Victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School (CT) Shooting Mary

Victims of the Sandy Hook
School (CT) Shooting
Mary Catherine Guy
J. Elmore Guy, Sr. & Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Testor Woodburn
James H. Woodburn
George Thompson
Edna Thompson
Howard Lewis
Bernita Deibler
Ron Clarke
Buck & Dorothy Guy
Ricky Guy
Paul & Frances Milliner
Joseph O’Connor
Mike O’Connor
Elizabeth Fenwick
Patrick Lasher
Irby Burbage
A.C. Latham Family
Wm. Charles Bowles Family
Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Bowles
Jenny Bowles
Joseph A. Bowles, Sr.
Joseph A. Bowles, Jr.
Billy & Kathleen Young
George Toneo Young
Joseph Evans, Jr.
Annie Mae Farrell Morgan
Ignatius Truman Wathen II
Mary Cecilia Holley
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Taylor
Mary A. Burrall
Charles & Julia Shetler
Frances Taborek
Kathy Adkins
Frank Taborek
Nettie Yates
Joe Yates
John & Kay Adams
Henry Windmoeller
The Russell Family
The Thompson Family
The Shepherd Family
The Pilkerton Family
The Mattingly Family
Teresa Wood
Freida Myers
Charles Wood
Steve Myers, Sr.
James A. Mason, Sr.
Duff & Emma Young
Della Buchanna
Peter, James & Philip Young
Anna Price
William J. Knott
Joseph H. Baker
Sarah A. Knott Family
Marie Baker & family
Sarah E. Thomas
Grandparents of J. Curbow
William D. Holt, Sr.
Mary C. Holt
Eric R. Scriber
Annie Cradle
Catherine Somerville
Mary Gray
Fred Gray
Harry & Helen Finch
Archie & Phyllis Pilkerton
Michael Duggan
Katie Taylor
Bonilla Family
Lamber Family
Yargus Family
Jarquin Family
Gish Family
Joe & Connie Lawrence
Elton & Daisy Hayden
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Carrollton Reese
Ford & Mabel Mattingly
Ann Filippini
Jesse DePriest
Barbara Colaciello
Henry & Margie Dimeglio
George W. Spence
Frances Spence
LeRoy Wood
Elizabeth Wood
John Frey
Agnes C. Russell
Richard F. Russell
David A. Russell
Dennis Russell
Joseph & Delores Russell
Ira & Mary Tennyson
John & Rosie Cecil
Anthony Bowles
Irving Long
Eunice Long
Ernest Wheeler
Mattingly G. Johnson
Catherine E. Johnson
William A. Pilkerton
Helen W. Pilkerton
Zack & Edith Hill
Bobby & Mary Guy
Mary Lawrence
Z.J. Hill
Walter J. Thompson
William M. Wood, Jr.
Joyce Ann Hammett
Sister Paula Wheeler, SCN
Maude Russell
Martin Quade
Nancy Quade
Beatrice Nelson
Patsy Hammett
Hope Goldsborough
Grandparents Quinn
Grandmother Goodwin
Gladys Hall
Dorothy Rusaw
M.J. Rusaw
G. R. Jenkins
Rena Price
Catherine Burch
Evelyn Clarke
Michael Clarke
Cecil Kidd
James W. Knight
Hauck & Norris Family
Aileen & Charles Dotson
Daniel & Ethel Bowles
Yvonne & Billy Wood
William A. Norris
Cecil & Dement families
Joseph Fred Bowles
George R. Adams, Jr.
Foley & Helen Holt Family
James & Helen Holt
James E. Russell, Jr.
James Bernard Russell
Thomas & Mary Ashton
Josephine Knight
Mary Noema Quade
Robert Francis Lacey
Raymond Eagan, III
Chad Gillenwater, Jr.
Raymond Eagan, Jr.
Katherine M. Eagan
Anne & Robert Abell, Sr.
Hannah & Chester Hancock
Dutch & Sylvia Mast
S.L. Vallandingham, Sr.Bennie
& Rosalee Nelson
George & Rosie Thompson
Wilson Rice
John G. Lacey, Sr.
Francis J. Walter
Agatha G. Walter
John Albert Russell
Marie Zielonka
Eli Gould
Martha Rieman
Patrick Reisinger
Thelma Russell
Joseph B. Norris, III
Ernest Williams
Ernest V. King, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Young,
Mamie Banks
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Scriber
Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Banks
Theresa Bankins
Wallace & Louis Young
Joseph & Beatrice Somerville
Hayes Baker
James T. & Lionel Somerville
J.B. Somerville
Cheryl Young
Richard N. Perry
Thomas & Marian Bellere, Sr.
Billy & Julia Farr
Booker & Fayrene Mattingly
Henry & Sarah Guy
Parran & Martha Farr
John A. Mattingl, Sr.
