Mitraniketan, Vellanad in collaboration with the Association for World Education, Denmark is organising a Capacity enhancement program for the teachers and education planners in Thiruvananthapuram. The program is aimed at developing a vision and action that can improve the existing practice of teaching and learning. The participants will have opportunity to identify their current education and training practice through theoretical input, dialogue, and investigative methods. Content & Methodology: Theoretical inputs and workshops are the methods followed in the program. Morning sessions are with theoretical dialogue: Workshop 1 How can students work investigating with textbooks and syllabus? The purpose of the workshop is to change focus in the planning process from learning input (the textbook) to learning outcome: the learning aims and the intended learning process. As the outcome of the workshop the participants can define learning aims and combine different learning aims with appropriate teaching methods/strategies. Workshop 2 Projects as a development tool and a way to ‘Lifelong Learning’ Language about learning and education interaction between teacher and learners teacher practice - student practice transfer of knowledge from classroom to practice resistance against learning ways of learning and learning in practice adults learning supervision collegial cooperation Afternoons with three thematic workshops: 1. How can students work investigating with textbooks and syllabus? 2. Projects as a development tool and a way to lifelong learning 3. Development of learning practice in non-formal adult education The participants can choose one of three workshops. The workshop will run over four days and will be based on current educational challenges identified by the participants. Identified challenges will be explored between participants and instructors. At the end of the workshop an action plan will be developed for change. The purpose of the workshop is to provide an introduction to some of the opportunities it offers, to work on projects and to discuss issues related to project work. It focus on sharing the experiences of participants with project work, so as to reach a greater awareness of the possibilities and limitations of projects. Outcome of the workshop is to achieve greater clarity on project work with constructive and appropriate method that enables partners to create new knowledge and experiences with better results Workshop 3 Development of teaching practice in Non-Formal Adult Education The purpose of the workshop is to make the participants aware of the many possibilities in their teaching practise which can enhance their participants (students) learning as well as their own learning, and to be able to develop their own teaching strategies. As outcome, the participants will be able to develop their teaching practice in “non-formal settings” as well as in “formal settings”. Expected outcome: The participants will be inspired to gain new ideas for developing their existing practice. They will acknowledge the possibilites of new practices which leads to new ways of learning. They will have a plan for, where the transition process towards new teaching, learning or developing methods can start. Course Fee: fully subsidised Registration Fees: Rs.1000 Last date for Registration: 20 April 2013. Register your name(s) to: Director, Mitraniketan, Vellanad, Trivandrum-695 543 E mail