Formal Literary Essay Task and Criteria


Formal Literary Essay

PURPOSE: Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze literature and synthesize ideas in order to draw conclusions and make claims that are supported by textual evidence.

DUE: January 28 th, 2016


Students will be given the choice of the following three prompts to guide them in developing their thesis statements:

1) The play features quirky relationships and comical characters. Discuss how

Shakespeare pokes fun at courtly love and the human experience.

2) Discuss the idea that people can change in reference to the characters of As You

Like It.

3) Define what makes a successful relationship in reference to the characters in the play.

Students are to answer one of these questions using evidence from Shakespeare’s, As You

Like It. They must write an analytical discussion in the form of a five paragraph essay.


Part of the outline will be written at home, while the paper will be produced in school.

You must use the five paragraph essay format.

 Outline must be handed in with the essay on January 28 th , 2016

You will be assessed on how well you:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the question.

How well you organize, structure, and develop your essay.

Express your ideas clearly using correct and formal vocabulary, spelling, and grammar.



B: Organize opinions and ideas in a logical manner. Level: ___

C: Selects relevant details and examples from the text to support ideas. Level: ___

D: Uses varied sentence structure and formal vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Level: ___








Level Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the standards below

B: Organizes opinions and ideas with a minimal degree of logic

C: Selects few relevant details and examples to support ideas.

D: Uses varied sentence structure and formal vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation with limited accuracy. Errors often hinder communication.

B: Organizes opinions and ideas with some degree of logic

C: Selects some relevant details and examples to support ideas.

D: Uses varied sentence structure and formal vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation with some degree of accuracy. Errors sometimes hinder communication.

B: Organizes opinions and ideas in a logical manner. Paragraphs connect and support the thesis statement.

C: Selects sufficient relevant details and examples to support ideas.

D: Uses varied sentence structure and formal vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation with a considerable degree of accuracy. Errors do not hinder communication.

B: Effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a logical manner with ideas connecting transitioning in a sophisticated manner to support the thesis statement.

C: Selects extensive relevant details and examples to support ideas. 

D: Uses varied sentence structure and formal vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy. Errors are minor and do not hinder communication.
