BSU Curriculum Forms Form 1 Curriculum Modification Summary College: Health Sciences and Human Ecology Department: Professional Education Proposer: Kris Nei/Barbara bridges Proposer’s position: Assistant Professor Professional Ed/Professor Describe the modification(s) you propose, and how it (/they) will work to students' advantage. (This description and explanation will be included in Curriculum Report packets forwarded to the Faculty Senate.): The FasTrack Initiative will be slightly modified to reflect several different partnerships and needs for transcript review.ED3000 will be offered with variable credits: 3 credits for all students who receive transcript review within ED3000 and complete all modules. 2 credits for all students who complete modules but have no transcript review (SPED and other partnerships-Media Studies/ELL etc). 1 credit for all students outside the university simply looking for a transcript review. This proposed “FasTrack-Bemidji Secondary Post-Bac Initiative” will enable students with a previous baccalaureate degree to complete a program to obtain licensure to teach at the secondary level in Minnesota. We would serve the same population of candidates as we did with the previously approved FasTrack program. This program will offer the same course sequence, and operate within the same structure of the college. This is a simple adjustment to its licensing purview and its ability to review candidates who potentially would be accepted into our already approved secondary and K-12 programs. To accomplish the review of transcripts, a course is required (ED 3000) for anyone seeking to be initially licensed in a discipline and for those who hold a license from another state and are seeking to be licensed in Minnesota. Modifications proposed (specify number of each): ___x__Course Modification(s) (form 2) ____New Course(s) (form 3) _____Course Drop(s) (form 4) ____Program Modification(s) (form 5) _____New Program(s) (form 6) _____Program Drop(s) (form 7) The modifications affect (check): _____Liberal Education ____Undergraduate Curriculum __x___Graduate Curriculum __x__Teacher Licensure Program(s) BSU Curriculum Forms Form 2 Course Modification Form Current Course Number(s): ED 3000 Undergraduate: Proposed Course Number(s), if different: Undergraduate: Graduate: Current Course Title: Introduction to FasTrack Proposed Course Title, if different: Current Course Description: This course provides a comprehensive evaluation of the professional and academic experiences of aspiring teacher candidates. Students will make the transition from content professional to applying their knowledge to the secondary classroom. Transcripts and professional data are reviewed by Content Coordinators and the instructor of the course. Once the evaluation is completed and any required additional course requirements are noted by the Coordinators, the student will work with the instructor to create an individualized program plan that leads to teacher licensure. Students are introduced to the concept of professional reflection based on the Standards of Effective practice, and are oriented to online learning and how the use of online tools can enhance their own instruction. Through online discussions and reflective papers, students explore the four components of the Professional Education Conceptual Framework in the areas of environmental awareness, technology, proficiency in teaching, and collaboration. The state-mandated Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) requirements are outlined and students compare the rubrics found in the TPA with the best practices for their content area. In addition to in-class discourse and activities, students work with a mentor in their discipline area to observe, apply, and transfer their specific content methods into actual practice. Mentors are required to work with students to document mastery of the content standards. Students complete their school-based activities during their practicum hours required in ED 5110 Educational Psychology, which is taken concurrently with ED 3000 in the first semester. Upon completion of this course, students will have a plan of study and a list of activities and/or resources that are aligned with the state content standards. This list will be used in ED 5350 Pedagogy: Planning for Instruction to create lessons and units in the content area. Proposed Course Description, if different: This course provides a comprehensive evaluation of the professional and academic experiences of aspiring teacher candidates. Transcripts and professional data are reviewed. Once the evaluation is completed, the student will work with the instructor to create an individualized program plan that leads to teacher licensure. Students are introduced to the concept of professional reflection based on the Standards of Effective practice. Student concerns and questions are addressed as well as an introduction to D2L and online learning. Discussions around the four components of the Professional Education Conceptual Framework in the areas of environmental awareness, technology, proficiency in teaching and collaboration occur via D2L. An introduction to TaskStream and its relation to the documenting of the Standards of Effective practice is provided. The cost for reviewing transcripts is waived for candidates who enroll in this course. This course is required before taking any other courses in the FasTrack program. Current Credits: 3 Proposed Credits, if different: Variable Credits 1-3 (This is the only change. This option provides flexibility for SPED and future partnerships outside BSU). 3 credits for all students who receive transcript review within ED3000 and complete all modules. 2 credits for all students who complete modules but have no transcript review (SPED and other partnerships-Media Studies/ELL etc). 1 credit for all students outside the university simply looking for a transcript review. Current Prerequisite(s): An earned bachelor’s degree; Proposed Prerequisite(s), if different: An earned bachelor’s degree. May this modified course replace the current course for students remaining in the old curriculum? Yes ____ No __X___ If not, please drop the current course and submit a new course form for the modification. Current Course fee(s) per student: $ for: Proposed Course fee(s) per student, if different: $ for: Do these modifications change any of the following? For all yes answers, please provide updated information on the next page. Student Learning Outcomes Major Content Areas Projected Maximum Class Size Yes __ No _X_ Yes __ No _X__ Yes __ No _X_ This course is listed in the following areas as a requirement or an elective: Non-licensure programs: No Teacher Licensure programs: Social Studies, Science (all areas), Communication Arts and Literature, Math, Music, Physical Education, Health, SPED Liberal Education: No The above “service” area programs/departments were notified of this modification on ____January 5, 2014 ____ (date) by Kris Nei (mail, email, or phone). Reason(s) for change(s): Course is now required BEFORE the candidate starts the SEP sequence, as recommended by the Minnesota Board of Teaching. Variable Credits 1-3 (This is the only change in this proposal. This option provides flexibility for SPED and future partnerships outside BSU). BSU Curriculum Forms Form 8 Signatures _____Kris Nei____________________________________________________ Assistant Professor/ January 2014 Proposer / Title / Date ________________________________________________ Chair or Director / Department or Program / Date Note: "All departmental recommendations [on curriculum] must be reviewed and approved by the department's faculty."--IFO/MnSCU Master Agreement 1997-1999, 20.A.3 (p. 73). ________________________________________________________________ Dean / College / Date [Note: at this point, packet goes to Academic Affairs Office.] FasTrack-Bemidji Secondary Post-Bac Initiative Schedule Pre-program ED 3000 Introduction to FasTrack 1- 3 Credits OFFERED EVERY SEMESTER Semester 1 ED 3100/5100 Introduction to the Foundations of Public School Education ED 3110/5110 Educational Psychology 3 TOTAL 9 3 Semester 2 ED 3350/5350 Pedagogy: Planning for Instruction 3 ED 3140/5140 Human Relations in Education 3 ED 3780/5780 Adaptation/Management: Designing the Learning Environment 3 TOTAL 9 Semester 3 HLTH 3400 Health & Drugs in Society 2 ED 4737/5737 Content Area Reading 3 *XXXXX Secondary Methods 3 -9 ED 4799/5799 The Professional Teacher 1 TOTAL 9 -15 Semester 4 ED 4820/5820 Student Teaching – Elementary 12 or ED 4830/5830 Student Teaching – Secondary 12 or ED 4840/5840 Student Teaching – Special Fields 12 TOTAL 12