Meeting 6 - 13 November 2015

University of Tasmania
Academic Senate Minutes
Friday, 13 November 2015
Academic Senate
The Academic Senate met in the Sir Raymond Ferrall Centre, Launceston Campus on
Friday, 13 November 2015, starting at 11:00 AM.
Prof D Nicol in the Chair, the Vice-Chancellor (Prof P Rathjen), Prof D Adams,
Dr P Brett, Prof M Calford, Prof E Cameron, Prof S Campbell, Ms D Carnes, Dr
S Chai, Mr C Cooley, Assoc Prof M Dibben, Prof J Dickey, Prof D Fassett, Prof
B Heywood, Prof E Hilder, Prof C Johnson, Dr M Jones, Dr J Kenny, Dr T
Lewis, Prof M Otlowski, Dr C Owen, Assoc Prof A Reading, Prof D Sadler, Prof
T Simoes da Silva, Prof B Waldrip, Prof J Walls, Prof M Walter, Assoc Prof E
Wapstra, Prof I Whelehan, Prof J Williamson and Prof B Yates.
Ms S Nelson was present as Secretary.
Ms J Botica-Jones, Assoc Prof N Brown, Mr D Clerk, Dr J Duffy,
Prof N Frankham, Ms M Fyfe, Prof S Kilpatrick, Mrs K Pemberton, Prof G
Rickard, Ms H Walford and Dr P Whitley.
Apologies and welcome
The Chair welcomed members, observers and new members of Academic Senate.
Apologies were received from the following members: Dr M Alessandrini, Prof D
Baltzly, Mr A Beckett, Prof N Bose (Dr J Duffy in his stead), Prof A Chan, Prof S Dodds
(Prof N Frankham in her stead), Miss H Durrani, Dr R Dwyer, Prof C Earley, Prof D
Ezzy, Prof D Geraghty, Assoc Prof A Koutoulis, Miss H La Paglia, Prof T Marwick, Prof
H Meinke, Prof C Palmer, Prof D Ranmuthugala (Dr P Whitley in his stead), Prof J
Reid, Mr T Song, Assoc Prof E Stratford, Dr A Townsend, Dr S Williams and Prof K
Apologies were received from the following observers: Mr P Barnett, Prof P Frappell.
Academic Senate took the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2015 as
read and confirmed them.
Business arising from the Minutes
Academic Senate received the Report on Business Arising from the Minutes.
Items to be starred
Item 3.5
Extending Recognition of English Proficiency Training to the Provider
of English for our Collaborative Articulation Programs
Item 5.2.6
Diploma of Family History
Item 5.4
New Scholarships
Motions on unstarred items
Academic Senate adopted the recommendations and reports presented as unstarred
items without discussion.
Reporting and Monitoring
Item 4.4
Report from the Cross Faculty Learning and Teaching Sub-committee
Item 4.5
Vice-Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Enhancement
of the Student Experience
Item 4.6
Report from Council
Item 5.1
Item 5.2.1
Item 5.2.2
Item 5.2.3
Item 5.2.4
Item 5.2.5
Item 5.3.2
Item 5.3.3
Item 5.3.4
Item 5.3.5
Item 5.3.6
Item 5.3.7
Item 5.5
Item 5.6
Item 5.7
Amendment to Membership of the Student Spaces Sub-committee
Master of Leadership (Health and Human Services), Graduate
Diploma of Leadership (Health and Human Services), Graduate
Certificate in Leadership (Health and Human Services) and Bachelor
of Health and Human Services (Leadership) Professional Honours
Master of Planning
Bachelor of Health (Public Health) Professional Honours
Bachelor of Paramedicine with Clinical Honours
Bachelor of Paramedic Practice (ADF Conversion)
Name change for the Post-graduate Nursing Specialisation (Aged
Care) to Post-graduate Nursing Specialisation (Gerontological)
Discontinuation of the Paediatric Intensive Care Specialisation in
Postgraduate Nursing courses
Amendments to the specifications for the Master of e-Health (Health
Informatics) and Graduate Certificate in e-Health (Health Informatics)
Discontinuation of the Graduate Diploma of Science and Graduate
Diploma of Science with Honours
Discontinuation of the Bachelor of Pharmacy with Professional
Honours in Pharmacy Practice
Amendments to the schedule of the combined Bachelor of Information
and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Laws
Amended Scholarships
Amended Prizes
Rule 1 Amendments
Routine Business and Procedural Matters
Item 6.1
Outcome of Election for Chair of Academic Senate
Item 6.2
Outcome of Call for Nominations - Standing Academic Committee
Item 6.3
Further Call for Nominations - Standing Academic Committee
Item 6.4
Call for Nominations - Academic Staff Members of Academic Senate
Item 6.5