Kevin T. Corley
John V. & Rose V. Campbell
Charles & Barbara Kalloch
Lucille E. Campbell
W. Ralph Kalloch
Kathryn Todd
James F. & Helen M. Holt
Jarrison & Mary Mason Family
Ernest & Rosalee Milburn
James & Veronica Woodland
James F. & Warren Woodland
Elizabeth Harris
Joseph R. & Joseph X. Hall
Wintress & Evelyn Stevens
Phillip & Richard Stevens
John H. & Helen A. Miles
Lenore Jackson
King Bond, Sr.
Michael Bond
Karen Bond
Sandra Fant
Baker & Alice Parker
James & Nora Sandoval
Donald & Audrey Beyer
Msgr. James Edward Malloy
Leo Raulerson
Dennis K. Russell
Loretta Willett Family
Harold M. Willett
Marie & Walter Mason
James H. & Rose Marie Rustin
Mary Agnes & Elizabeth Gray
Lawrence, Aloysius, Dominic,
Charles Sr,
Charles Jr, & LaShawn
Ben Williams
Kenny Watson
Jena Wood
Rod Mazano
Mae Joye
Patches Wood
Victims of War
Victims of illness, disaster &
Sarah Milburn
Franic A. Holt
James L. Holt
Ford I. Milburn
Cecilia & James Reed
William & Mary Young
Rosetta Young
P.J. Herbert
Victor Young
Helen & Stanley Sinkovich
Collins Family
Cosack Family
Sinkovich Family
Mary E. & Edward J. Russell
Douglas Ritchie
Maury Herron
Russell Family
James A. Mason, Sr.
Agnes & Earl Hazel
Louis & Emma Young
Susan Mae Mason
Mary Jo Cala-Koepper
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Redel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cala
Winifred I. Barnes
Jacob R. Barnes
Agnes & Pinkney Young
Alice Young
Elsie Butler
Mary & Louis Thomas
Mary Helen Alvey
Harry Joseph Alvey
Robert I. Garner
Dorothy Garner Raley
Troy A. Pelizar
Melvin & Margaret Wood
Imogene Burroughs
Richard Wood
Ruth & Irvin Simmons
James & Lucy Hamor, Sr.
James E. Jr. & David Hamor
Shirley Holt
Bette McNey
Mary M. Proctor
David Raulerson
Ellen Raulerson
Victoria Randall
Helen Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Chase
Purnell Frederick, Sr & Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Drummey
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jennings
Joseph & Mary Jordan
Phyllis Hopewell
Buddy & Bernadette Jordan
Charles & Aileen Dotson
Vernon & Myrtle Johnson
Karli Aud
Jerry Shipman
Margaret & Anthony
Genevieve & Virgil Shipman
Morris Whitaker, II
Paul J. Neal
Mary & Joseph Neal
Rose Holly
Joseph I. Long
Deborah E. Smith
Gilbert & Ida Ellis
Richard Neach
Grace Woodburn
Testor Woodburn
Jean Dorsey
Gilbert Dorsey
Joseph A. Latham
Laura Latham Chesser
Eldridge Hayden, Sr.
Eleanor Rose Hayden
A.Clarence Latham Family
Melvin Wood
Margaret Wood
Herbert Reynolds, Sr.
Frances Reynolds
Michael C. Reynolds
Kelly Holt
Mr. & Mrs. William Herbert
& brothers and sisters
Rita & John Jay
Ray Leicht
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Thompson
Deceased Brown Family
Deceased Thompson Family
Parran & Agnes Howe Family
Ford & Catherine Wathen
Father Peter Boyle
Father Joseph Naughton
Father Estes
Father Lesard
Father Wilkinson
Helen Stone
John Ellis
Farrell-Case Family
Johnson-Wathen Family
Father A. Neal Ward
John Frazier
Thomas W. Bradburn, Sr. & Jr.
Bertha M. Bradburn
James H. Woods
Sister Christine Ellis, SCN
Allen & Helen Marie Potts
Susie & Dellie Somerville
Alice Griffin
Rosa Somerville
Deceased brothers & sisters
J. Warren Bailey
J. Wayne Bailey
Frank & Vertie Bailey &
Beny & Blanche Farrell &
Anthony Bowles
Sarah Catherine Thompson
Joseph Walter Thompson
Sallie Wood Thompson
Peter Haverman Thompson
Viola Marlow Thompson
Joseph Andrew Thompson
Bill Francis Mattingly, Jr.
Joseph (Teeny) Mattingly
Linda Wood Bailey Mason
Rose Wood Burroughs
Billy Thomas Wood, Jr.
Lewis Francis Thompson
Leslie Andrew Thompson
John & Mary Frances Hebb
Louis Henry Bond
William Frank & Louise
John Young Family
Joseph Somerville Family
William, Michael & Lydell