In conjunction with Dr. Nicholas Ridley (UK), associate of LSN COUNTERTERRORISM (CT) AND APPLIED INTELLIGENCE COURSE PARK HOTEL THE HAGUE THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS 2-4 DECEMBER 2015 BACKGROUND On 2-4 December 2015 Lowlands Solutions Netherlands (LSN) will be presenting a threeday, 26 hours, course on Counterterrorism (CT) and Applied Intelligence at the Park Hotel in The Hague, Netherlands. This three day (26 hour) “hands-on” program will provide the attendee with a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of terrorism, basic counterterrorism techniques and the fundamental difference between information and (applied) intelligence in which focus will be given to Financial Intelligence (dr. Nicholas Ridley), Cyber Security & Cyber Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis (IA). WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Law Enforcement Personnel, (Military) Intelligence Officers, Security Officers, General Police Officers, Police Officers assigned to Anti-Terrorism activities, Intelligence Analysts, Financial Intelligence Officers, Academics, Security Managers, Protective Service Agents, Investigators, Threat Assessment Professionals and Corporate Managers and or CEOs. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students attending the Counterterrorism (CT) and Applied Intelligence Course will acquire the following skills and competencies: Identifying the fundamental difference between Information and Intelligence; The Critical role of (Applied) Intelligence in Counterterrorism (CT); How to turn (raw) data into Applied Intelligence; How to identify differences between Tactical, Strategic and Operational Intelligence; Impediments to the Intelligence Process; Standard Counterterrorism (CT) techniques; Financial Intelligence and money laundering techniques’ Strategic Cyber Intelligence and basic applied CT-techniques SCHEDULE AND OUTLINE Wednesday 2 December 2015 (Day 1) Terrorism and Counterterrorism (CT): Information and Intelligence, Cyber Security Thursday 3 December 2015 (Day 2) Counterterrorism (CT): Financial Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis Friday 4 December 2015 (Day 3) Counterterrorism (CT): Intelligence Analysis (IA), Cyber Security (Applied) WHAT WILL YOU RECEIVE In addition to 24-hours of instruction, all students attending the Counterterrorism (CT) and Applied Intelligence Course will receive the following: - LSN Certificate of Completion suitable for framing; All course materials used throughout the 3-day course; One Year membership of Lowlands Solutions Netherlands (LSN) in which you receive a 20% discount on tuition on one LSN course and/or module until January 2017. ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORS During the course you will encounter numerous instructors with a background at the Dutch Ministry of Defence (Intelligence), EUROPOL, London Metropolitan University, The Hague University (THU) of Applied Science, the George C. Marshall Center (GCMC) for European Security Studies and the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA). ENROLLMENT Tuition: EURO 849 (Group discounts available, please contact for details.) Enrollment in the LSN course also includes catered lunches and coffee breaks Students that wish to enroll for this course should use the course enrollment form attached to this invitation or use the Adobe PDF on our website. When completed forward the enrollment form to LSN by email or to our postal address. When your registration form is processed, you will receive a confirmation by email after which an invoice will be sent for the total course fee. Once the payment has been received by our organisation your seat in the Criminal Intelligence Analysis Course is guaranteed. Please read the attached LSN Course Enrollment Terms and Conditions prior to registration. Questions regarding enrollment may be submitted to the following email: LODGING AND TRAVEL INFORMATION The LSN CT and Applied Intelligence Course will be conducted on-site at the Park Hotel The Hague in the Netherlands. Parkhotel Den Haag Molenstraat 53, 2513 BJ, The Hague Phone: +31 (0)70 362 43 71 Fax: +31 (0)70 361 45 25 Email: Website: Available rates EUR 99 (budget room), EUR 129 (superior room for single use), EUR 139 (superior room for double use). Room rates are per night including the breakfast buffet and city tax EUR 4,60 p.p.p.n. For hotel information please use the link on our website. Parking: there is limited availability for indoor parking. Reservation is required, EUR 22,50 per overnight stay. Payment: upon departure by the guest. Please do not make a reservation prior to course- and enrollment confirmation by Lowlands Solutions Netherlands (LSN).