IMMIGRATION AND ETHNIC HISTORY SOCIETY BY-LAWS Adopted: 8 April 1989 Preamble MISSION OF THE IMMIGRATION AND ETHNIC HISTORY SOCIETY To promote the study of the history of immigration to North America from all parts of the world, including studies of the background of emigration in the countries of origin; to promote the study of ethnic groups in the United States, including regional groups, native Americans and forced immigrants; to promote understanding of the processes of acculturation and of conflict; to furnish through the Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter information as to research, organizations, meetings and publications in the field of immigrant history; to help organize sessions on immigration and ethnicity at meetings of learned societies; and generally to serve the field of immigration-ethnic history with special reference to professional scholarship. Article I: Name, Office Sec. 1. Name. The name of this corporation shall be “Immigration and Ethnic History Society.” [Formerly Immigration History Society. Revised by Amendment III.] Sec. 2. Office. The office of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society shall be c/o Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, Suite 311, Elmer L. Andersen Library, 222 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Sec. 3. Archives. The official Repository of the Society's Archives is the Immigration History Research Center of the University of Minnesota. Article II: Purposes Sec. 1. Purposes. The purposes for which the Immigration and Ethnic History Society (hereafter sometimes called “the Society") is organized are as follows: To engage in, assist, and contribute to the support of exclusively charitable, educational, or literary activities and projects or purposes, either directly or by contributions to the support of, or to create and maintain exclusively charitable, educational, or literary organizations, including specifically, but not in limitation of the foregoing, to encourage, promote, stimulate and support research, publication and the teaching of immigrant and ethnic history; provided, however, that no part of the income or property of the Society shall be contributed to any organization, the net earnings of which or any part thereof, inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual or any substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation or which, to any extent, participates in, or intervenes in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Sec. 2. Net Earnings. No part of the net earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of any member, member of the Executive Board of the Society, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Society affecting one or more of its purposes), and no member, member of the Executive Board, officer of the Society, or any private individual, shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets on dissolution of the Society. No part of the activities of the Society shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or participating in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Sec. 3. Powers. Without in any way limiting the other powers of the Society, the Society may take, receive, invest, reinvest and hold real and personal property, including the principal proceeds and interest of any money or other fund, that is given, conveyed, bequeathed, devised to or otherwise vested in, the Society in trust or otherwise for a purpose consistent with the purposes set forth herein. Article III: Disposition of Assets Should the Society cease to do business and be dissolved, all property and funds remaining after the payments of the debts of the Society shall be distributed to the Organization of American Historians, but if said Organization of American Historians is not in existence or, for any reason, unable to take, or is no longer qualified as a corporation exempt from federal income taxes, then such property and funds shall be distributed to a corporation of the type heretofore in Article II mentioned and which would then qualify under provisions of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as now enacted or as may hereafter be amended. Article IV: Membership Sec. 1. Class of Members. Any person or organization supporting the objectives of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society and meeting the annual dues requirement of subscribing to both the Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter and the Journal of American Ethnic History. The classes of membership shall be as follows: (a) ANNUAL. Annual members are those persons who, having paid their dues and having been admitted to membership, justify such membership through active support of the objectives of the Society. An annual member shall enjoy all rights and privileges of membership and shall be entitled to vote and to hold office. (b) STUDENT. Student members are those persons who document their yearly status and have paid the appropriate amount to justify such membership. A student member shall enjoy all rights and privileges of membership and shall be entitled to vote and to hold office. (c) INSTITUTIONAL. Institutional members are those organizations, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which, having paid their dues and been admitted to membership, justify such membership through active support of the objectives of the Society. (d) PATRON. Patrons are individuals or organizations who have paid the appropriate amount stipulated for such membership. Patrons' names will be placed in the issues of the Journal of American Ethnic History. Sec. 2. Resignations. A member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Executive Board or the President. In the event of a resignation of a member, no part of the annual