German Language and Literature

German Language and Literature ........................................................................................... 1
Professor Lucia Mor ......................................................................................................... 1
German Language Practical Classes (Year 1, Three-year Course Students) .......................... 2
Dr. Christine Arendt; Dr. Paola Rubini; Dr. Maria Chiara Spri; Dr. Bernadette Staindl ... 2
German Language Practical Classes (Annual Students; Year 1, Two-year Course Students) 5
Dr. Margherita Gigliotti .................................................................................................... 5
German Language and Literature
The course will map the significant moments of German literature, from its origins
through to Goethezeit and develop the student’s ability to critically read German
poetry, stories and plays.
The first part of the course will focus on emblematic texts to briefly illustrate the
evolution of German literature from its origins through to Goethezeit. Part two will
then study the plays Minna von Barnhelm by G. E. Lessing, Die Räuber by F.
Schiller and Iphigenie auf Tauris by J. W. v. Goethe.
A. Compulsory reading list:
G. E. LESSING, Minna von Barnhelm (*).
F. SCHILLER, Die Räuber (*).
J. W. VON GOETHE, Iphigenie auf Tauris (*).
(*) The recommended edition is published by Reclam, but any other Italian edition will do
so long as it has the parallel text.
L. MOR (ed.), Letture per il corso «Letteratura tedesca dalle origini alla Goethezeit» (2014/15
academic year, Milan campus), EDUCatt, Milan, 2014.
M. FRESCHI, La letteratura tedesca, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008, pp. 1-92.
In addition, Foreign Languages and Literature students only should read the following:
L. CRESCENZI, Letteratura tedesca: secoli ed epoche, Carocci, Rome, 2005.
B. Recommended reading for specific study (optional)
L. MANCINELLI, Da Carlomagno a Lutero. La letteratura tedesca medioevale, Bollati Boringhieri,
Turin, 1996.
L. MITTNER, Storia della letteratura tedesca, vol. I-III, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, Turin, 1977.
M. FRESCHI (ED.), Storia della civiltà letteraria tedesca, vol. I-II, Utet, Turin, 1998.
F. FIORENTINO-G. SAMPAOLO, Atlante della letteratura tedesca, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2009.
Oral exam.
1. This is a one-year course open to students taking the first year of the First-level Degree
in Language Sciences whose study plan calls for German Language and Literature
(curricula: Foreign Languages and Literature, Language Expert for Mangement and
Tourism and Languages, Communication and Media).
2. The course is open also to one-year course students and two-year course students taking
year 1 of both the First-level Degree in Language Sciences and the University Master’s
Degree course that calls for one year of German Language and Literature. These
students can choose an exam programme that tests their knowledge of either the content
of the first or of the second part of the course. The lecturer will provide detailed
information on the syllabus on her webpage.
3. The Special Subject part of the course will be supported with 20 hours of practical
classes held by Dr. Gloria Colombo dedicated to the linguistic analysis of the course
texts. The practical classes will be held in the second semester.
4. Professor Mor will regularly updated both her webpage (go to the hompage of the
Università Cattolica website, then click the docenti link) and Blackboard page with
course updates and information.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice
German Language Practical Classes (Year 1, Three-year Course Students)
The course aims to take students to level B1 of the Common European Framework
regarding receptive and productive abilities.
As regards written communication, by the end of the course students should be able
to understand and produce written texts of various types, using the key
grammatical, lexical and morpho-syntactic structures covered during the lectures.
As far as verbal communication is concerned, by the end of the course students
should be able to interact effectively in basic everyday situations and on the topics
covered during the year in the reading passages in the set books (see Reading List).
Students will also have to show they can hold a conversation both grammatically
correct and appropriate to the situation and form of interaction, demonstrating a
good level of pronunciation of the language.
1. Preparation for written communication:
– dictation;
– reading and comprehension of texts of various types (in particular texts relating
to everyday life, literature, press articles and documents from internet sources);
– grammar and vocabulary exercises of various kinds;
– paraphrased translation;
– composition (letter, diary, report).
2. Verbal communication:
– phonetic practice with particular focus on the prosodic aspects of German;
– conversation on topics of everyday interest and on the subjects covered in the
3. Introduction to morpho-syntactic and lexical features of German, with
practical exercises.
**For Beginner Level groups:
Begegnungen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch.
Sprachniveau A2+ (the single-volume edition, lessons 1-8; with 2 audio CDs), Schubert
Verlag, Leipzig 2007 - ISBN 3-929526-89-1.
Em Übungsgrammatik. Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, 2002
(ISBN 978-3-19-001657-0).
J. HENSCHEL-P. VALLAVANTI, Das Buch zum Ohrenspitzen, EDUCatt, Milano, 2006 (with 2 audio
CDs) ISBN 978-88-8311-453-3.
F. MISSAGLIA, Von Lauten und Melodien, EDUCatt, Milano, 2011 (for phonetic practice).
B. STAINDL, A1 - Grammatikeinheiten, EDUCatt, 2012.
B. STAINDL, Deutsch A1 - Übungsmaterial, EDUCatt, 2008.
TSCHIRNER, Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz Deutsch als Fremdsprache nach Themen, Cornelsen
Verlag, Berlin 2008 - ISBN 978-3-589-01559-7.