Call for Nominations – Research Fellow
Item 6.6
Annual Review of Membership of Committees
Item 6.7
Appointments to Adjunct, Clinical or Associate Titles
Item 6.8
Award of Higher Degrees by Research
Items for consideration
Strategic Session - University Library Future Vision
The University Librarian indicated the Library Future Vision was developed by the
Library Masterplan Steering Committee which was established as a forum to
articulate what constitutes a contemporary academic library in the digital age,
underpinned by technology and in a research intensive university.
The University Librarian indicated the Vision is aspirational and aligned to institutional
priorities. The document recognises the need to develop strong relationships and
academic partnerships.
The Library Future Vision Strategy Engagement Plan entailed significant consultation
both one on one with stakeholders and at Faculty/Institute wide forums. Student
views were canvassed through the use of social media. The consultation resulted in
a commitment to breadth and depth in the Library’s collection and the establishment
of the Library Faculty Consultative Committee.
The University Librarian noted that the Vision consists of three areas
spaces (physical and virtual) – encompassing enhancing the student experience
through integrated and amalgamated student services in the Library and flexible
learning spaces to facilitate a range of learning opportunities. Members indicated
the Library should be an immersive information environment encompassing small
group spaces and individual study spaces inviting social and individual
approaches to scholarship. Members recognised that the Library plays a key role
in the undergraduate experience. The melding of academic and social spaces
creates an intellectual academic environment.
Members expressed interest in the notion of the Library as a cultural hub for the
community, noting that it could be co-located with civic libraries. This would
promote ongoing dialogue and engagement from secondary education through to
the University of the Third Age.
collections – increasingly electronic with access available to printed material.
Subscription to Bonus+ which gives access to the material held by fourteen other
academic research institutions. Also in this area is the opportunity for community
engagement through the Library’s community collections. The University
Librarian advised that the Library is implementing an online volunteer program
aimed at transcribing its special collections so these works are ‘discoverable’
electronically. Members indicated that Library software should ensure seamless
access to collections irrespective of the type of holding.
staff expertise – members agreed that the Library is a mechanism for collating,
curating and linking data and research together with providing the platform for
instant and intuitive access to information which is supported by Library staff. In
this sense the Library is a partner in the research cycle. Members noted there is
an opportunity for the University to play a leadership role in open distribution by
connecting academics to data and making the collated results available globally.
Academic Senate endorsed the University Library Future Vision.
University of Tasmania Student Experience Strategy
The Executive Director, Student Experience, Ms Steph Taylor, introduced the
strategy noting that while some programs are well recognised nationally and
internationally, there is a lack of a consistent brand across the University. Students
have a strong sense of identity locally but this was not necessarily translating
University wide.
Ms Taylor noted that performance in the area of the student experience at the
University of Tasmania also includes a reflection on the student experience as a
measure of quality. She noted that the Strategy acknowledges and recognises the
diversity of students and cohorts, as such there is no one single student experience.
The Strategy aims to acknowledge that diversity and while the Student Experience
Committee monitors the strategy and progress, the student experience is a whole of
institution responsibility.