dues theretofore paid shall be refunded. Article V: Dues Sec. 1. Amount of Dues. Annual dues shall be established and changed by a majority vote of the membership at the annual business meeting of the Society. [Revised by Amendment VI.] Sec. 2. Payment. The Treasurer or such other individual or organization as he/she may designate shall send notices to each member. Members whose dues are not paid within six (6) months from the due date shall be dropped from membership. Article VI: Officers [See Amendments II and IX] Sec. 1. Officers and Term of Office. There are seven (7) officers of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society: a President, Vice-President-President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editors of the Newsletter, Journal of American Ethnic History, and Website. All officers will hold their positions for three years commencing with the adjournment of the annual meeting, EXCEPT for the three Editors. The Newsletter, Journal, and Website editors shall serve for a term of five years.” Sec. 2. Nominations. The Nominations Committee shall be appointed by the President and shall consist of five members with two-year staggered terms. The Nominations Committee shall report to the Secretary prior to the annual meeting of the Society. Sec. 2. (a) Function, Nomination Procedure. The Nominations Committee should use the Newsletter and Website to solicit suggestions for officers. The Nominations Committee will supply the names of two candidates each for the office of Vice-President-President Elect and Executive Board member from the Immigration and Ethnic History Society membership. The offices of Secretary, Treasurer, and Editors of the Newsletter, Journal of American Ethnic History, and Website will be appointed by the President with the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Board. The Committee will report its proposed slate of candidates to the Secretary in sufficient time for a vote to be taken by the membership before the annual meeting. Sec. 3. Election and Voting. All individual members are eligible to vote. The election of all officers will be made by mail ballot, administered by the Secretary, and the results announced at the annual business meeting. Sec. 4. Removal and Vacancies. Any officer may be removed from his/her office by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire active membership of the Executive Board, with or without cause, and no officer shall be granted any contractual right to office. If there is a vacancy among the officers of the corporation by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Executive Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Sec. 5. President. The President shall have general management of the business of the corporation. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the members and the Executive Board and appoint all committees. He/she shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Executive Board are carried into effect. He/she shall be a member “ex officio" of all committees. He/she shall countersign all checks unless the Executive Board shall have designated some other person to do so and shall sign and execute other documents as may be required for the business of the corporation and shall, in general, perform all duties usually incidental to the office of the President and such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Executive Board. Sec. 6. Vice-President-President Elect. The Vice-President shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as may be specified in the By-laws or prescribed by the Executive Board or by the President. In the event of absence or disability of the President, the VicePresident shall succeed to his/her power and duties. Sec. 7. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of proceedings at members' meetings and at Executive Board meetings, be responsible for the records of the Society and for sending correspondence, arrange for meetings and notify persons concerned with such meetings and with committee appointments and perform such other functions as are assigned by the President or the Executive Board. Sec. 8. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disposition of all funds due to, or collected by the Society. He/she shall sign checks and pay all financial obligations. He/she shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements and render a financial report to the Executive Board upon request. He/she shall submit the records for a financial audit and also submit to the Executive Board a complete financial statement at the close of the fiscal year. He/she shall perform all other duties as are incidental to this office. Sec. 9. Newsletter Editor. The Editor will be responsible for editing and publishing the Newsletter. The Newsletter is to be published twice annually with dates agreed upon between the Editor and the Executive Board. Sec. 10. Journal of American Ethnic History Editor. The Editor will be responsible for the editing and publishing of the Journal and will submit regular reports on its condition. Publication dates for the Journal shall be based upon agreements between the Society and the publisher. The Journal Editor will negotiate agreements on behalf of the Society. Sec. 11 Website Editor. The Editor will be responsible for working with the President and the webmaster to keep content on the website current and will advise the President regarding the content and appearance of the website. Sec. 12 Society Membership and Eligibility for Office. Officers and board members are required to maintain a current membership in the Society. Officers and board members who have fallen ninety days or more in arrears on payment of Society dues and have been duly notified will be considered to have resigned their