Inpatient Pathway for the Evaluation/Treatment of Infants with NAS Pharmacologic Treatment Recommendations for NAS NON-OPIOID OR UNKNOWN Score Initial Dose Pharmacologic treatment should be given to Phenobarbitol infants with combined NAS scores ≥ 24 over 2-3 scores 16-20mg/kg load May give in 1 or 2 doses Route PO Maintenance Dosing Comments 3-4 mg/kg/day Begin 12-24 hr later. May give as daily dose or divide q12 hr. If scores remain high after 24 hours of observation, start morphine OPIOID Initial Dose Score Route Daily dose Pharmacologic treatment should 0.4 mg/kg/Day Morphine (Option 1) be given to infants with combined NAS Q3 hr dosing Dosing Comments Q4 hr dosing 0.05 mg/kg/dose 0.067 mg/kg/dose PO Increase dose 1020% for combined scores of ≥ 24 on 2-3 consecutive scores. Dose may be scores ≥ 24 over 2-3 scores increased as needed, q 12 hrs until symptoms controlled. If symptoms are not controlled on a total daily dose is >1 mg/kg/day consider adding second medication. Highest score in the preceding 24 hrs: Allow infant to stabilize 12-24 hours after starting initial dose. Increase dose 10-20% for combined scores of ≥ 24 on 2-3 consecutive scores. Dose may be increased as needed, q 12 hrs until symptoms controlled. If symptoms are not controlled on a total daily dose is >1 mg/kg/day consider adding second medication. 8-10 0.4 mg/kg/Day 0.05 mg/kg/dose 0.067 mg/kg/dose 11-13 0.64 mg/kg/Day 0.08 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose 14-16 0.88 mg/kg/Day 0.11 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose PO Morphine (Option 2) > 16 1.04 mg/kg/Day 0.13 mg/kg/dose 0.17 mg/kg/dose SECOND AND THIRD LINE MEDICATIONS If the patient requires more than 1 mg/kg/Day of morphine, add second line medication May consider adding Phenobarbital earlier if maternal tox screen is positive for poly-substance abuse, esp. benzodiazapines (e.g. Xanax) or barbiturates. After starting Phenobarbital, allow infant to stabilize 24 hours. If scores are still high (“24 rule”) continue to gradually increase morphine. If the patient requires more than 2 mg/kg/Day of morphine and Phenobarbital, consider adding Clonidine Initial Dose Phenobarbitol Second Line Clonidine Third Line 16-20mg/kg load Given in 1 or 2 doses Route PO 0.0005-0.001 mg/kg/dose q 36 hrs. PO (0.5 – 1 mcg/kg q 3-6 hrs) Maintenance Dosing Comments 3-4 mg/kg/day Begin 12-24 hr later Given as daily dose or divide q 12 hr Max dose 0.001mg/kg/dose q3hr (1mcg/kg q 3 hrs) Clonidine suspension concentration is 0.1 mg/mL. For doses too small to draw up (<0.005 mg), consider giving higher dose less frequently. (e.g. 0.002 mg/kg/dose q 6 hrs. ) Clonidine patch is NOT Recommended. Methadone Strongly consider starting treatment with morphine and transitioning to methadone when scores and dosing are Starting methadone dose 0.3 mg/kg q12 If immediate postinitiation scores continue >8, consider PO Potential starting methadone dose 0.3 mg/kg q12 If immediate postintitiation scores Discharge criteria include: reliable and comfortable family, comfortable PCP, SW stable extra dose of 0.3 mg/kg Wean starts at 48 hours- 10% per day. continue >8, consider extra dose of 0.3 mg/kg Wean starts at 48 hours 10% wean per day If patient scores < 9 for 24-48 hours on a stable methadone wean, may consider discharge evaluation, PCP follow-up with 48 hours then weekly, Neurodevelopmental follow-up.