SP14 Board Fellows Application

Volunteer Application: Board Fellows
Thank you for your interest in the Spring 2014 Net Impact NYC Board Fellows program. Please complete
the following application to be considered for the program. We anticipate that the application will take 2025 minutes to complete. We highly recommend Board Fellows applicants to have had at least 5
years of professional experience or equivalent leadership experience.
The Board Fellows program places Net Impact NYC members on non-profit boards for one year
fellowships. Board Fellows actively participate as full time (non-voting) members of the Board of Directors.
Fellows attend meetings, join committees, and work on relevant projects - all under the mentorship of a
current board member. In addition, there is no financial or fundraising commitment for the Board Fellow.
In addition, organizations typically develop one (or more) specific Board level project(s) for Fellows to
lead and/or participate in throughout the year. For example, a Board Fellow could be ask to play a major
role in preparing a strategic plan to help an organization analyze its program offerings and expansion
potential, or could be asked to help an organization develop a strategy to increase board participation.
Projects are completed on a part time basis. Board Fellows commit to attending each Board meeting and
an additional 5-10 hours per month to complete the project(s).
Nonprofit applications are evaluated based on the organization’s mission, community impact, ability to
benefit from the Board Fellows model, quality of experience for volunteers, and a commitment to
providing the Fellow with all of the resources needed to complete a high-quality deliverable. We also take
into consideration the nature and scope of the proposed project.
Service Corps volunteer applications are evaluated based on previous work and volunteer experience,
skills and expertise, education, areas of interest, and ability to work well in a team environment.
The Board Fellows program will match applicants with the organization that best fits each candidate’s
experience, interest, and skills, while also fulfilling each organization's mission and need. Net Impact NYC
strives to make high-quality, mutually-beneficial matches based on complementary skills, interests, and
needs. However, there is no guarantee that any particular applicant will be matched, regardless of skill
and experience.
After you submit your application and it has been submitted and reviewed, you will be contacted by a
Board Fellows Program Manager to provide an update on your status and, if applicable, to schedule a
phone consultation.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Your Name*
Occupation/Job Title & Location:
Are you currently a dues paying member of Net Impact New York?* If not and you are placed with an
organization as a Board Fellow, you will be required to join. If you are part of your local MBA Net Impact
chapter, please check with them regarding membership requirements.
_____ No
Are you able to attend a 2-3 hour orientation session in late February (after working hours or on a
Are you able to perform the necessary responsibilities and commit at least 10 hours per month for
the 12-month (full year) duration of the placement to Board Fellows?* This includes attending all
Board meetings, which may fall on weekday evenings or weekends. .
_____ Yes, I am able to commit the required time and energy to Board Fellows
_____Unsure if I am able to commit the required time and energy, but I will give it my best effort
Do you foresee any career changes, travel or other life events that will limit your ability to
participate?* If yes or unsure, please explain further in the box below.
_____ No
How did you hear about the Net Impact NYC Board Fellows program?* (Please specify: word of
mouth, website, campus chapter, website, career services, Facebook/social media. other)
Why do you want to be a Board Fellow? What do you hope to gain from the experience.* Please
respond in less than 200 words.
What special skills and abilities do you hope to contribute to the non-profit board and to the
Board Fellows program (e.g., strategic planning, marketing strategy, financial analysis).* Please
respond in less than 200 words.
If applicable, please give brief descriptions of any previous/current volunteer or Board experience
(including organization, position, and dates of involvement).* Please respond in less than 200 words.
Describe a project that you manage from start to finish* Please respond in less than 200 words.
Many of the Boards that we that we partner with are “working Boards,” in which Board members
are expected to take a more active role in completing work for the organization (as opposed to
only focusing on oversight and governance). Would you be willing to join this type of Board?*
_____I would prefer a working board placement
_____I would prefer a strategic/governance board placement
_____ I am open to either of the above
Which of the below areas would you prefer to work on as a board project?* Check all that apply.
Volunteer Management
Business Strategy
Human Resources
Other (please specify): _______________
Which of the following categories of nonprofit would you prefer to work with?*
Check all that apply.
Human Rights
Civic Organization
International Development
Economic Development
Mental Health/Disabilities
Nonprofit Support (consulting, foundation)
Women/Girls Services/Programs
Youth Services/Programs
Other (specify):
Is there any other information we should know about you when considering your application?
To complete your application, please submit this completed form and a copy of your resume to
Note that we require the following format when submitting your application documents:
- Application: file name must be “Last Name_First Name_Board Fellows SP2014 App”
- Resume: file name must be “Last name_First Name_Resume”
Please only send .doc or .docx files. If you have any issues submitting your application online, please
send your application documents with subject line “ATTN: SP14 Board Fellows Application for Last
Name, First Name” to netimpactnycprograms@gmail.com.
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at netimpactnycprograms@gmail.com. DEADLINE IS
FEBRUARY 5, 2014 @ 11:59 EST. We look forward to reviewing your application!