The Care Forum North Somerset December 2014 e-bulletin Welcome to the The Care Forum North Somerset e-bulletin supporting mental health and wellbeing voluntary and community groups in North Somerset. Contents Local Events Local Information Training Funding National Information Publications and resources If you have any news events or information that you would like us to include please contact: Ann-Marie Holland Voluntary Sector Development Officer. The content is a mixture of local, regional and national information regarding health, wellbeing and social care services. If you have received this email from a colleague and you would like to be on the e-bulletin mailing list, or if you wish to be taken off this email list, please email Information about and booking forms for The Care Forum’s forthcoming events are available on our website at: Local Events Local Events The Care Forum North Somerset Mental Health Voluntary and Community Sector Network Meeting Wednesday 10 December, 9.30am– 12pm, Vintage Church, 25 Hughenden Road, Weston super Mare, BS23 2UR. W: VANS AGM Wednesday 3 December 1-2pm Locking Castle Church, WSM To book E: Tenth ‘Your North Somerset’ Event Sunday 25 January 2015, 12-4pm, Winter Gardens, Weston super Mare. T: 01275 888 561 Local Information North Somerset Clinical Commissioning New VANS Interim Chief Executive Officer Cara MacMahon is due to become the new Interim Chief Executive Officer of Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS) in November, taking over from Rebecca Mear. Cara was formerly Deputy Manager for Community Service Volunteers Media in the North West, Director of the Watershed Media Centre in Bristol, Subject Leader and Principal Lecturer in Arts Management at De Montfort University in Leicester, Senior Consultant with ABL Consulting London and Strategic Fund Manager for Knightstone Housing Association. W: Page 2 North Somerset Health Trainers North Somerset has the seventh largest inequality health gap in the country with some areas falling in the top one per cent most deprived in the country. Areas of deprivation are mainly focussed within Weston-super-Mare, particularly in central and south wards. Health Trainers were established in order to address health inequality of socially disadvantaged groups including the offending population. Latest results show an increase in use of the service and some very positive statistics highlighting the benefit of the service they offer, including 78% of people achieving or part achieving their primary goals. A range of support and advice is available on topics including healthy eating, increasing physical activity, sensible drinking, stopping smoking, improving emotional health and wellbeing and signposting. To use the service people must be 18 years and over and live in Weston-super-Mare. To see a Health Trainer at the Town Hall no appointments are necessary during dropins 12-2pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. To book an appointment at other times contact T: 01934 627250 E: uk For appointments at The For All Healthy Living Centre T 01934 427426 E: uk For individuals working with Probation and living in Weston, the link Health Trainer is Debbie Stone T: 01275 885645 E: uk Page 3 New Community Resource in Local Information Health trainers will be in the reception area of the Town Hall on Thursday 11 December from 10am-3pm with a Christmas themed event. Keep this date free and drop by for some festive surprises. New Dementia Monthly Drop-In The new Clevedon Dementia Hub offers monthly sessions in the summer house at Clevedon Community Hospital. The sessions will take place from 2.30-4.30pm on Tuesdays on 9 December, 13 January, 10 February and 10 March. The sessions are open to all and provide support and information to people who are worried about memory and the stigma that is often attached to this condition. Friends, relatives and carers who might be worried about someone are also welcome. Dementia Friends Session Monday 8 December 12.30-1.15pm. An interactive 45 minute dementia awareness session, where people can discuss simple steps we can all take to help build a dementia friendly community. The venue is Badger House Enterprise Centre, Oldmixon Crescent, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS24 9AY For more information on the session, contact Hayley: T: 01934 414214 E: The Women’s Project Becomes the Reclaim Project On 1 December the Women’s Project will become the Reclaim Project, and offers support for women affected by domestic abuse in North Somerset. W: Westonsuper-Mare Pathways Support and Community Association has opened a community based resource at 92 Meadow Street in the centre of Weston-super-Mare. The space is bright and welcoming with IT facilities. The CRIB wants to involve the whole of the local Recovery community in using this valuable facility. The CRIB is available for hire at very reasonable rates and flexible times, including evenings by arrangement. If your group is interested in knowing more please contact Rodney T: 01934 414700 M: 07597 130723 E: Age UK Lunch Club Sundays 14 December and 11 January 10am-12pm at Emmanuel Church, Oxford Street, Weston-super-Mare. Lunch and exercises. Drop-in Energy Advice Free advice on how to stay warm this winter. Tuesday 16 December 1-4pm at Weston super Mare Town Hall W: T: 0800 082 2234 Friend Drop-In for Mental Health Needs Friend’s Drop-In services at WestonsuperMare and Clevedon offer members a safe place where they can relax in the knowledge that it is a confidential environment where they will not be judged or stigmatised because of their mental health issues. People who are new to Friend need to book an appointment with a Worker to discuss what we can offer. Training Drop In Weston-super-Mare Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12-4pm, Contact Caroline T: 01934 622292 E: Drop In Clevedon Monday, Tuesday