Name: Kevin Klein Grade Level: Fourth Class/ Rehearsal: Clarinet

Name: Kevin Klein
Grade Level: Fourth
Class/ Rehearsal: Clarinet Exploratory
Concept: New note F and E
Objective1. SWBAT review the fingerings for g and f # in order to play Early One Morning
2. SWBAT demonstrate the fingering for f and e in order to play Clarinet Blues and
National Standards: 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire
of music.
5. Reading and notating music
7. Evaluating music and music performance
MD Music Standards: Standard 1.0 - Perceiving and Responding: Aesthetic Education: Students
will demonstrate the ability to perceive, perform, and respond to music
Develop awareness of the characteristics of musical
sounds and the diversity of sounds in the environment
Read music notation including dynamics (p, f, mp, mf,
pp, and ff), tempo (allegro, adagio, moderato, and
andante), and meter (2/2, 2/4, 4/4, 3/4, 6/8, 5/4, and
Describe environmental sounds heard, with attention to
tone color and intervals (same, step, skip)
Standard 2.0 - Experience performance through singing and playing
instruments in general, vocal, and instrumental settings, and listening to
performances of others
Perform accurately simple rhythms at sight from
standard notation: four sixteenth notes, eighth rests
Sing and play a varied repertoire of music
representing diverse genres, styles, and world
cultures, adhering to given expression markings
Materials/Resources: Clarinets, mouth pieces, reeds, ligatures, pencils.
Prior Knowledge: How to hold the instrument, how to make a good sound on the instrument,
how to keep a steady beat, how to finger g and f#, how to form the clarinet embouchure, how to
operate the ligature, how to place the reed on the mouth piece.
Teacher Strategy:
Students come in and do check lists
Four helpers are chosen randomly
Reeds, ligatures, and mouth pieces handed to helpers
Helpers pass out Reeds, ligatures, and mouth pieces
Students are instructed to assemble the mouth piece
Teacher walks around to correct any problems
Students are reminded when they get back to their seats they need to place the
mouthpiece assembly on the clarinet but to not play the clarinets. Students should be in
rest position after mouth pieces are placed on clarinets. ( clarinet on right leg, left hand on
barrel, right hand under thumb rest)
Teams A and B go get clarinets (hallway side)
Teams C, D, and E go get clarinets
Students sitting on the hallway side should have the clarinet
Hand positions are checked (left hand on top, right on bottom)
Students are asked what the fingering for the note g is
Note g is demonstrated
Students are instructed to get into playing position
Students try the note g
Students are instructed to stop playing
Students are given echo patterns ( 4 quarters, 2 halves, quarter eighth eighth quarter
quarter, 4 quarters.)
Students are asked what the fingering for the note f# is
Students are instructed to pinch the barrel with thumb and first finger, slide down until
the thumb is on the thumb hole, first finger on first hole under banana key.
Students take off thumb and leave first finger on
F# is demonstrated to the students
Students play f#
Students are instructed to stop playing
A student is selected to come up and play two echo patterns
Student who demonstrated is given a ticket and instructed to sit down
Students instructed to leave there fingers in playing position
Students are asked if they have an idea how to play new note F
Students are instructed to place thumb back on thumb hole and take first finger off
Note f is demonstrated to the students
Students are asked is f is lower or higher than f# and why it is this way
Students try the note f
Students are instructed to stop playing
Echo patterns are played
Two students are selected to point to the notes for “early one morning” and one student to
press play on the key board
Teacher makes sure the students are ready to play
Student is instructed to press play
Teacher counts students in
Student points to notes on the elmo
Students play “early one morning”
Buddies call out note names to players
Students are instructed to take the repeat in the music
When the song is finished students are instructed to get into rest position
Helpers are given tickets
Teacher places music for “clarinet blues” on the elmo
Two new helpers are selected
Students are asked how many different notes are in the song
Note f is reviewed
Student is instructed to press play
Teacher counts students in
Student points to the notes on the elmo
Students play “clarinet blues”
Tickets are given to helpers and helpers are instructed to sit down
Students get into rest position
Students are instructed to take mouth piece off and switch
Students are told to be in rest position
Hand positions are checked
Note g is reviewed
Students are instructed to get into playing position
G is demonstrated
Students play g
Students instructed to stop playing
Same echo patterns are played
Students are instructed to stop playing
Not F# is reviewed
F# is demonstrated
Students play F#
Students instructed to stop playing
Student is selected to perform echo patterns
Echo patterns are played
Students instructed to stop playing
Ticket is given to the student and student is instructed to sit down
Buddies help partners with the new note F
F is demonstrated to the students
Students try new note f
Students stop playing
Echo patterns are played
Students stop playing
Students get into rest position
Two helpers selected for “early one morning”
Students get into playing position
Student instructed to press play
Teacher counts students in
Student points to notes on elmo
Buddies call out note names
Teacher instructs students to take repeat
Song finishes students get into rest position
Helpers are given tickets and asked to sit down
New helpers are chosen for “clarinet blues”
Repeat previous steps for “clarinet blues”
Song finishes helpers are given tickets and asked to sit down
Students are asked what they think the fingering for new note E is
Teacher goes over fingering with students
Students finger E (pinch barrel slide down to thumb hole and first hole but leave both
fingers down)
Note E is demonstrated to students
Students get into playing position
Students try note E
Students stop playing
Echo patterns are played on g, f#, f, and E
Students get into rest position
“Drifting” is placed on the elmo
Two students are selected to help
Students are instructed to get into playing position
Student is asked to press play on the keyboard
Teacher counts students in
Student points to notes on the elmo
Buddies call out note names
When the song finishes students get into rest position
Helpers are given tickets and asked to sit down
Students pass clarinets to partners
Buddies help partners finger new note E
Note E is demonstrated
Students try note E
Students stop playing
Echo patters played on g, f#, f, and E
Students get into rest position
Repeat steps for “Drifting”
Students stop playing and get into rest position when the song is finished.
Four helpers are chosen to collect, reeds, mouth pieces, and ligatures
Teams C, D, and E take clarinets back
Teams A, and B take clarinets back
Students return to their seats
Tickets are given to helpers
Students are asked what the fingerings are for the notes we know how to play on the
clarinet now
Follow Up/next class- Fingerings for g,f, f#, and E reviewed. Drifting and Clarinet blues are
reviewed. New note D is introduced.