Ms Taylor indicated the Strategy is based around five pillars:
building the capacity of students to engage in their University experience
supporting a diverse and dynamic University community
providing a suite of comprehensive and quality services for students
facilitating rewarding and high impact experiences
strengthening the partnership with students
Members noted that the Strategy, while comprehensive, largely considers
undergraduate students. Given the different dynamics and needs for higher degree
research candidates and postgraduate coursework students, the Strategy should also
include a focus on these students.
Members also noted that there was a need to distinguish carefully between strategies
for the student experience and equating that with student success in extra curricula
Members noted that some aspects of the Strategy are more scoping in nature that
definitive. The Executive Director, Student Experience noted that the implementation
plan is for twelve months and aims to bring existing programs into the strategy and
resolve any resourcing issues.
It was noted that the academic timetable precludes University of Tasmania from
attending national University sporting events. It was agreed that consideration would
be given to the academic calendar and its alignment with the sector. Members were
advised that the Curriculum Renewal Group is considering the issue.
Academic Senate endorsed the Student Experience Strategy (2016-2020) and
accompanying Implementation Plan for 2016.
2016 Budget
The Chief Operating Officer and the Acting Chief Financial Officer, Ms Jane BoticaJones outlined the budget process and the methodology used to determine the 2016
Budget. Mr Clerk noted that in terms of operating revenue, the University’s budget
performance had been negative and that the University is on track to meet the
University Council requirement of breaking even in 2017.
The Chief Financial Officer provided an explanation of each non-core funded
initiatives which are funded from reserves, noting these included the Peter
Underwood Centre and the Transformation Program. The capital budget was also
explained and the increasing investment in research infrastructure and more modest
refurbishment plans going forward were highlighted.
Members discussed the information provided in relation to the overall net operating
result for individual Faculties and Institutes. Members noted the “Overall net
Operating Slide” had not been included in the circulated papers for the meeting and
some concern was expressed that Academic Senate might not be provided with
sufficient information to inform its advice to Council. The Chief Operating Officer
indicated that the slide is generally not circulated, as an understanding of the context
around the gross operating margin for each Faculty and Institute is a critical element
in its interpretation. It was noted that there were many reasons for variations in
performance, for example the level of research undertaken impacts negatively on
financial performance given the underfunding of research nationally. The Chief
Operating Officer explained that accordingly, wider distribution of disaggregated
performance would be inappropriate. It was generally agreed that provision of that
level of detail at the meeting rather than in the circulated papers was acceptable.
The Chair noted that the issue is whether the slide assisted Academic Senate in
providing high level advice to Council on the impact of financial decisions and if so,
whether it was necessary to receive the information in physical form. The Chair
agreed to discuss the issue further with relevant senior management.
The Chair noted that over the last four years, the quality and clarity of the information
provided to Academic Senate, coupled with an explanatory presentation in July, has
increased significantly. As a result, Academic Senate members have a much better
understanding of the budget process and the breadth of consultation/discussion
leading to the proposed budget.
Academic Senate received the report on the 2016 Budget.
Non-traditional (Award) Units
The Chair provided members with the background to the development of special
programs and their location within bachelor degree courses, noting in particular the
national participation agenda and increasing community engagement. She added
that these programs had impacted on the University’s retention levels.
The Chair noted that the Bachelor of General Studies is under review and alternative
mechanisms for increasing participation will be considered. In addition, more robust
academic governance processes have been put in place for non-traditional units to
ensure academic quality remains the paramount concern. Academic Senate
consideration and approval of these units will ensure a deliberative process which
balances the positive and negative aspects of special programs and compliance with
the Higher Education Standards Framework. Faculties and Institutes will continue to
approve and report traditional unit offerings.
Academic Senate received the report defining non-traditional (award) units and
arrangements for their review.