offices and may be replaced by a majority vote of the board. Voting privileges in elections or on any motion before the board or the annual meeting are restricted to persons in the various categories of individual membership in the Society who are not in arrears on their dues payments. Article VII: Executive Board [See Amendments II and IX] Sec. 1. Election and Term of Office. The Executive Board shall consist of seven (7) current officers and nine (9) additional members, three (3) of whom will be elected in each year. Such additional members shall be elected for three-year (3-year) terms in the same manner as prescribed for the officers. Service on the Executive Board shall be limited to one three-year term and incumbents should not be renominated until after an interval of one year. All past Presidents of the corporation shall be considered “ex officio" members of the Executive Board entitled to attend all meetings of the Executive Board and entitled to vote during the three (3) years immediately succeeding their Presidency. Sec. 2. Duties and Powers. The Executive Board shall have full and complete charge of all operations of the Society. The Executive Board shall also have full right to commit the Society in matters of policy or procedure and to determine and approve expenditures from its treasury. Sec. 3. Removal and Vacancies. The Executive Board may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, remove a member for a failure to discharge properly his/her duties of office. All vacancies in the Executive Board shall be filled by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board for the unexpired term created by the vacancies. Article VIII: Meetings Sec. 1. Annual Meeting of Society. An annual business meeting of all members of the Society shall be held in conjunction with the annual Organization of American Historians convention. The time and place of the meeting shall be determined by the Secretary in consultation with the President and the Local Arrangements Committee. Sec. 2. Special Meetings of Members. Special meetings of members may be called at any time by the President and shall be called at any time upon the written request of three (3) Executive Board members or of ten (10) members. Only such subjects as shall have been announced in the call for a special meeting shall be considered at such meeting, but a call may be issued for a special meeting to transact general business and, at such meeting, any matter may be considered and acted upon. Sec. 3. Quorum and Voting of Members. Fifteen (15) members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at any general or special meeting of members duly called. Except as otherwise provided by law, a majority vote shall be sufficient to carry all motions requiring a vote at a general or special meeting. Sec. 4. Meetings of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall hold regular meetings at such times and places as the Executive Board may, from time to time, determine. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called any time by the President or any member of the Board. The place of the special meeting shall be determined by the person calling the meeting. Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. Except as otherwise provided herein, a simple majority vote shall be sufficient to carry all motions at the Executive Board meetings. Sec. 5. Notice of Meetings. Ten (10) days notice of the annual meeting shall be given to the members. Notice shall be given of all regular meetings of the Executive Board and all special meetings of the Executive Board or of the members by the Secretary to all members of the Executive Board or members, as the case may be, at their respective addresses as recorded on the books of the Society at least five (5) days prior to such meeting, and such notice shall set forth the purposes of such meeting. Article IX: Standing Committees [See Amendment II] Sec. 1. Nominations Committee. See ARTICLE VI, Sec. 2. Sec. 2. Saloutos Memorial Book Award Committee. The Saloutos Award Committee will consist of three members appointed by the President with each member serving three-year staggered terms. Normally the Chair will be the member with seniority. [Revised by Amendment 1] The Committee will announce the annual award for the work copyrighted in any one year at the annual Society meeting following that year. Sec. 3. Carlton C. Qualey Memorial Article Award Committee. The Carlton C. Qualey Award Committee will consist of two members appointed by the President. A third member is the Editor of the Journal of American Ethnic History. The two appointed members will serve four-year revolving terms. The prize will be awarded every other year for the best essay to appear in the Journal of American Ethnic History during the two preceding calendar years. Sec. 4. Local Arrangements Committee. The Local Arrangements Committee will consist of at least two members appointed by the President for one-year terms. The Secretary will serve “ex officio." Members will plan the annual dinner meeting of the Society and assist with other local preparations as needed. Sec. 5. Program Committee. The Program Committee will consist of three members serving three-year terms. Members can be reappointed to consecutive terms. The Committee will propose immigration and ethnic history panels at scholarly meetings and otherwise assist members participate on appropriate panels. [Revised by Amendment IV.] Sec. 6. George E. Pozzetta Dissertation Research Award Committee. The Pozzetta Award Committee will consist of three members appointed by the President with each member serving three-year staggered terms. Article X: Distinguished Service Recognition The President shall on occasion consult with past or present officers and others appropriate to designate any Immigration and Ethnic History Society member for his/her distinguished service to the Society or the field of immigration and ethnic history. Article XI: Changes Sec. 1. Amendments to By-laws. