BOD Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2014
Attendees: Craig Williams, Allen Pollitt, Bill Davis, James Moore, John Reynolds, Rob Wolf, and
Steve Quiggle.
Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm
Meeting Minutes for April 29, 2014 were presented. Moved to approve by James and
seconded by Bill. Motion carried.
Financial: Allen presented the financials for May 2014. Educational income is $6,447.00 with
an expense of $4,437.05. PDM income was $9,585.41 with an expense $8,436.96. Membership
rebates was $6,987.58. Net income was $1,208.56 vs, budget of $1,625.56.
Allen and Bob Walker will need to meet and complete an audit before Bob takes over.
Membership: Bill presented the membership as of May 27, 2014 is 191 which is a 7.30%
increase over 6-30-2013 (178). We lost 3 members from April. Certifications of membership
stands at 32.5%. Facebook and LinkedIn continue to grow in participants, Twitter is flat.
Elections: The membership has voted for the following:
Allen Pollitt
Executive Vice President
John Reynolds
Bob Walker
Rob Wolf
Bill Davis
Joe O’Neil
James Moore
Craig Williams
Bob Walker, Robert Szymanowski, and Jal Irani have expressed an interest in serving on the
board. Rob proposed Bob Walker as VP of Finance and extend offers to the others to be on the
board. Craig second the motion. Motion carried. Craig to call Jal, James to call Robert.
Career Services: Steve Q is the new Career Services Manager. The Career Workshops have
about 12 people attending.
In September, we will have a Job Symposium and Job Fair. Will look at PTEC as the location.
Marketing: James continues to use social media, webinars, and other venues to promote PDMs
and education.
Company Coordinator: No report.
Programs: June 10 PDM will have Tom Borkes speak to the group. We will also recognize the
company of the year, member of the year, and instructor of the year.
Craig and Bill will get together to organize the speaker pool.
Student Chapter: Bill, Craig, and Nathan will meet to get the application completed for
submission to Corporate. We have 9 people that have signed up with 2 more showing promise.
Craig suggested that we have a membership drive in September when classes resume.
Education: QMS had 22 courses for 2013/2014. Also, another $1,600 in exam fees will be sent
to the Chapter. Need to review the Outsource agreement in August.
College Night is tied to the USF campus. The emphasis should be on SPC Student Chapter.
PDM Awards Presentation:
Member of the Year - Bill Davis
Company of the Year- Aerosonic Corporation
Instructor of the Year - John Reynolds
Special Service Award - Nathan Smith
Membership Milestones – 1 at 35 and 1 at 30 at June PDM. 6 at 25, and 7 at 20 years in
September. We would pay for their dinner plus get APICS pins for them. Then look at 5, 10,
and 15 year recognitions. Let’s also have this recognition posted on our website.
S.E. District Meeting: Craig and Allen are scheduled to attend in June.
Transition BOD Meeting: Scheduled for July 19th at CardioCommand for 8:30 am.
Adjournment at 8:24 pm –Rob moved, James seconded.