Lawson Review - Responsible Conduct of Research
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) introduced the item and provided the
background to the instigation of the external review, undertaken by Professor
Lawson, of the University’s framework for complying with the requirements of the
Australia Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. The Deputy ViceChancellor (Research) noted Professor Lawson had commended the University’s
commitment to integrity and made recommendations which seek to improve the
University’s approach to enable it to evidence active management of the quality of
research and research integrity. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) indicated in
addition, that processes for dealing with misconduct need to be fair, equitable and
The Chair noted that it was important Academic Senate work through the
recommendations raised in the review via the University Research Committee, Ethics
& Integrity Committee and Faculties/Institutes. The latter is particularly important for
raising awareness for both staff and Adjunct, Clinical and Associate title holders that
appropriate mechanisms for dealing with Research Misconduct exist. In addition, the
Chair noted it is Academic Senate’s responsibility to ensure there is an appropriate
framework and underpinning processes to address the recommendations of the
Review. It is also the responsibility of all academics at the University to work within
the framework.
Members noted there had been little reporting from the Human Research Ethics
Committee or the Ethics & Integrity Committee to Academic Senate. Members
agreed a higher level of general and issues based reporting is required.
Members were assured by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) that a formal
communications strategy and a strategy for ensuring awareness and training will be
put in place.
Academic Senate noted the report of the independent external review of mechanisms
to support the responsible conduct of research at the University of Tasmania.
Academic Senate provided comments on the Division of Research’s response to the
Report, to be incorporated into a final whole-of-University response.
Academic Quality Assurance Report - Average Entry Scores by Course
Academic Senate received the Quality Assurance Report detailing Average Entry
Scores by Course.
Equity Advantage that Supports Students from Regional and Low Socioeconomic Areas
Academic Senate approved the implementation of an Admissions Equity Procedure
to support students from regional and low socio-economic areas with effect from the
2016 domestic admissions cycle.
Extending Recognition of English Proficiency Training to the Provider of
English for our Collaborative Articulation Programs
Members commended the approach outlined in the paper and noted that the
approach will be reviewed after twelve months.
Academic Senate noted the acceptance of Australian Education Management Group
English for Academic Purposes Direct Entry Program 2 as meeting the minimum
English language proficiency requirements for entry into University of Tasmania
coursework programs.
Vice-Chancellor's Report on Matters of Current Interest and Importance
The Vice-Chancellor noted the University’s performance in the recent ARC/NHMRC
grant rounds and in particular, the decrease in the number of grant applications. The
Vice-Chancellor indicated that it was important that Faculties and Institutes were
managing the teaching/research balance.
The Vice-Chancellor drew members’ attention to the recent publication in Nature by
Dr Rick Stuart-Smith which involved ‘citizen science’. The paper was based on
robust and reliable data collected by citizens internationally. This represents an
interesting transformation in the way in which scientific research may be undertaken.
The Vice-Chancellor outlined the changes to the Federal Education portfolio, adding
that he had met with the new Minister for Education, the Hon Simon Birmingham.
The Vice-Chancellor advised that the Senate President, Senator Stephen Parry had
hosted a reception for the University’s 125 anniversary at Parliament House which
was well attended by both Federal and Tasmanian politicians.
The Vice-Chancellor advised he had attended the Principals Dinners recently held
throughout Tasmania. Presentations were provided by a student who had completed
their degree online and a second student from the North West. The Vice-Chancellor
added that University campuses in the North and North West are essential to the
ability of students to undertake higher education.
The Vice-Chancellor advised that building a new campus in Launceston will be less
costly than updating existing buildings at Newnham, noting a new site could also be
carbon neutral. He added that the University of Tasmania has been very modest in
its approach to new buildings, partially because funds are diverted to supporting
regional campuses. He reiterated that this was appropriate given Tasmania needs
the northern campuses, but added that failure to support universities in regional
areas impacts on the ability of those universities to maintain and develop
The Vice-Chancellor noted recent rankings performances in the Times Higher
Education (THES) and QS rankings. He explained that some of the University’s
ranking related to changes to methodology in the THES, with Scopus used for
publications data instead of Thomson. This highlights the artificial nature of such
The Vice-Chancellor commented on the University’s recent success in Office of
Learning and Teaching grants – the University was the only university to achieve six
grants from six applications.
Academic Senate noted the Vice-Chancellor's Report on matters of current interest
and importance.