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the whole Executive Board if authorized by the members in accordance with law, or by a simple majority vote of the regular members present at any regular or special meeting; provided that notice of such proposed action has been given as required for notice of a special meeting of the members or Executive Board, as the case may be. Sec. 2. Suggestions. Voting members of the Society are encouraged to submit recommendations for the improvement of the activities of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society to the Executive Board or the Secretary of the Society or from the floor of the annual meeting of the Society. AMENDMENTS Amendment I [Adopted March 24, 1990] Saloutos Memorial Book Award Committee. The Saloutos Award Committee will consist of three members appointed by the President with each member serving three-year staggered terms. The Chair will be the member who is serving for the second year. The Committee will announce the annual award for the work copyrighted in any one year at the annual Society meeting following that year. Amendment II [Adopted March 30, 1996] Membership on the Executive Board and Society committees shall be limited to Immigration and Ethnic History Society members in good standing. Amendment III [Adopted April 4, 1998] The name of this corporation shall be "Immigration and Ethnic History Society." [Formerly the Immigration Society.] Amendment IV [Adopted April 4, 1998] Article IX, section: 5: “The Program Committee will consist of six members appointed by the President and divided into three two-person subcommittees. A seventh member is the Vice-President, who will chair the committee. Persons will serve two-year staggered terms, with terms ending in June. The subcommittees will report to the Vice President who will appoint its subcommittee chairs, assign subcommittee duties, and coordinate committee activities. The committee will propose immigration and ethnic history panels at scholarly meetings and otherwise assist members to participate on appropriate panels.” Amendment V [Adopted March 27, 2004] Article I, section 2: “The office of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society shall be c/o Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, Suite 311, Elmer L. Andersen Library, 222 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455.” [Formerly 826 Berry Street, St. Paul, MN 55114] Amendment VI [Adopted March 27, 2004] Article V, section 1: “Amount of Dues. Annual dues for membership categories shall be established and changed by a majority vote of the membership at the annual business meeting of the Society.” [Superseded by Amendment IX.] Amendment VII [Adopted March 26, 2009] Article VII, section 1: “Election and Term of Office. The Executive Board shall consist of six (6) current officers and nine (9) additional members, three (3) of whom will be elected in each year., Such additional members shall be elected for threeyear (3-year) terms in the same manner as prescribed for the officers. Service on the Executive Board shall be limited to one three-year term and incumbents should not be re-nominated until after an interval of one year. All past Presidents of the corporation shall be considered “exofficio” members of the Executive Board entitled to attend all meetings of the Executive Board and entitled to vote during the three (3) years immediately succeeding their Presidency.” Amendment VIII [Adopted March 28, 2009] Article VII, section 1“Election and Term of Office. . . . Service on the Executive Board shall be limited to one three-year term and incumbents should not be renominated until after an interval of one year.” Amendment IX [Adopted April 9, 2010] Article V, section 1: “Amount of Dues. “Fees and amount of annual dues for all membership categories and sub-categories shall be established and changed by a majority vote of the Board.” Amendment X [Adopted March 20, 2011] Article VI, section 1: “Officers and Term of Office. There are seven (7) officers of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society: a President, Vice-PresidentPresident Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editors of the Newsletter, Journal of American Ethnic History, and Website. All officers will hold their positions for three years commencing with the adjournment of the annual meeting, EXCEPT for the three Editors. The Newsletter, Journal, and Website editors shall serve for a term of five years.” Article VI, section 2. (a) Function, Nomination Procedure. The Nominations Committee should use the Newsletter and Website to solicit suggestions for officers. The Nominations Committee will supply the names of two candidates each for the office of Vice-President-President Elect and Executive Board member from the Immigration and Ethnic History Society membership. The offices of Secretary, Treasurer, and Editors of the Newsletter, Journal of American Ethnic History, and Website will be appointed by the President with the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Board. The Committee will report its proposed slate of candidates to the Secretary in sufficient time for a vote to be taken by the membership before the annual meeting. Article VI, section 11. Website Editor. The Editor will be responsible for working with the President and the webmaster to keep content on the website current and will advise the President regarding the content and appearance of the website. Article VII, section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Executive Board shall consist of seven (7) current officers and nine (9) additional members, three (3) of whom will be elected in each year. Such additional members shall be elected for three-year (3-year) terms in the same manner as prescribed for the officers. Service on the Executive Board shall be limited to one threeyear term and incumbents should not be renominated until after an interval of one year. All past Presidents of the corporation shall be considered “ex officio" members of the Executive Board entitled to attend all meetings of the Executive Board and entitled to vote during the three (3) years immediately succeeding their Presidency. Amendment XI [Adopted March 20, 2011] Sec. 1. Amendments to By-laws. