B.8: Overview of the respective requirements of the US doctoral degree Type of activity 1 Educational activity Name Medieval Studies Doctoral Colloquium (2 credits x 4 semesters) Doctoral level Research Methodology and Advance Source Language Classes (2 credits x 4 semesters + 3 credits) Doctoral level elective classes Course work: total credits 2. Academic Dissertation prospectus defense activity Comprehensive exam Dissertation research; annual ‘workin-progress report’ Regular consultations with supervisor/s Academic practica Academic activity: total credits Total credits Credits Type per unit 2 mandatory Credit value min. 8 1-2-4 mandatory elective min. 11 2–4 mandatory elective 2 2 0 mandatory mandatory mandatory min. 9 min. 28 2 2 0 0 mandatory 0 1 mandatory 4 8 min. 36 working knowledge of Latin; working knowledge of the ancient, medieval or early modern source language most relevant for the proposed dissertation project, if different from Latin; working knowledge of one modern language relevant to the dissertation project other than English and the doctoral student’s mother tongue(s) B.9: Overview of the respective requirements of the Hungarian doctoral degree Type of activity 1. Educational activity Name Medieval Studies Doctoral Colloquium (2 credits x 5 semesters) Doctoral level Research Methodology and Advance Source Language Classes (2 credits x 5 semesters + 3 credits) Doctoral level elective classes Course work: total credits 2. Teaching Teaching practice (teaching activity assistantship) at CEU Independent teaching practice at undergraduate level at any university as approved by the Doctoral Committee Teaching activity: total credits 3. Academic Dissertation prospectus defense and activities comprehensive exam Dissertation research; annual progress report (6 credits x 3 years) Regular consultations with supervisor(s) (4 credits x 3 years) Publications Participation in research projects Conference participation: paper presentation Academic practica Academic activity: total credits Total credits Credits Type per unit 2 mandatory Credit value min. 10 2 mandatory elective min. 13 2–4 mandatory elective mandatory min. 9 min. 32 min. 4 optional max. 6 mandatory min. 4 10 6 mandatory 18 4 mandatory 12 1 optional optional optional max. 12 max. 6 max. 6 mandatory 4 min. 44 max. 68 min. 90 max. 115 working knowledge of Latin; working knowledge of the ancient, medieval or early modern source language most relevant for the proposed dissertation project, if different from Latin; working knowledge of one modern language relevant to the dissertation project other than English and the doctoral student’s mother tongue(s) Doctoral students pursuing a Hungarian doctoral degree must produce evidence of appropriate command of two languages other than their mother tongue (’foreign languages’).