Reports from Academic Senate Committees
The Deputy vice-Chancellor (Students & Education) drew members’ attention to the
new Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website had been launched. The
site allows comparison of up to six institutions on a range of course and student
experience measures.
Academic Senate noted the activity reports from the Academic Quality and
Standards Committee, Student Experience Committee and University Learning and
Teaching Committee.
Reports from Faculty Boards
The Chair encouraged the Chairs of Faculty Boards to convey any issues raised at
Faculty Board meetings to Academic Senate.
Academic Senate received the Faculty of Health Faculty Board Reports for 17
September 2015 and 15 October 2015.
Report from the Cross Faculty Learning and Teaching Sub-committee
Academic Senate received the report from the Cross Faculty Learning and Teaching
Vice-Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Enhancement of the
Student Experience
Academic Senate received the report on the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for
Outstanding Contribution to Enhancement of the Student Experience.
Report from Council
Academic Senate received the advice on the report from Council for 30 October
Amendment to Membership of the Student Spaces Sub-committee
Academic Senate approved the recommendation to add the Executive Director,
Student Operations to the Student Spaces Sub-committee membership.
New Course Proposals
5.2.1 Master of Leadership (Health and Human Services), Graduate Diploma of
Leadership (Health and Human Services), Graduate Certificate in
Leadership (Health and Human Services) and Bachelor of Health and
Human Services (Leadership) Professional Honours
Academic Senate approved the proposal to introduce the Master of
Leadership (Health and Human Services), Graduate Diploma of Leadership
(Health and Human Services), Graduate Certificate in Leadership (Health and
Human Services) and Bachelor of Health and Human Services (Leadership)
Professional Honours from semester 1, 2016 subject to approval of the
Resource Impact Statement.
Academic Senate approved the proposal to teach out the Master of Health
and Human Services and Master of Clinical Leadership from semester 1,
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/18 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.2.2 Master of Planning
Academic Senate approved the proposal to introduce the Master of Planning
from semester 1, 2016 subject to approval of the Resource Impact Statement.
Academic Senate approved the proposal to teach out the Master of
Environmental Planning from semester 1, 2016.
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/19 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.2.3 Bachelor of Health (Public Health) Professional Honours
Academic Senate approved the proposal to introduce the Bachelor of Health
(Public Health) Professional Honours from semester 1, 2016 subject to
approval of the Resource Impact Statement.
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/20 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.2.4 Bachelor of Paramedicine with Clinical Honours
Academic Senate approved the proposal to introduce the Bachelor of
Paramedicine with Clinical Honours from semester 1, 2016 subject to
approval of the Resource Impact Statement.
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/21 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.2.5 Bachelor of Paramedic Practice (ADF Conversion)
Academic Senate approved the proposal to introduce the Bachelor of
Paramedic Practice (ADF Conversion) from semester 1, 2016 subject to
approval of the Resource Impact Statement.
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/22 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.2.6 Diploma of Family History
The Deputy Dean of Arts, Professor Noel Frankham, outlined the history of
the development of the Diploma, noting it was initially developed from a
special program in the area. He indicated the response to the special
program had been significant.
Academic Senate approved the proposal to introduce the Diploma of Family
History from semester 1, 2016 subject to approval of the Resource Impact
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/23 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
Significant Amendments
5.3.1 Amendments to the Diploma of University Studies (Health Sciences)
The Dean of Health noted the program had been developed in response to
increasing interest in contemporary health issues. Four new electives, three
in health and one in conjunction with Law, had been developed for offering
within the Diploma. A Bachelor of Health and Community Care is being
developed as an articulation point.
Academic Senate approved the addition of new units to the Diploma of
University Studies and the offering of the course as an entry pathway.
5.3.2 Name change for the Post-graduate Nursing Specialisation (Aged Care)
to Post-graduate Nursing Specialisation (Gerontological)
Academic Senate approved the proposal to amend the Master of Clinical
Nursing (Specialisation), Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Specialisation),
Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Specialisation) and Bachelor of Nursing with
Professional Honours (Specialty) from semester 1, 2016.