S. WERNER, Albert Einstein. Lesen und Üben – Niveau A2, CIDEB, Genua, 2007 (mit CD.-Audio).
**For Intermediate and Advanced Level groups:
Em Brückenkurs. Neu 2008. Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch, Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, 2008
(ISBN 978-3-19-501696-4).
Em Übungsgrammatik. Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning,
F. MISSAGLIA, Von Lauten und Melodien, EDUCatt, Milano, 2011 (for phonetic practice).
TSCHIRNER, Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz Deutsch als Fremdsprache nach Themen, Cornelsen
Verlag, Berlin, 2008 - ISBN 978-3-589-01559-7.
S. WERNER, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Lesen und Üben – Niveau B1, CIDEB, Genua, 2007 (mit
CD.-Audio) or any other equivalent text to be agreed with the lecturer during the course.
All students are requested to:
a. obtain and bring both a bilingual and a monolingual dictionary (for use throughout the
whole course)
L. GIACOMA-S. KOLB (ED.), Il dizionario di Tedesco, Zanichelli/Klett, Bologna.
Dit, Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano/Italiano-Tedesco, Paravia, Turin.
Duden, Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z, 6. Auflage, Dudenverlag, Mannheim.
Wahrig, Deutsches Wörterbuch, 8. neu bearbeitete Auflage, Bertelsmann, Gütersloh.
b. Go to “Centro per l’Autoapprendimento” (or “CAP”, the self-learning centre on the 3rd
floor of Via Morozzo della Rocca) to find further reading for personal study; the student
should consult with the CAP tutor to agree the best study plan for their language level
After taking an Entry test before lessons begin (exam date and place will be stated on
the enrollment), the students will be subdivided into groups according to their curricula and
language level at the start of the course. The course includes practical classes for each of the
areas covered. Students are recommended to attend lectures regularly, as regular attendance
is a necessary prerequisite for effective and lasting acquisition of the language. During the
course of the year several mock written exams will also be held.
The German language exam consists of a written part and an oral part, marked
The written exam is divided into several tests, one for each of the areas dealt with during
the practical exercises in the course. Dictionaries may not be used in the written exam.
In the oral exam students will be marked both on phonetic and prosodic skills and on
their ability to communicate verbally in an appropriate manner according to the task set.
Marking criteria: use of vocabulary, accuracy of grammar, pronunciation and
intonation, ability to express ideas and communicative interaction.
Students are expected to use all the sources given in the Reading List and the
supplementary materials (CDs, films and articles) that will be made available during the
Detailed information about course content and written and oral exams. will be provided
during lectures.
Further information can be found on the lecturers' webpage at or on the Faculty notice
German Language Practical Classes (One-year Course Students; Year 1,
Two-year Course Students)
The course sets out to develop and/or consolidate the student’s basic German
language skills.
The course will study different types of texts and sector lexicons in line with the
student’s chosen field of study.
Exercises to learn the main German morphosyntactic structures:
– Oral comprehension and production exercises and the writing of simple
messages in the main communicative situations of everyday life.
– Reading and listening to texts on subjects related to the civilisations of the
German-speaking countries to learn the comprehension strategies that will
enable the student to independently approach a variety of information sources.
Begegnungen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch. Sprachniveau A2+,
single volume edition, lessons 1-8; with 2 audio CDs, Schubert Verlag, Leipzig, 2007.
Klipp und Klar. Übungsgrammatik Grundstufe Deutsch, mit Lösungen, Klett-Verlag, Stuttgart.
M. GIGLIOTTI, Materialien 1.-5. Woche, Esercitazioni di lingua tedesca, Corso per Annualisti/1°
Biennalisti, a.a. 2013-2014, obtainable from the Reprographics Department.
M. GIGLIOTTI, Lesetexte für die mündliche Prüfung, Esercitazioni di lingua tedesca, Corso per
Annualisti/1° Biennalisti, a.a. 2013-2014, obtainable from the Reprographics Department.
All students are requested to:
a. obtain and bring a billingual and a monolingual dictionary
L. GIACOMA-S. KOLB (eds..), Il dizionario di Tedesco, Zanichelli/Klett, Bologna, 2001.
DIT, Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano/Italiano-Tedesco, Paravia, Turin.
DUDEN, Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z, Dudenverlag, 6. Auflage, Mannheim.
WAHRIG, Deutsches Wörterbuch, 8. neu bearbeitete Auflage, Bertelsmann, Gütersloh.
b. Go to “Centro per l’Autoapprendimento” (or “CAP”, the self-learning centre on the 3rd
floor of Via Morozzo della Rocca) to find further reading for personal study; the student
should consult with the CAP tutor to agree the best study plan for their language level
The exam consists of a double test (written and oral) in German language preparing
students for French literature or linguistics exam to be taken with the corresponding lecturer.
The written text will test the student’s ability to comprehend and produce a German text
and consists of:
an oral comprehension test with true/false answers, a vocabulary test;
a lexical/grammar test;
a written comprehension test with true/false or multiple-choice answers;
a short written text.
The use of dictionaries is not allowed.
The student must first pass the written exam to qualify for the oral exam, which will test
the student’s ability to communicate in a simple but correct way on everyday topics and to
present in a personal way the contents of the texts and materials dealt with in class and
suggested in the reading list.
The course is open to students who plan to take a one-year and/or two-year German
course as a third language.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice