Teacher: School: Essential Question(s) Grade/Subject: K/ Science Week of: What are basic needs of organisms? What do plants need to live and grow? Do all living things need water? All animals need food in order to live and grow. They obtain their food from plants or from other animals. Plants need water and light to live and grow. (K-LS1-1) NGSS lary Lesson Objective Opening/ Do Now Description of Each Instructional Component I can Decide if plants need sunlight to survive by completing lab task and observations with 80% accuracy. Circle Time BrainPop Plant Adaptations https://jr.brain pop.com/scienc e/plants/planta daptations/ 1.Mini- Lesson (I Do)Teacher introduces “Energy Source “ and “ Plants and Sunlight” by use of a Power point. (Slides 6-13 and 3852) http://www.trento n.k12.nj.us/files/_7 PBsW_/98848ff7a9 cf98b93745a49013 852ec4/Unit_3__Plant__Animal_N eeds__Presentation_Slid es.pdf OR SWBAT Youtube Video Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive. https://www.yo utube.com/watc h?v=dUBIQ1fTR zI Draw one thing that plants need to survive. OR Slide 39Prediction *Besides water The teacher will read over slides, thinking aloud, “What do plants need to survive? Do plants need energy from the sun to survive? Introducing key words, energy, sunlight, need. Formative Assessments: Checks for Understanding 1. PowerPoint Questions (Slide 911; 41-43 and 5152) 2. How Plants Work Question Sheet 3. Observations Differentiation/ Modifications Closing/ Reflection/ Assessment Materials/ Resources Used Special Education and or ELL*Pacing(provide ample time for lab task) *Simple Language *Create Vocabulary cards with vocab terms and pictures *Teacher can create a large font anchor chart for plants needs including pictures and key terms *Anchor chart for tools used during lab *Deliver minilesson in small groups *Group students with partners to complete lab *Modify Lab Observations: Plant and Sunlight LabUse Activity Recording Sheet 5 http://www.tre nton.k12.nj.us/f iles/_7PBru_/c5 58263f756f92fe 3745a49013852 ec4/Unit_3__Plant__Animal _Needs__Optional_Labs. pdf Computer *After days of observing which plant 1.2.or 3 is surviving the best? Seedlings Youtube BrainPop Plants and Animals Need Powerpoint How Plants Work Reading Materials 3 plant pots Soil 2 pieces of cardboard Water *Which plants draw one more thing that plants need to survive Teacher will read passage “How Plants Work” http://www.readworks.org /passages/how-plantswork 2.We Do- See formative assessment 1 3.Lab (You Do) Students will complete a series of labs designed to test if plants need sunlight to survive. Plant and Sunlight LabTeacher will put 3 plants in a pot. Students will make a prediction of what will happen to each plant based on the survival situations. 1- water and sunlight 2-water no sunlight 3-sunlight no water Searching for LightStudents will create a maze in a shoebox. They will place the plant in the shoebox and observe how it moves and grows in the direction to reach or receive sunlight. assessment questions from lab. *Create a semantic map of plants and their needs (sunwater, etc) *Model lab task *Allow oral responses to lab assessment or drawn responses Visual- Take pictures or use pictures of healthy plants vs plants that need Bodily KinestheticHands-on plant labs Musical- Listen to Youtube (plants needs) Identify the needs of plants InterpersonalGroup students together with a partner to perform lab task encouraging students to discuss their observations through prompted questions and turn and talk discussions. IntrapersonalAllow student to perform lab independently with are not surviving? *What do those plants need to survive? Why is the one plant surviving? Searching for Light Use activity Sheet 6 Draw a picture of the box maze and how the plant grew. *In which direction did the plant grow? *Why did the plant grow in that direction? *What was the plant trying to get through the maze? Pot with plant Cardboard box with lid moderate prompting and discussion. Give students journal starts to privately record observations from lab. Linguistic-Have students perform labs announcing what they see or listening to teacher model their observations. Logical- Prompt students to journal results of their labs. Compare with their prediction and give reasoning behind each result. K0