JHS 190 Lior Kataev - Home Planet

JHS 190
Lior Kataev
751 Science
What is a Sun? What does the Sun do? Is the Sun a star? The sun is different than
what you know. The Sun controls the weather on Earth. Keep reading if you want to
know more about the Sun.
The Sun is a bright red and yellow big ball. That ball keeps us warm from cold
winters. It also gives us light. The Sun gives vitamin D to make strong bones for people.
The Sun is the only source of light in the solar system.
The Corona is about 6,000 degrees in Fahrenheit. The Chromospheres
temperature rises up from 4,300 degrees in Fahrenheit to 8,300 degrees in Fahrenheit.
The Sun’s photosphere is about 18,000 degrees in Fahrenheit. The Sun’s convective
envelope is about 1,800,032 degrees in Fahrenheit. The Sun’s radiation envelope is about
27,000,000 degrees in Fahrenheit.
The Sun gives heat for cold winters. It helps all plants on earth, which help grow
food. The sun evaporates heat and turns it into rain.
The Sun’s diameter is 865,00 miles. Which is 1,392,000.
The Sun can be harmful. When there too much Sun you can get a sun burn, or
skin cancer. The Sun can also cause a drought and kill plants.
Now you know the Sun is necessary for the Earth to survive. Also, the Sun is very
hot. It can be harmful by causing Sun burn, skin cancer, and can cause drought.
The size of the sun is bigger than any planet.
Do not print this page….
1. Introduction of Sun……………………………………..
2. About the sun…………………………………………….
3. How hot the Sun is………………………………………
4. What the Sun does….……………………………………
5. How big the Sun is………………………………………
6. How harmful the Sun could be………………………….
7. Conclusion of the Sun …………………………………...
What is a Sun? What does the Sun do? Is the Sun a star?
The sun is different than what you know. The Sun controls the
weather on Earth. Keep reading if you want to know more
about the Sun.
The Sun is giving light to Earth.
The Sun is a bright red and yellow big ball. That ball
keeps us warm from cold winters. It also gives us light. The
Sun gives vitamin D to make strong bones for people. The Sun
is the only source of light in the solar system.
The Sun is the brightest star.
The Sun’s Corona is about 6,000 degrees in Fahrenheit. The
Chromospheres temperature rises up from 4,300 degrees in Fahrenheit
to 8,300 degrees in Fahrenheit. The Sun’s photosphere is about 18,000
degrees in Fahrenheit. The Sun’s convective envelope is about 1,800,032
degrees in Fahrenheit. The Sun’s radiation envelope is about 27,000,000
degrees in Fahrenheit.
All layers of the Sun.
The Sun gives heat for cold winters. It helps all plants on
earth, which help grow food. The sun evaporates heat and
turns it into rain.
Tomatoes growing by the help of Sun.
The Sun’s diameter is 865,00 miles. Which is 1,392,000
The Sun is the biggest from all planets.
The Sun can also be harmful. When there is too much
Sun you can get a sun burn, or skin cancer. The Sun can also
cause a drought and kill plants.
Dead plants
Now you know the Sun is necessary for the Earth to
survive. Also, the Sun is very hot. It can be harmful by causing
Sun burn, or skin cancer, and can cause drought.
Drought can cause dead plants, and trees.