and Friday 12-4pm, Contact Becci T: 01275 342368 E: Positive Step Courses Positive Step offers a range of courses to support emotional wellbeing, for example self esteem and stress and mood management. W: Healthwatch North Somerset Drop In Sessions These are for people to share concerns or praise about health and social services and find out about Healthwatch’s role in shaping and supporting Health and Social Care services in North Somerset. • Portishead Library, 10 December, 10am-12pm • Yatton Library, 11 December, 10am12pm • Langford, Burrington and Rickford, 16 December (The Old Post Office, Langford 10.30-11am; The Square, Burrington 11:10-11:55am ; The Waterfall Rickford, 12-12.30pm) Reminder: Service User Views Sought on the Primary Care Mental Health Liaison Service North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is keen to hear the views of Primary Care Mental Health Liaison Service (PCLS) service users, to ensure that the quality of service is further improved. Page 4 A short questionnaire which will form part of the evaluation of PCLS has been developed by an independent team of people who have used, or are using mental health services. The questionnaire will be distributed to people on discharge from the service between September and November. The online survey is open until Sunday 14 December. W: New Area Profiles for Bristol, B&NES, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire The Quartet Community Foundation has produced four area profiles of social need in Bristol, North Somerset, B&NES and South Gloucestershire. W: For information on other community groups, activities and events see W: Training and Workshops North Somerset Council Training Open to the Voluntary and Community Sector E: Level 1 Safeguarding Adults: Awareness Update Course. Half day course. Wednesday 17 December, pm. Level 2 Safeguarding Adults for Provider Services. One day course. Wednesday 11 February, Wednesday 25 March. This course is the main training for managers of provider services who need to respond to allegations of abuse. Person Centred Care Friday 12 December, 10am-12.30pm. Regional News Dignity in Care Wednesday 4 March, 10am–12.30pm. Complex Needs and Difficult Decisions in Dementia Care One day course. Tuesday 6 January; Tuesday 3 February. Direct Payment Awareness Training Thursday 26 March, 9.30am–12.30pm. Managing and Assessing Risk in Adult Social Care Practice One day course. Wednesday 4 February. Mental Capacity Act Awareness. Half day course. Thursday 22 January, am; Monday 9 February, pm; Tuesday 10 March, am. Social Care E-Learning Courses Free of charge (Safeguarding and Skills and Knowledge for Care only) to all health, social care and housing organisations in North Somerset. Safeguarding • Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults: Basic Awareness • Safeguarding Adults: for health, social care and housing staff • Safeguarding Adults: recording for providers • Safeguarding Adults: recording for Safeguarding co-ordinators Skills and knowledge for care • Mental Capacity Act • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards • Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) 2010 • Dementia Awareness – 7 module course from SCIE and Alzheimer’s Society • Carers Awareness • Autism Awareness You will need access to a computer with internet access, sound and Flash Player 6 or above installed. Page 5 Email for your individual username and password. Go to W: http://nsomerset.learningpool. com/ Click on the Social Care box on the left hand side of the page. Click on the link for the relevant course. The course will open in a new window. Funding BBC Children in Need - Main Grants Programme Annual deadlines: 15 January; 15 May; and 15 September. Grants for not-forprofit organisations that are working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and younger living in the UK. W: National Information, publications and resources Report on Depiction of Mental health in TV Soaps and Dramas A report by Time to Change shows mental health is being covered more frequently compared to a previous study in 2010, more storylines have attempted to depict mental health problems more accurately and fewer characters with a mental illness are portrayed as violent. W: Autism Statutory Guidance Consultation Launched The government is seeking views on proposed new statutory guidance to local authorities and NHS organisations, to support the implementation of ‘Think up to the level recommended in national guidance. The report also considers the effects on children’s development in the womb and during the crucial early years. W: Dementia Friendly Communities National Information Autism’, the update to the 2010 adult autism strategy. The consultation closes on 19 December. W: Work on Autism Awareness The Autism Alliance UK has been selected to raise national awareness of autism and will receive up to £200,000 of funding over the next few months. It will work with private and public organisations to raise the profile of autism, advise health and care professionals, businesses and community groups and create an autism ‘champions network’ of people to raise awareness among their professional and organisational networks. W: Maternal Health and Wellbeing: Examining Key Influences, Impacts and Routes to Better Health for Children and Their Mothers This briefing reports on a recent seminar on maternal health and wellbeing. W: The Costs of Perinatal Mental Health Problems This study of the effects of maternal depression, anxiety and other illnesses advises that substandard mental health care for pregnant women and new mothers is creating long-term costs of more than £8bn every year yet the NHS would need to spend just £337 million a year to bring perinatal mental health care The Mental Health Foundation has a project to gather information about processes and Page 6 practices in developing dementia