School Site Council Minutes November 13, 2014 Members Present

School Site Council Minutes
November 13, 2014
Members Present: Ryan Stanley, Isa Rizk, Adam Fisher, Leigh Hsu, Chad Randall, Alice
Humes, Katrina Campbell, Minnie DeVico, Kay Francis
Call to Order 2:48pm
Welcome and Introductions
Mr. Stanley explained the role of the School Site Council (SSC); the definition of the
advisory committee; the role of members on SSC; and, SSC responsibilities.
Mr. Stanley led a discussion about officers on SSC. Katrina Campbell made a motion;
Leigh Hsu seconded the motion to nominate Alice Humes as Chairperson of SSC. All
members voted in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Stanley motioned and Leigh Hsu
seconded the motion to nominate Adam Fisher as Vice Chair of SSC. All members voted
in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Stanley motioned and Kay Francis seconded the
motion to nominate Marina Russo as secretary. All members voted in favor. The
motion carried.
Mr. Stanley led the committee in a discussion about the District Strategic Plan and it’s
Core Strategies. Members discussed the positive impact the wide spread use of
technology has had on the students.
Members spent time discussing various web based applications that the students can
access through their Chromebooks. Mr. Stanley explained the use of Dreambox at
Ocean Air and throughout the District.
Mr. Stanley led a discussion about the site’s plan and goals.
A discussion took place about monies for SSI, noting the PTA generously donated
addition funds to help purchase Chromebooks for all 3rd grade classes at Ocean Air.
Mr. Stanley addressed a question from Alice Humes about training for the 3rd grade
teachers. Mr. Stanley shared the teachers would be training at Ashley Falls and Del
Mar Hills. She inquired further about the necessity of having teachers leave campus for
training when we have teachers with experience on the OA campus.
Isa Rizk advocated for the earliest possible use of technology for our students. He
noted the benefits of having students learn with technology as young as Kindergarten.
Minnie DeVico added that 1st graders would benefit greatly from iPads.
A discussion about donations and contributions from local businesses to assist the
school in putting technology in the hands of all students took place. Chad Randall
offered to help explore options with Mr. Stanley.
A motion was made by Kay Francis and seconded by Minnie DeVico to purchase
Chromebooks for 3rd grade with the funds sets aside for SSI. All members voted in
favor. The motion carried.
Mr. Stanley offered the floor to all members, asking for feedback about the
committee’s work would most benefit the children at Ocean Air. The committee
members noted they would like to discuss school safety, technology, Smarter Balanced
Assessments, Common Core, and math instruction/materials.
Mr. Stanley added that at the next meeting he would like to have a discussion about
Ocean Air’s brand. What does it mean to be a student as Ocean Air. He noted that OA
would be on Twitter and Facebook in the near future.
Mr. Stanley motioned and Kay Francis seconded a motion to adjourn at 4:02pm. All
members voted in favor. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Katrina Campbell