Table 2 (Electronic Supplementary Material—ESM): Description of the Sub–Surface Pits and Cooking Features That Were Sampled Site Ftr. # 124 Bx 7 124M 124–T– G–AR Type Size (in cm; L x W) 100 x 90 9 Earth Oven Amorphous Pit 5 Pit > 70 x 65 124Z 2 Amorphous Fire Feature 77 x 66 324 6 Earth Oven 180 x 70 290 12 Hearth 100 x 34 294 11 Pit > 32 x 24 322 E 1 Earth Oven 100 x 80 324 326H 6 6 Earth Oven Cooking 180 x 70 > 33 x 14 > 50 x 18 Depth (cm) Description Large basin shaped pit filled with lenses of charcoal and fire–cracked rock. Basal limit has 2–3 20 cm lens of red oxidized soil. Shallow pit feature. Eastern limit is bounded by 14 rocks. Interior has scattered charcoal. Pit with steeply sloping sides. Interior has limited 23 charcoal. Shallow amorphous pit filled with charcoal and infrequent fire–cracked rock. Basal layer lacks lens 19 of oxidized soil. Very large basin shaped pit. Interior has dense charcoal and ash, frequent earth oven stones, and fire cracked rock. Basal limit has a 2–3 cm lens of 30 red oxidized soil. Grill–like hearth feature. Basalt deposit has lens of small vesicular basalt pebbles mixed with charcoal. Underlying this is a thin lens of red oxidized soil. 32 Upper limit of features is outlined by stones. Pit with a basal boundary partially lined with rock. 18 Scattered charcoal and other debris in the interior. Large basin shaped pit filled with dense charcoal, earth oven stones, and fire cracked rock. Basal 30 deposit has a 2 cm thick lens of red oxidized soil. Very large basin shaped pit. Interior has dense charcoal and ash, frequent earth oven stones, and fire cracked rock. Basal limit has a 2–3 cm lens of 30 red oxidized soil. 32 Steeply sided pit. Interior has frequent charcoal, Context Found on a terrace fronting a temple Terrace with lithic activity area Exterior to a temple and a council meeting platform Found on the upper terrace, in association with pits, oven rake out Exterior to rectangular house House Interior Found on the upper terrace, in association with pits, oven rake out 326 H 14 Feature/Fire Feature Cooking Feature/Fire Feature >52 x 22 cooking stones, and some fire–cracked rock. Basal deposit has thin lens of red oxidized soil. ? Pit with charcoal concentration in interior, lacks red oxidized soil at the basal limit Note: > refers to features that were not fully excavated where we report the excavated dimensions which do not equate with maximum dimensions.