friendly communities and similar initiatives and would like to hear views from those involved in developing dementia friendly communities or similar initiatives at local, regional or national levels. W: For information on dementia friendly communities: W: New Dementia Partnership to Help Dementia Research Dementias Platform UK is a multimillionpound collaboration between industry and academia bringing together leading researchers from UK universities and drugs development companies to discuss better diagnosis initiatives, treatments and understanding of its progression. It will look at the causes of dementia across a range of neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Motor Neurone Disease following millions of pounds of investment from the government for new technologies. W: Dementia Research Alzheimer’s Disease International have published a report that looks at the evidence behind certain risk factors for dementia, and talks about where the evidence is clearest. W: Other recent Dementia research is available at W: Policy Paper: Carers Strategy: Actions for 2014 to 2016 This explains the progress on supporting carers since 2010, and describes the main actions for the next 2 years. W: and robustly tackling tuberculosis and antimicrobial/ antibiotic resistance. W: The Role of the NHS in Tackling Poverty and the Wider Determinants of Health The King’s Fund has published ‘Tackling Poverty’ a paper on the wider role of the NHS in tackling poverty and the wider determinants of health. National Information The NHS Five Year Forward View This was published on 23 October and sets out a vision for how the NHS needs to change over the next five years if it is to close the widening gaps in the health of the population, quality of care and the funding of services. The Five Year Forward View shows why change is needed, what that change might look like and how it can be achieved. It describes various models of care which could be provided in the future, defining the actions required at local and national level to support delivery. Everyone will need to play their part – system leaders, NHS staff, patients and the public. It covers areas such as disease prevention; new, flexible models of service delivery tailored to local populations and needs; integration between services; and consistent leadership across the health and care system. W: Public Health England (PHE) Seven Priorities Published ‘Evidence into action: protecting and improving the nation’s health’ sets out PHE’s seven priorities over the next five years to make greater progress on obesity, smoking, alcohol, assuring a better start in life, reducing dementia risk W: Page 7 Public Consultation on Professional Duty of Candour The General Medical Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council have launched a public consultation on draft joint guidance designed to support doctors, nurses and midwives in fulfilling the professional duty of candour. All healthcare professionals have a duty of candour – a responsibility to be honest with people in their care when things go wrong. The consultation is open until 5 January 2015, with the aim of publishing new joint guidance in March 2015. W: Improving Impact Practice ‘Putting ‘the Code’ into Practice’ is a collection of experiences from individuals at Samaritans, Safe Ground, and British Heart Foundation among others, who are working to improve their impact practice. W: Recovery from Self-Harm App The ‘Recovery from Self-harm’ app is designed to be discrete and accessible to those increasingly struggling with selfharm. The app is available from the Apple App store and it can be downloaded for free on any Apple device. It can be found by searching for “Recovery from selfharm”. Users can have immediate access to websites, online support groups and contacts, videos of professionals giving advice helping them to seek support and recovery. There is also a fact or fiction exercise about the misconceptions and facts of self-harm. W: New What Works Centre for Wellbeing The independent centre will commission universities to research the impact that W: Find us on Twitter @thecareforum This e-bulletin does not necessarily express the views of The Care Forum and should be considered personal unless there is a specific Contact Us Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network E-Bulletins Monthly e-bulletins are available including: Perinatal and Infant Mental Health E-Bulletin, Learning Disabilities and CAMHS E-Bulletin W: statement to the contrary. Disclaimer The Care Forum makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it uses but cannot accept responsibility for personal security, any loss or damage which may occur from use of the information. The Care Forum does not provide quality control of external links; the inclusion of any company’s name within the pages should not be construed as a recommendation of that organisation’s products and / or services. If you find anything that causes concern, please email us at or telephone 0117 965 4444 or write to Direct Payments Resources ‘Trust is the key: increasing the uptake of direct payments’ is a report with case studies on latest guidance for increasing the uptake of direct payments. W: ‘Best practice in direct payments support’ has The Care Forum, The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, examples of innovative practice in Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ. commissioning direct payments and support for their take-up. different interventions and services have on wellbeing. W: Expanded Troubled Families Health Offer New guidance launched on 5 November will help health teams support the mental and physical health needs of troubled families and work with local councils. W: The Care Forum The Vassall Centre Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ T: 0117 965 4444 E: anne-marieholland@thecareforum.