Wembury Primary School Governing Body Lead governors and governors’ areas of responsibility Parent Governors LA Governor Kerry Dunn Doug Packer Martyn Gilbey (Vice Chair) Nick Hall Kara Ord Sue Tarsky (Deputy Vice Chair) Staff Governor Julie Gibbs Headteacher Susie Evans Co-opted Governors Barrett Cable Sheila Jenkins (Chair) Martin Kirkbride Lesley Taylor Pete Wilkinson Vacancy Each governor is responsible for ensuring that the monitoring, and/or other work associated with his/her area(s) below, is carried out and reported to the Governing Body. SJ will have general oversight of governors’ monitoring of curriculum and personnel; DP will have general oversight of Finance, Premises and Health & Safety. Area Lead Governor(s) Lead Staff Curriculum Monitoring English LT Lyn Chamberlain Mathematics NH Susie Jackson Science BC Helen Prince IT/Computing DP Greg Chantler Geography & History MK Nicola Ridge RE and collective worship KO Julie Gibbs PSHE, SMSC, “British” values, etc. PW Nicola Ridge Creative Arts –Music, Drama MG Noelle Boucherat Creative Arts – Art, DT ST Susie Evans Languages & International SJ Kerrie Burt Nicola Ridge PE (incl. use of Sports Premium) BC Kerry Dunn Outdoor Education, Forest Schools PW Helen Prince School visits and trips NH Susie Evans Pupil Voice / Student Council KO Nicola Ridge Strategic Monitoring Pupil Performance Data incl. progress BC, SJ, DP Susie Evans of groups Lyn Chamberlain Susie Jackson Use of Pupil Premium BC Kerry Dunn Pupil assessment NH Lyn Chamberlain Early Years (incl. links with pre-school) MK Julie Gibbs Kerry Dunn Safeguarding LT PW Susie Evans Health & Safety MG NH Susie Evans Finance, budget monitoring ST Susie Evans Toni Nicholson Finance, policy and SFVS DP Susie Evans Toni Nicholson Lead Governors and Monitoring 2015-2016 When Summer Spring Summer Autumn Spring Autumn Autumn Spring Summer Spring Summer Spring Autumn Summer Termly Summer Termly Spring Autumn Spring Spring Spring Page 1 of 2 Wembury Primary School Governing Body Premises, AMP PW Premises – environment for learning Parent & Community Engagement, Community Cohesion Personnel KO ST Susie Evans Linda Aldridge Terry Clarke Susie Evans Lyn Chamberlain Spring Autumn Termly SJ Susie Evans Termly Toni Nicholson IT Strategy, IT systems, incl. admin. MG Susie Evans Spring Greg Chantler Staff Development & Teacher Training SJ Susie Evans Summer (incl. NQT) Lyn Chamberlain SEND, G&T, Inclusion PW LT Pip Jones Spring Equality Objectives MK Pip Jones Autumn Behaviour, rewards and sanctions KO Susie Evans Autumn Committees / other groups Performance & Pay Committee BC ST PW 3 or 4 p.a. Headteacher Appraisal governors LT DP SJ Standing Committee 1a LT KO MG Standing Committee 2a DP ST PW Standing Committee 1b DP NH BC Standing Committee 2b MG LT MK * The composition of the standing committees may depend on the issue under review. Other governors may be called upon to ensure impartiality. Acronym Buster (AB!) AMP = Asset Management Plan; DT = Design Technology; G&T = Gifted and talented; IT = Information Technology; MFL = Modern Foreign Languages; NQT = Newly-Qualified Teacher; PSHE = Personal, Social and Health Education; RE = Religious Education; SEND = Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; SFVS = Schools’ Financial Value Standard; SMSC = Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development; Responsibilities of Lead Governors 1. Preparing the agreed scheduled items for presentation at the governors’ meetings 2. Preparing the key questions for the agenda and sending them to the Clerk 10 days before the meeting date 3. Drafting any changes necessary to policies scheduled for review 4. Leading the discussion of the agenda items at the governors’ meetings relevant to their area of responsibility 5. Ensuring that another governor is able to take over from them should they be absent from a meeting 6. Maintaining a close liaison with the appropriate member(s) of staff 7. Keeping up to date with national and local developments in their area of responsibility. Lead Governors and Monitoring 2015-2016 Page 2 of 2