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the whole Executive Board if authorized by the members in accordance with law, or by a simple majority vote of the regular members present at any regular or special meeting; provided that notice of such proposed action has been given as required for notice of a special meeting of the members or Executive Board, as the case may be. Amendment XII [Adopted April 11, 2014] Article VI, section 12. Society Membership and Eligibility for Office. Officers and board members are required to maintain a current membership in the Society. Officers and board members who have fallen ninety days or more in arrears on payment of Society dues and have been duly notified will be considered to have resigned their offices and may be replaced by a majority vote of the board. Voting privileges in elections or on any motion before the board or the annual meeting are restricted to persons in the various categories of individual membership in the Society who are not in arrears on their dues payments. Amendment XIII [Adopted May 19, 2014]Article IX. Standing Committees Section 7. IEHS Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee. The IEHS Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee will consist of three members appointed by the President with each member serving three-year staggered terms. The Chair will be the member who is serving for the second year. The Committee will announce the annual award for the work copyrighted in any one year at the annual Society meeting following that year. Section 8. IEHS First Book Award Committee. The IEHS First Book Award Committee will consist of three members appointed by the President with each member serving three-year staggered terms. The Chair will be the member who is serving for the second year. The Committee will announce the annual award for the work copyrighted in any one year at the annual Society meeting following that year. Amendment XIV [Adopted April 17, 2015] Preamble. Mission Statement. To promote the study of the history of immigration to North America from all parts of the world, including studies of the background of emigration in the countries of origin; to promote the study of ethnic groups in the United States, including regional groups, native Americans and forced immigrants; to promote understanding of the processes of acculturation and of conflict; to furnish through the Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter information as to research, organizations, meetings and publications in the field of immigrant history; to help organize sessions on immigration and ethnicity at meetings of learned societies; and generally to serve the field of immigration-ethnic history with special reference to professional scholarship. Amendment XV [Adopted April 17, 2015] Article VI. Standing Committees Sec. 3. Election and Voting. All individual members in good standing are eligible to vote. The election of all officers will be made by mail or electronic ballot, administered by the Secretary, and the results announced at the annual business meeting. A majority of votes received is required for election. In cases in which no candidate has received a majority, the Secretary will conduct a run-off election. Immigration and Ethnic History Society: Policy Statements Guidelines on Co-Sponsorships [Adopted by a vote of the Officers and Executive Board members on July 28, 2009]. 1. The IEHS welcomes opportunities to co-sponsor (i.e., endorse and/or provide organizational and other assistance for) conferences, events, or projects that are organized by other organizations and are consistent with the IEHS’ purposes and non-profit legal status. 2. The IEHS will not ordinarily provide funding for co-sponsored conferences, events, or projects organized by other organizations unless funds have been obtained and allocated for that purpose. 3. Co-sponsorship commitments made by the IEHS Board are contingent upon agreement by individual members of the IEHS or the Board to fulfill those commitments on an unpaid, voluntary basis. 4. The IEHS may not co-sponsor conferences, events, or projects whose purpose is social or political advocacy or that are organized by such advocacy groups. 5. As a condition of IEHS co-sponsorship, the principal sponsoring organization(s) must agree to duly acknowledge IEHS co-sponsorship on their printed program and to disseminate general and membership information about the IEHS at or through said conference, event, or project. 6. If the co-sponsored activities become incompatible with IEHS purposes, non-profit status, or these guidelines, as determined by the IEHS President or Board, the IEHS President will contact the organization and terminate or revoke co-sponsorship. 7. A statement on the Purposes of the Society (Article II, sec. 1 of the By-Laws) and a copy of these and any additional guidelines will be communicated, in writing, to the organizers of any conference, event, or project that has requested or been given IEHS co-sponsorship. 8. These guidelines will apply to all present and future co-sponsorships entered into by the IEHS.