DURING THE SCHOLARSHIP YEAR: (List the science courses by name and number that you plan to take during each quarter that you will be on the scholarship.) Dennis Farrell Pre-Med Scholarship Page 5 REFERENCES: Minimum of three recommendation letters to be mailed to: Department of Biological Sciences, 400 East University Way, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7537 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Address Telephone Status _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Address Telephone Status _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Address Telephone Status _____________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Please return completed applications to: Department of Biological Sciences 400 East University Way Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA 98926-7537 Do you meet the minimum requirements for this scholarship? _____________ If not, are there any extenuating circumstances that we should know about? Please explain: CWU SCIENCE GPA FOR MEDICAL SCHOOL This form is intended to assist you in computing your CWU science GPA for Medical School. The Science GPA is based on any major course offered by the department of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Math. (Math courses from Pre-Calculus thru Calculus are to be used; statistics may also be included.) Quarter Course Credits Math 163.1/Math 153 5 Math 163.2/Math 154 5 Math 172.1/Math 172 5 Math 172.2/Math 173 5 Math 311 5 Chem 181 4 Chem 181.1/Chem181 Lab 1 Chem 182 4 Chem 182.2/Chem 182 Lab 1 Chem 183 4 Chem 183.1/Chem 183 Lab 1 Chem 361 3 Chem 361.1/Chem 361 Lab 2 Chem 362 3 Chem 363 3 Chem 363.1/Chem 363 Lab 2 Chem 431 3 Chem 431.1/Chem 431 Lab 2 Chem 432 3 Grade Grade Point/Credit Total Quarter Course Credits Phys 111 5 Phys 112 5 Phys 113 5 Phys 181 5 Phys 182 5 Phys 183 5 Biol 110/181 5 Biol 111/182 5 Biol 112/183 5 Biol 213 4 Biol 220 5 Biol 323 5 Biol 321 5 Biol 353 6 Biol 354 5 Biol 355 5 Biol 356 5 Biol 360 5 Biol 425 5 Biol 454 4 Biol 455 5 Biol 470 3 Total Credits NAME _________________________________ STUDENT ID# _________________________________ Grade Grade Point/Credit Total Total Grade Points Science GPA