Colony Publications Dec 2014

Publications employing the UW Oshkosh Squirrel Colony
Updated 2/9/16
Purple = UW Oshkosh undergraduates
Red = UW Oshkosh faculty/staff
1. Lahvis G, Panksepp J, Kennedy B, Merriman DK. Social conditioned place preference by captive
ground squirrels: social reward as natural phenotype. J Comp Psychol in press.
2. Laursen WJ, Mastrotto M, Pesta D, Funk OH, Goodman JB, Merriman DK, Ingolia N, Shulman
GI, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO. Neuronal UCP1 expression suggests a mechanism for local
thermogenesis during hibernation.
Proc Nat Acad Sci US 112:1607-12.
1. Bohr M, Brooks AR, Kurtz CC (2014). Hibernation induces immune changes in the lung of 13lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus). Dev Comp Immunol 47, 187-84. doi:
2. Fujino K, Horie M, Honda T, Merriman DK, Tomonaga K (2014). Inhibition of Borna disease virus
replication by an endogenous bornavirus-like element in the ground squirrel genome. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 111:13175-80. doi:10.1073/pnas.1407046111
3. Hindle AG, Grabek KR, Epperson LE, Karimpour-Fard A, Martin SL (2014). The liver proteome in
hibernating ground squirrels is dominated by metabolic changes associated with the long winter fast.
(2014) Physiol Genomics 46:348-61. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00190.2013
4. Hindle AG, Martin SL (2014). Intrinsic circannual regulation of brown adipose tissue form and
function in tune with hibernation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 306:E284-99.
5. Hindle AG, Otis JP, Epperson LE, Hornberger TA, Goodman CA, Carey HV, Martin SL (2014).
Prioritization of skeletal muscle regrowth for emergence from hibernation. J Exp Biol , in press
(Epub before print).
6. Miyagishima K, Grünert U, Li W (2014). Processing of S-cone signals in the inner plexiform layer
of the mammalian retina. Vis Neurosci 31:153-163.
7. Puller C, Haverkamp S, Neitz M, Neitz J (2014). Synaptic elements for GABAergic feed-forward
signaling between HII horizontal cells and blue cone bipolar cells are enriched beneath primate Scones. PLoS One 20;9(2):e88963. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088963
8. Schmidt TM Alam NM, Chen S, Kofuji P, Li W, Prusky GT, Hattar S (2014). A role for melanopsin
in alpha retinal ganglion cells and contrast detection. Neuron 82:781-788. doi:
1. Andres-Mateos E, Brinkmeier H, Burks TN, Mejias R, Files DC, Steinberger M, Soleimani A, Marx
R, Simmers JL, Lin B, Finanger Hedderick E, Marr TG, Lin BM, Hourdé C, Leinwand LA, Kuhl D,
Föller M, Vogelsang S, Hernandez-Diaz I, Vaughan DK, Alvarez de la Rosa D, Lang F, Cohn RD
(2013). Activation of serum/glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) is important to maintain
skeletal muscle homeostasis and prevent atrophy. EMBO Mol Med. 5:80-91. doi:
Hindle AG, Martin SL (2013). Cytoskeletal regulation dominates temperature-sensitive proteomic
changes of hibernation in forebrain of 13-lined ground squirrels. PLoS ONE 8: e71627.
Jani A, Martin SL, Jain S, Keys D, Edelstein CL (2013). Renal adaptation during hibernation. Am J
Physiol Renal Physiol 305:F1521-32. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071627
Mehta B, Snellman J, Chen S, Li W, Zenisek D (2013). Synaptic ribbons influence the size and
frequency of miniature-like evoked postsynaptic currents. Neuron 77:516-527.
Xu R, Andres-Mateos E, Mejias R, MacDonald EM, Leinwand LA, Merriman DK, Fink RH, Cohn
RD (2013). Hibernating squirrel muscle activates the endurance exercise pathway despite prolonged
immobilization. Exp Neurol 247:392-401.
