How to Succeed - Nogales High School

The Key to Success: Study Time
The single most important key to success in any higher level class is to spend enough time studying. A rule of thumb is
that you should expect to study about 2-3 hours a week outside of class for each class (or each unit in college). Always
review your notes on the same day you took them. Reviewing your notes the same day you took the notes results in
understanding your notes better and less time spent studying for the exam.
As a rough guideline, your study time should be divided as shown in the table below. If you are spending fewer hours
than these guidelines suggest, you can probably improve your grade by studying longer. If you are spending more hours
than these timelines suggest, you may be studying inefficiently; in that case, you should talk to your instructor about
how to study more efficiently.
If math gives you problems, you should do more problems than the teacher assigns and ask your instructor or friends
who understand math for help.
Hours per
Time for reading,
practicing math
problems, watching
videos and
2-3 hours
Time for Homework
and take-home labs
Time for review and
test prep
1-2 hours
1 hour
4-6 hours
General Strategies for Studying
Budget you time effectively. One or two hours each day is more effective, and far less painful, than studying all
night for an exam or to finish your homework. Note: research shows a personal contract can be helpful for your
study time in which you specify rewards for success and penalties for failures.
Engage you brain. Learning is an active process, not a passive experience. If you find your mind drifting or falling
asleep, make a conscious effort to revive yourself, or take a break if necessary.
Don’t try to multitask. Research shows that human beings simply are not good at multitasking. In case you think
you are the exception, the same research also shows that those people who believe they are best at
multitasking were actually the worst! So when it is time to study, turn off your electronic devices, find a quiet
spot, and give your work a focused effort of concentration. If you are using a device to study, turn off e-mail,
text, or other alerts so they will not interrupt your concentration.
Don’t miss class. Listening to lectures and participating in class activities and discussions is much more effective
than reading someone else’s notes. Active participation will help you retain what you are learning. Remember –
you are responsible for the material covered in class and all assignments even if you have an excused absence.
It is crucial that you complete any assigned reading and homework before the class in which it will be discussed.
Classes are designed to help reinforce key ideas from the readings or homework assigned the night before.
Use you textbook effectively. Begin by identifying the learning goals of an assigned chapter, and get an overview
of key concepts by looking at the headings and studying the illustrations and reading the captions before reading
the chapter. As you are reading write down any questions you have about the material in the chapter to review
or to discuss with your teacher. After reading, check your understanding by trying some of the problems or any
online quizzes or tutorials that may be available.
Start your homework early – especially the take-home labs. The more time you allow yourself, the easier it is to
get help if you need it. If a concept gives you trouble try additional reading or studying beyond what has been
assigned (especially important for solving math problems – do additional problems if you are having trouble with
the math). If you are still having trouble ask for help: you surely can find peers, friends, or a teacher (like me)
who will be glad to help you learn. Remember – you are responsible for your learning – not the instructor.
Working together with friends can be valuable in helping you understand difficult concepts. However, be sure
that you learn with your friends and do not become dependent on them. Also, do not copy their answers (that is
cheating). State answers to problems in your own words.
Preparing for Exams
Rework problems and other assignments; try additional questions to be sure you understand the concepts.
Study your performance on assignments, quizzes, or exams from earlier in the term.
Study your notes and sponges from class, and reread relevant sections in your textbook. Pay attention to what
your instructor expects you to know for the exam.
Study individually before joining a study group with friends. Study groups are effective only if every individual
comes prepared to contribute.
Don’t stay up too late before an exam. Don’t eat a big meal within an hour of an exam (thinking is more difficult
if blood is diverted to the digestive system).
Try to relax before and during an exam. If you have studied effectively, you are capable of doing well. Staying
relaxed will help you think clearly.
Presenting Homework and Writing Assignments
All work you turn in should be at a high school senior level: neat, easy to read, well organized, and demonstrating
mastery of the subject answer. One sentence answers are usually too short. Always answer why if it is appropriate
(However, why is usually not appropriate in an answer to a math problem).
College and future employers will expect a high quality of work. So do I. Moreover, although submitting homework of
this quality requires “extra” effort, it serves several important purposes:
1. The effort you expend in organizing and clearly explaining your work solidifies your learning. In particular,
research has shown that writing and speaking trigger different areas of your brain. By writing something down –
even when you think you think you understand it – you reinforce your learning by involving other areas of the
2. By making your work clear and self contained (making a document that you can read without referring to the
question) you will have a much more useful study guide when you review for an exam.
3. You grade depends on doing high quality work and answering the question “why”.
The following guidelines will help ensure that your assignments meet the standards for my class (and college):
Always use proper grammar, complete sentences, proper paragraph structure, and proper spelling. Do not use
shorthand. And don’t become over-reliant on spell checkers, which may miss “too two three mistakes, to”.
All answers should be fully self-contained (question is in the answer). Imagine your friend is reading your answer
and ask yourself whether your friend would understand what you are trying to say and why. It is helpful to read
your answer aloud to yourself, making sure it sounds clear and coherent.
If you study with friends (or do a group lab), make sure you turn in your own work stated in your own words –
you should avoid anything that might give even the appearance of possible academic dishonesty.
Include illustrations whenever they help explain your answer, and make sure your illustrations are neat, clear,
and labeled if necessary. Make sure your illustrations are not overly cluttered with unnecessary features.
In math problems show your work clearly in an orderly, step by step progression (don’t have different parts of
the problem scattered in an unorganized way). Use standard mathematical symbols (105 not 10E5 or 10^5).
Units are critical. Units should be clearly shown in all steps of a math problem, not just the answer. No points
will be given if units are not included in the answer.
Answers in math problems must have the correct number of significant digits. There is a big difference (in
accuracy) between 1.23 X 107 meters, 1 X 107 meters, and 12326394 meters. Know the rules for significant digits
and how to get the proper significant digits when adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing numbers.
In a math problems, word problems should have word answers. That is, after you have completed any necessary
calculations, any problem stated in words, should be answered with one or more complete sentences that
describe the point of the problem and the meaning of your solution.