The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness
What is happiness? A question I often ask myself. I know this question has come to
me many times in my life. For the most part I have answered this question, for myself.
What does happiness mean to me? Why do I strive for happiness? These are questions I
have thought long and hard about, to somehow grasp what they mean. I will do my best to
try to answer these questions to the best of my ability, so take them for what the y are.
To answer what happiness really is I think it is only right to ask ourselves what it
means to us, because depending on what it means to us will change what it is to us. For
instance, to me it is finding a job that I love doing. Also getting married to someone I love,
and having two children. That’s what happiness mean to me. So getting a job where I’m
extremely rich and I don’t enjoy what I’m doing wouldn’t make me happy. If you have to get
up and force yourself to through your day then you are probably not happy. If you can jump
out of bed with a spring in your step most of the time then you are probably happy.
Depending on what your situation is happiness might mean something unique to you. There
is also something that most people consider being happy, I don’t. If you find yourself going
to parties and sports event and activities of that nature four or five times a month, and you
think that makes you happy, but you find yourself dreading your day when you are not
doing those activities then you are most likely unhappy. Those kinds of things are only
temporary and they usually come few and far between. They aren’t a permanent fix to your
problem unhappiness.
Another question we must ask ourselves is why do we strive for happiness? I think
that being happy make life enjoyable and exciting. Others might strive for happiness for a
unique reason. You need to find out what that reason is. First you can ask yourself why you
want to be happy. If you find out your specific purpose it will help you understand and
answer more questions you have. There is a reason behind almost everything and
sometimes you have to really think and search for a reason for certain situations . Reasons
for this situation can be anything from covering hurt to trying to get something off your
mind. The point is though you need to find a reason why you want to be happy.
There is one more question that we need to ask ourselves before we can get a good
idea of what happiness is. What makes you happy? Is it spending time with your friends? Is
it your family? Is it being in relationships? It doesn’t matter you just need to find out what it
is. Once you’ve found out what it is think about it. Why does it make you happy? I know
that I have been asking you question after question and it seems as if it is kind of repetitive,
but there’s a reason to it all. If you have been paying attention, and really asking yourself
these questions then some issues may make more sense to you.
Now I think we are ready to answer the main question of this essay. What is
happiness? My answer for you is happiness is what you make of it. That answer might seem
really vague and might not have been what you are looking for but hear me out. If you have
been paying attention, asking yourselves these questions, and thinking about them
seriously then you have already made your own definition of happiness. If you really want
to know what happiness is, ask yourself again the questions I have already asked you. What
does happiness mean to you? Why do you strive for happiness, or why do you want to be
happy? What makes you happy? Why does it make you? If you have been doing some
serious thinking on the questions I have already asked you, then you will have no problem
coming up with your own interpretation of happiness.