Team Supervisor - Purdue University

SOC ‘14 is searching the pages looking for a new cast of characters…
Come help
us write the
next edition!
Team Supervisor
Character Bio: The Boiler Gold Rush and BGRi (BGR) Team Supervisor (TS) position is a mid-level leadership
role that enhances the BGR and BGRi program in numerous ways. The Team Supervisors act as liaisons
between the Team Leaders and the Student Orientation Committee. Each Team Supervisor will mentor and
train a group of Team Leaders.
Characters are expected to complete the challenges below:
Attend all Team Supervisor trainings and retreats, mentor meetings (one on ones), along with Team
Leader callouts, interviews, trainings and team meetings
Conduct team meetings, icebreakers, socials, and troubleshoot any issues in the Residence Halls
Teach two (2) - 50 minute classes each day during the week of BGR
Attend one (1) non-scheduled office hour every week in ENAD 233
Enroll in and complete a one (1) credit hour Leadership class in the spring semester of 2014
Be in complete communication with his or her SOC Mentor and his or her Team Leaders (throughout
the academic year, summer and throughout the 2014 fall and spring semester)
Advertise and market to possible new members about Team Leader Callouts which includes but is not
limited to: chalking, bag tags, sheet signs, dining court tables, etc.
Conduct responsible and appropriate team meetings with Team Leaders throughout the year. These
meetings should be fun and informative.
Conduct various icebreakers, team builders, and skill builders for your group of Team Leaders
Attend ALL BGR related events including all retreats and trainings
Answer the new students’ and Team Leaders’ questions with honest and appropriate answers
Work Office of Admissions recruitment events at the Student Success at Purdue table
Coordinate solutions to participants’ problems, issues, or emergencies with the residence hall staff
during BGR and BGRi
Complete the Common Reading Book
Learn and teach the Common Bond Dance
Perform some manual labor prior to and during Boiler Gold Rush
Volunteer as needed for events following BGR and BGRi
Assist the professional staff and SOC during the week of BGR and BGRi
Other duties as assigned
Character Attributes of a Team Supervisor:
 Full-time Purdue University student fall 2013 and spring/fall 2014
Come in with and maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA
Be in good academic and disciplinary standing with Purdue University at the time of application and
while on staff.
Willing to go above and beyond expectations as well as being flexible throughout the entire year
Professionally represent BGR and BGRi at all times
Passionate about BGR, BGRi, Purdue University, and the needs of incoming students
Open-mindedness towards all cultures, ethnicities, lifestyles, and backgrounds
Ability to serve as a role model and mentor
Character Attributes of a Returning Team Supervisor (in addition to those of a first time Team Supervisor):
Striving for a challenge and to provide a new and innovative impact on BGR 2014
Being flexible and open to the new changes
Being an active and supportive mentor to not only Team Leaders, but to their hall team as well
Ability to provide useful insight about being a Supervisor
Respectful and supportive of the SOC
Leadership Development Seminar 210
Supers have the opportunity to expand their leadership development on a whole new level! Student
Success at Purdue provides a one credit hour graded course for Team Supervisors. The objective of this
course is to receive a deeper level of leadership experience. Because this will supplement our trainings, it
is a requirement that 2014 Team Supervisors register for and attend this class. There will be numerous
sections to accommodate your schedule. If you have questions please contact:
Joey Ratcliff, Assistant Director of Orientation Programs at
Transfer Transition Coordinator
Character Bio: The Transfer Transition Coordinator (TTC), in addition to all of the duties of a Team Supervisor, is
responsible for working with Team Leaders of transfer student groups as well as attending and facilitating transfer
events held throughout BGR.
Additional character roles TTCs are expected to fill include (in addition to those of a TS):
Attend monthly TTC meetings
Facilitate transfer activities during the week of BGR
Be able to articulate differences between first-year students & transfer students
Attend all additional transfer activities
Work with Michael Fouch, Reese White, and Anne Marie Sullivan (Orientation Initiatives)
Attend TTC Socials with Orientation Initiatives
Other duties as assigned
Character Attributes of a TTC (in addition to those of a TS):
Extremely Flexible
Ability to lead peers
Inclusive personality
Stay on top of simultaneous activities
Have a desire to impact transfer students
Move-In Coordinator
Character Bio: The Move-In Coordinator (MC), in addition to all of the duties of a Team Supervisor, is in charge of the
logistical duties of move-in for the Residence Halls.
Additional character roles MCs are expected to fill include (in addition to those of a TS):
Along with SOC Mentor, meet with the Area Coordinator of assigned hall during spring semester to
establish rapport, review guidelines, and to review the strengths and weaknesses of previous BGRs
Maintain contact with your residence hall’s staff throughout the summer
Develop move-in grid for BGR staff assignments in hall
Meet with previous MC of your hall
Review assignments and duties with BGR staff prior to move-in
Act as first point of contact for residence hall staff during move-in
Review with BGR staff at end of day to discuss what went well and what did not
Attend MC Socials with Mitch Koestel and Hayden Sholtis
Be responsible as first point of contact for Team Leaders for all emergencies
 Other duties as assigned
Character Attributes of an MC (in addition to those of TS):
Extremely organized
Strong ability to multitask
Able to efficiently delegate tasks
Stay composed in stressful situations
Ability to interact with residence hall staff
Check-In Coordinator
Character Bio: The Check-in Coordinator (CIC), in addition to all of the duties of a Team Supervisor, is responsible for
the check-in of new students.
