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Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
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H.M. Chadwick Lectures
1. 1990 D. A. Bullough Friends, Neighbours and Fellow-drinkers: Aspects of
Community and Conflict in the Early Medieval West. 27pp. ISBN 978-09517339-0-5
2. 1991 Bruce Mitchell H. M. Chadwick, the Study of Anglo-Saxon: Fifty Years
On. 25pp. ISBN 978-0-9517339-1-2
3. 1992 Pádraig Ó Riain Anglo-Saxon Ireland: the evidence of the Martyrology
of Tallaght. 22pp. ISBN 978-0-9517339-2-9
4. 1993 Gad Rausing Emperors and popes, kings and bishops: Scandinavian
history in the 'Dark Ages'. 31pp. ISBN 978-0-9517339-3-6
5. 1994 Peter Sawyer Scandinavians and the English in the Viking Age. 24pp.
ISBN 978-0-9517339-4-3
6. 1995 Daniel Huws Five Ancient Books of Wales. 23pp. ISBN 978-0-95173395-0
7. 1996 Isabel Henderson Pictish Monsters: Symbol, Text and Image. 52pp (incl.
1 map + 10 illustrations). ISBN 978-0-9517339-6-7
8. 1997 Peter and Ursula Dronke Growth of Literature: the Sea and the God of
the Sea. 45pp. ISBN 978-0-9532697-0-9
9. 1998 Donald Scragg Dating and Style in Old English Composite Homilies.
24pp. ISBN 978-0-9532697-1-6
10. 1999 Marged Haycock 'Where cider ends, There ale begins to reign': drink in
medieval Welsh poetry. 29pp. ISBN 978-0-9532697-2-3
11. 2000 Andrew Wawn ‘Fast er drukkið og fátt lært’: Eiríkur Magnússon, Old
Northern Philology, and Victorian Cambridge. 32pp. ISBN 978-0-9532172-3-6
12. 2001 Richard Gameson The Scribe Speaks? Colophons in Early English
Manuscripts. 52pp + 10 pls. ISBN 978-0-9532172-7-4
13. 2002 James Graham-Campbell Pictish Silver: Status and Symbol. 40pp (incl.
13 plates). ISBN 978-0-9532697-5-4
14. 2003 Malcolm Godden The translations of Alfred and his circle, and the
misappropriation of the past. 28pp. ISBN 978-1-904708-02-5
15. 2004 Peter Foote The Early Christian Laws of Iceland: Some Observations.
24pp. ISBN 978-1-904708-12-4
16. 2005 Patrick Sims-Williams The Iron House in Ireland. 31pp. ISBN 978-09532172-6-7
17. 2006 Dennis Green A room of their own? Women readers in the Middle
Ages. 19pp. ISBN 978-0-9554568-1-7
18. 2008 Sverre Bagge Order, Disorder and Disordered Order: Interpretations of
the World and Society from the Pagan to the Christian Period in Scandinavia.
30pp. ISBN 978-09554568-4-8
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No. of
19. 2009 Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe Stealing Obedience: Narratives of Agency
in Later Anglo-Saxon England. 22pp. ISBN 978-09554568-9-3
20. 2010 Joseph Falaky Nagy Mercantile Myth in Medieval Celtic Traditions.
19pp ISBN 978-0-9562353-6-7
21. 2011 Wendy Davies Water Mill and Cattle Standards: Probing the Economic
Comparison between Ireland and Spain in the Early Middle Ages. 28pp ISBN
23. 2012 Michael Lapidge H.M. Chadwick: A Centennial Commemoration. 20pp.
ISBN 978-0-9571862-5-5
24. 2013 John Blair The British Culture of Anglo-Saxon Settlement. 39pp.
ISBN 978-0-9571862-9-3
25. 2014 Margaret Clunies Ross The Cult of Othin and the Pre-Christian Religions
of the North. 16pp. ISBN 978-1-909106-03-1
Kathleen Hughes Memorial Lectures
No. of
1. 2001 David N. Dumville Saint David of Wales. iv+41pp. ISBN 978-0-95321724-3
2. 2002 David Stephenson The Aberconwy Chronicle. iv+19pp. ISBN 978-09532697-9-2
3. 2003 R. R. Davies The King of England and the Prince of Wales, 1277-84:
Law, Politics and Power. iv+23pp. ISBN 978-0-9543186-9-7
4. 2004 Scott Gwara Education in Wales and Cornwall in the Ninth and Tenth
Centuries: Understanding De raris fabulis. iv+37pp. ISBN 978-1-904708-04-9
5. 2005 Ken Dark Archaeology and the origins of Insular monasticism. 27pp.
ISBN 978-1-904708-15-5
6. 2008 Paul Russell 'Read it in a Glossary': Glossaries and Learned Discourse in
Medieval Ireland. 32pp. ISBN 978-0-9554568-6-2
7. 2009 Oliver Padel Slavery in Saxon Cornwall: the Bodmin Manumissions.
33pp. ISBN 978-0-9562353-0-5
8. 2010 Colmán Etchingham The Irish 'Monastic Town': Is This A Valid Concept?
32pp. ISBN 978-0-9562353-1-2
9. 2012 Marie Therese Flanagan Reform in the Twelfth-century Irish Church: A
Revolution of Outlook? 48 pp. ISBN 978-09571862-8-6
10. 2012 Thomas Charles-Edwards St Patrick and the Landscape of Early
Christian Ireland. 43pp. ISBN 978-0-9571862-1-7
11. 2013 Alex Woolf The Churches of Pictavia 17pp. ISBN 978-0-9571862-6-2
12. 2013 Robert Bartlett Gerald of Wales and the Ethnographic Imagination
20pp. ISBN 978-1-909106-00-0
13. 2015 Nancy Edwards The Early Medieval Sculpture of Wales: Text, Pattern
and Image. 40pp. ISBN 978-1-909106-05-5
E.C. Quiggin Memorial Lectures
No. of
1. 1994 John Carey The Irish National Origin-Legend: Synthetic Pseudohistory.