5.3.3 Discontinuation of the Paediatric Intensive Care Specialisation in
Postgraduate Nursing courses
Academic Senate approved the proposal to discontinue the Paediatric
Intensive Care specialisation from:
 Master of Clinical Nursing (Specialisation)
 Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Specialisation)
 Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Specialisation)
 Bachelor of Nursing with Professional Honours (Specialty)
from semester 1, 2016.
5.3.4 Amendments to the specifications for the Master of e-Health (Health
Informatics) and Graduate Certificate in e-Health (Health Informatics)
Academic Senate approved the proposal to amend the specifications for the
Master of e-Health (Health Informatics) and Graduate Certificate in e-Health
(Health Informatics) from semester 1, 2016.
5.3.5 Discontinuation of the Graduate Diploma of Science and Graduate
Diploma of Science with Honours
Academic Senate approved the proposal to teach out the Graduate Diploma
of Science and Graduate Diploma of Science with Honours from semester 1,
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/24 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.3.6 Discontinuation of the Bachelor of Pharmacy with Professional Honours
in Pharmacy Practice
Academic Senate approved the proposal to teach out the Bachelor of
Pharmacy with Professional Honours in Pharmacy Practice from Summer
School, 2016.
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/25 to amend the
schedule to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards subject to approval of the Resource
Impact Statement.
5.3.7 Amendments to the schedule of the combined Bachelor of Information
and Communication Technology and Bachelor of Laws
Academic Senate received the report on amendments to the schedule of the
combined Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology and
Bachelor of Laws.
New Scholarships
Members of Academic Senate requested that consideration be given to including the
Chair of Academic Senate (or nominee) on the Selection Panel for the Chancellor’s
University of Tasmania Scholarship, in line with other Academic Senate Scholarship
The Scholarship Rule for the Chancellor’s University of Tasmania Scholarship was
also amended to list public schools ahead of private schools.
Academic Senate approved the following scholarships:
 Chancellor's University of Tasmania Scholarship (as amended)
 Irene Phelps Charitable Trust Springboard to Higher Education Bursary
 Irene Phelps Memorial Scholarship
 The Loughran Family Scholarship
Amended Scholarships
Academic Senate approved the amendments made to The ViceChancellor's National University Scholarship and The Department of Police and
Emergency Management Scholarship.
Amended Prizes
Academic Senate approved the amendments to the F.C. Green Prize, the Australian
Association of Social Workers, Tasmania Branch Award, the m+k dobson mitchell
allport Prize for Excellence in Commercial Law, the Anthony Sprent Prize, the JR
Pharmacy & TWC - Community Pharmacy Management Award, the Royal Hobart
Hospital Pathology Services Scholarship and the North West Pathology (DSPL
Groups) Scholarship.
Rule 1 Amendments
Academic Senate approved Amendment Rule ASL15/17 to Rule 1 - Rules of Awards.
Outcome of Election for Chair of Academic Senate
Academic Senate received the report on the election of the Chair of Academic
Outcome of Call for Nominations - Standing Academic Committee
Academic Senate received the report on nominations for the Standing Academic
Further Call for Nominations - Standing Academic Committee
Academic Senate received the report on the further call for nominations for the
Standing Academic Committee.
Call for Nominations - Academic Staff Members of Academic Senate
Academic Senate received the report on the elections for the Academic Staff
Members of Academic Senate for 2016.
Call for Nominations - Research Fellow on Academic Senate
Academic Senate received the report on the call for nominations for an externally
funded Research Fellow on Academic Senate.
Annual Review of Membership of Committees
Academic Senate received the report on vacancies on Committees and Panels for
Appointments to Adjunct, Clinical or Associate Titles
Academic Senate received the report on appointments to Adjunct, Clinical or
Associate Titles.
Award of Higher Degrees by Research
Academic Senate approved the award of higher degrees by research.
The Meeting closed at 3:30pm.