1. Andres-Mateos E, Mejias R, Soleimani A, Lin BM, Burks TN, Marx R, Lin B, Zellars RC, Zhang Y,
Huso DL, Marr TG, Leinwand LA, Merriman DK, Cohn RD (2012). Impaired skeletal muscle
regeneration in the absence of fibrosis during hibernation in 13-lined ground squirrels. PLoS One
7(11):e48884. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048884
2. Chen S, Li W (2012) A color-coding amacrine cell may provide a blue-Off signal in a mammalian
retina. Nature Neurosci 15:954-956. doi: 10.1038/nn.3128
3. Jani A, Orlicky DJ, Karimpour-Fard A, Epperson LE, Russell RL, Hunter LE, Martin SL (2012).
Kidney proteome changes provide evidence for a dynamic metabolism and regional redistribution of
plasma proteins during torpor-arousal cycles of hibernation. Physiol Genomics 44:717-27. doi:
4. Light AC, Zhu Y, Shi J, Saszik S, Lindstrom S, Davidson L, Lix X, Chiodo VA, Hauwsirth WW, Li
W, DeVries SH (2012). Organizational motifs for ground squirrel cone bipolar cells. J Comp Neurol
520:2864-87. doi: 10.1002/cne.23068
5. Merriman DK, Lahvis G, Jooss M, Gesicki JA, Schill K (2012). Current practices in a captive
breeding colony of 13-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus). Lab Anim (NY) 41:31525. doi: 10.1038/laban.150
1. Epperson LE, Karimpour-Fard A, Hunter LE, Martin SL (2011). Metabolic cycles in a circannual
hibernator. Physiol Genomics 14:799-807. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00028.2011
2. Grabek KR, Karimpour-Fard A, Epperson LE, Hindle AG, Hunter LE, Martin SL (2011). A multistate proteomics analysis reveals novel strategies used by a hibernator to precondition the heart and
conserve ATP for winter heterothermy. Physiol Genomics 43:1263-1275.
3. Hindle AG, Karimpour-Fard A, Epperson LE, Hunter LE, Martin SL (2011). Skeletal muscle
proteomics: Carbohydrate metabolism oscillates with seasonal and torpor-arousal physiology of
hibernation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 301:R1440–R1452. doi:
4. Jani A, Epperson E, Martin J, Pacic A, Ljubanovic D, Martin SL, Edelstein CL (2011). Renal
protection from prolonged cold ischemia and warm reperfusion in hibernating squirrels.
Transplantation 92:1215-21. doi: 10.1097/TP.0b013e3182366401
5. Puller C, Haverkamp S (2011). Bipolar cell pathways for color vision in non-primate dichromats. Vis
Neurosci 28:51-60. doi: 10.1017/S0952523810000271
6. Puller C, Ondreka K, Haverkamp S (2011). Bipolar cells of the ground squirrel retina. J Comp
Neurol 519:759-74. doi: 10.1002/cne.22546
1. Li W, Chen S, DeVries SH (2010). A fast rod photoreceptor signaling pathway in the mammalian
retina. Nature Neurosci 13:414-416. doi: 10.1038/nn.2507
2. Russell RL, O'Neill PH, Epperson LE, Martin SL (2010). Extensive use of torpor in 13-lined ground
squirrels in the fall prior to cold exposure. J Comp Physiol B 180:1165-72. doi: 10.1007/s00360010-0484-8
2007-09: WiSys and NIH funding allow us to (a) modernize the entire animal facility, including a
dedicated rodent surgery; (b) attain AAALAC accreditation; and (c) greatly expand capacity.
2007: First shipments to other investigators.
2006: We publish our breeding method for the first time: Vaughan DK, Gruber AR, Michalski ML,
Seidling J, Schlink S (2006). Capture, care, and captive breeding of 13-lined ground squirrels,
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus. Lab Anim (NY) 35:33-40.
2003: First captive bred litter born at UW Oshkosh.
2002: First 13-lined ground squirrels at UW Oshkosh. Eternal thanks to Hannah Carey, UW Madison,
for helping us get set up for them.