Autumn 2014 Week 33 INTRODUCING IB HISTORY SYLLABUS AND ESSAY WRITING: THE STRUCTURE! THE NATURE OF THE IB STUDENTS/ IBO MISSION STATEMENT WEEK 34 ALEXANDER II; REFORMS / RUSSIAN SOCIETY AT THAT TIME Material delivered by the teacher ( hand out- Access to history; Russia 1815-81) week 35 A II reforms; reaction and interpretations. Essay writing.. Hand-outs delivered by Susanna. Power points on the historia sois/ IB1 pages week 36 Alexander III; counterreforms, Nicholas II; industrialisation, the way to the 1905 revolution.. An article By a contemporary writer to be evaluated and discussed: What kind of an impression did he introduce dealing with the Russian society, Alexander III and the state of Russia? WEEK 37 1905 Revolution & impacts, establishment of the DUMA, rise of opposition, Russia and the First WW... Hand-out delivered By the teacher.. Power points of the historia sois/ IB1 ( 1905 revolution, Dumas, Russia and the First WW) WEEK 39 Russian revolutions Handouts/ paper 1 practice. Documentary/ Russian revolutions WEEK 40 Russian revolutions/ bolshevik consolidation of power, Essay marking. Working as pairs. WEEK 41 Background / WWI Syllabus connection WEEK 42 HOLIDAY!!! WEEK 43 International relations 18701914 WEEK 44 The First World War; hand-out/ Mastering Modern background, sources, the war World History/ PP ( historia sois/ IB1) PP presentation( historia sois), hand-outs, Mastering modern world history. (EXAM)WEEK The First World War; battles; 45 presentations. Practice essay or source practice / Background WWI, The War. WEEK 46 WWI AS A TOTAL WAR; PEACE NEGOTIATIONS WEEK 47 PAPER1; PEACEMAKING AND PEACEKEEPING: TREATIES AND THEIR IMPACT. WEEK 48 TREATIES AND THEIR IMPACT; WEEK 49 THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, COLLECTIVE SECURITY IN THE 1920´S, GERMANY, THE IMPACT OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION. WEEK 50 GERMANY AND EUROPEAN DIPLOMACY, THE IMPACT OF DEPRESSION, FROM COOPERATION TO AGGRESSION. WEEK 51 MOCK EXAM WEEK 52 MERRY CHRISTMAS! Cambridge Universtity Press; History for IB Diploma. Peacemaking, Peacekeeping; International Relations 1918-36