28 pp. ISBN 978-0-9517339-8-1
2. 1995 Dauvit Broun The Charters of Gaelic Scotland and Ireland in the Early
and Central Middle Ages. ISBN 978-0-9517339-9-8
3. 1997 David N. Dumville Councils and Synods of the Gaelic Early and Central
Middle Ages. 62 pp. ISBN 978-0-9532172-0-5
4. 1999 T. M. Charles-Edwards The Early Mediaeval Gaelic Lawyer.73 pp. ISBN
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5. 2002 John Hines Old-Norse Sources for Gaelic History.37 pp. ISBN 978-09543186-3-5
6. 2003 Pádraig P. Ó Néill Biblical Study and Mediaeval Gaelic History. 48 pp.
ISBN 978-1-904708-00-1
7. 2004 Tadhg O'Keefe The Gaelic Peoples and their Archaeological Identities,
A.D. 1000-1650.41 pp. ISBN 978-1-904708-10-0
8. 2007 Dáibhí Ó Cróinín The Kings Depart: The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon
Royal Exile in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries.25 pp. ISBN 978-0-9554568-24
9. 2008 Eriche Poppe Of Cycles and Other Critical Matters. Some Issues in
Medieval Irish Literary History and Criticism.63 pp. ISBN 978-0-9554568-5-5
10. 2008 Henrik Williams Rune-stone Inscriptions and Queer Theory. 17 pp.ISBN
11. 2010 Uáitéar Mac Gearailt On the Date of the Middle Irish Recension II Táin
Bó Cúailnge. 33 pp. ISBN 978-0-9562353-2-9
12. 2010 Carole Hough Toponymicon and Lexicon in North-West Europe: 'EverChanging Connection'. 24 pp. ISBN 978-0-9562353-3-6
13. 2011 Liam Breatnach On the Early Irish Law Text Senchas Már and the
Question of its Date.48 pp. ISBN 978-0-9562353-9-8
14. 2012 Odd Einar Haugen 'So that the writing may be less and quicker, and the
parchment last longer': The Orthographic Reform of the Old Icelandic First
Grammatical Treatise. 23 pp. ISBN 978-0-9571862-4-8
15. 2013 Ruairí Ó hUiginn Marriage, Law and Tochmarc Emire. 54 pp.
ISBN 978-1-909106-01-7
16. 2014 Mark Stansbury Iona Scribes and the Rhetoric of Legibility. 43 pp.
ISBN 978-1-909106-02-4
17. 2015 Matthew Townend Antiquity of Diction in Old English and Old Norse
Poetry. 22pp. ISBN 978-1909106-08-6
No. of
ASNC Guides, Texts, and Studies
1. 2005 Simon Keynes Anglo-Saxon England: A Bibliographical Handbook for
Students of Anglo-Saxon History. 256 pp. ISBN 0 9532172 8 0
2. 2004 Martin Syrett Scandinavian History in the Viking Age: a Select
Bibliography. 3rd ed. 151pp. ISBN 0 9532172 9 9
3. 2011 Paul Russell A Bibliography of Medieval Welsh Literature For Students
3 ed. 80pp. ISBN 978-0-9562353-8-1
4. 2002 Matrin Syrett The Vikings in England: the Evidence of Runic
Inscriptions. 150pp (incl. 2 maps & c. 15 illustrations). ISBN 0 9532697 4 4
5. Simon Keynes An Atlas of Attestations in Anglo-Saxon Charters, c. 670 -1066,
I. 20pp + Tables I-LXXVIII.200pp. ISBN 0 9532697 6 0
6. 2002 Rebecca Rushforth An Atlas of Saints in Anglo-Saxon Calendars. c.
40pp + Tables I-XII. 25pp. ISBN 0 9532697 7 9
ASNC Manuscript Studies
1. 2004 David N. Dumville Abbreviations used in Insular Script before A.D. 850:
Tabulation based on the work of W.M. Lindsay. 22 pp. ISBN 1-904708-08-0
2. 2004 David N. Dumville The Early Mediaeval Insular Churches and the
Preservation of Roman Literature: towards a Historical and Palaeographical
Reëvaluation. IV+51pp. ISBN 1 904708 11 0
Basic Texts For Brittonic History
1. 2002 David N. Dumville ed. & trans. Annales Cambriae, A.D. 682-954: Texts
A-C in Parallel. xx+24pp. ISBN 0 9543186 2 5
David N. Dumville ed. & trans. Annales Cambriae, A.D. 955-1097: Texts B
Page 3 of 4
and C in Parallel
3. 2004 Paul Russell ed. & trans. The Prologues to the Medieval Welsh
Lawbooks. xviii+41pp. ISBN 1 904708 03 X
4. Scott Gwara ed. & trans. De raris fabulis, 'On Uncommon Tales': a Glossed
Latin Colloquy-text from a Tenth-century Cornish Manuscript. viii+33pp.
ISBN 1 904708 05 6
Basic Texts for Gaelic History
1. David N. Dumville ed. & trans. The Annals of Ulster, I: Recension 1, A.D.
431- 766
2. 2003 Pádraig P.Ó Néill and David N.Dumville ed. & trans. Cáin Adomnáin
and Canones Adomnani. xl+62pp. ISBN 0 9543186 4 1
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