Additional character roles CICs are expected to fill include (in addition to those of a TS):
Maintain the BGR check-in table
Work with the MC
Handle any problems as they occur (missing nametags, wristbands, etc.)
Instruct front desk residence hall staff how to do late night check-in
Be a contact for University Residences and BGR Staff over the week of BGR for late check-ins
Other duties as assigned
Character Attributes of a CIC (in addition to those of TS):
Extreme patience
Ability to instruct and teach
Strong organizational skills
Be able to handle ambiguous problems
Team Supervisor International
Character Bio: The Team Supervisor International (TSi), in addition to all of the duties of a Team
Supervisor, is responsible for working with Team Leaders of BGRi groups.
Additional character roles TSis are expected to fill include (in addition to those of a TS):
Assist in early implementation of BGRi
Attend cultural trainings in addition to regular BGR trainings
Work with Team Leaders from a variety of different backgrounds
Lead Team Leaders through a variety of events that specifically address the needs of international
Character Attributes of a TSi (in addition to those of TS):
Welcoming mentality and flexibility to challenges that may arise
NOTE: You cannot have another role if you are selected as a BGRi Supervisor
2014 Team Supervisor Application Process
Online Application Instructions:
1. Have your application essays done before you start your online application!*
2. Re-read the Team Supervisor, Transfer Transition Coordinator, Move-In Coordinator, Check-In
Coordinator, and TSi position descriptions.
3. Go to the Boiler Gold Rush website
4. Find the line where it states, “Interested in being a Team Supervisor?” and click on the link.
5. Click on “Be sure you click here before filling out the application.” to get more information before applying.
6. Once you have finished your essays and feel you have a clear understanding of the position descriptions, please
complete the online application.
7. Once you have submitted your application, you will be prompted to choose an integrated interview time.
Review your class, test, and meeting schedules thoroughly before choosing an interview time.
8. Once your application has been submitted and you have chosen an interview, please print off the confirmation
page and bring it to the interview.
*Note: The application should be completed in one sitting. Please type essays in a Word Document (i.e.
MSWord) and copy and paste into the essay field.
The online application goes live on October 2nd at 8pm.
You must finish your online application by October 10th at midnight.
For application questions or concerns please call (765) 494-9328 or email
Online Application Questions for Team Supervisors: (Please limit to less than
400 words each!!)
Why do you want to be a Team Supervisor for Boiler Gold Rush 2014 and how do you see yourself
developing from the experience?
One of our initiatives this year is expanding our vision of mentoring, how do you exemplify a good
mentor and what does mentoring mean to you?
How would you describe your personal leadership style and how do you see it functioning with other
leaders in the program?
Scenario: You put together a big presentation for a group project, but when you get to the meeting and
present it to the group you are immediately shot down. How do you handle and grow from this
BGR 14’s theme this year is Stories. What story or character does your life most resemble and why?
Scenario: During the week of BGR, you notice that some of the international students are having a hard
time getting accustomed to the “BGR culture”. They seem uncomfortable during various BGR events.
How would you help to get them involved and feel comfortable enough to participate?
If you are interested in the Move-in Coordinator, Transfer Transition Coordinator, Check-In
Coordinator, or TSi positions, please tell us about the characteristics and qualities you possess that
make you a strong candidate for the position(s) for which you are applying.
Additional Interview Information:
Bring your printed out confirmation sheet with you to the integrated interview.
(You will sign up for your integrated interview online as part of the web application submission process.)
Please arrive 15 minutes early (BGR time!)
Wear khaki’s and your colored BGR TL or UR Global t-shirt (you may be asked to sit on the floor so
please do not wear any skirts).
Call Student Success at Purdue at (765) 494-9328 within 48 hours of your interview to reschedule if you
are unable to attend your selected interview time.
Interview Process:
. The interview will consist of:
Approximately two and a half hours, group activities will be 2 hours and then there will be a
half hour individual interview
A 20 minute interview with one member of the SOC and one P-Staff member.
o A 1-2 minute elevator pitch that answers the question “Explain to us the position of
Supervisor as if you were talking to an eight year old.”
No computers or projectors (no PowerPoint) may be used in presentations;
however applicants are encouraged to use visual aids.
o There will be a 15 min question and answer period with one SOC member and one
P-Staff member following your presentation.
For returning supervisors, the prompt is as follows: “Show or tell us how you plan to be a
mentor to your fellow Team Supervisors.”
You will be notified of your status by Tuesday, November 19th 2013.
If you are selected, you will be required to attend the Supervisor Retreat on
November 23rd-24th, 2013. All applicants should keep these retreat days open.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a 2013-2014 Team Supervisor.
We look forward to interviewing you!