2010 TEAM Conference - Technical Sessions/Breakouts

2010 TEAM Conference - Technical
Breakout Session #1- Thursday March 18 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Serving Two Masters Balancing Sound
Engineering and
Preserving Historic
Bridges. Speaker - Mary
McCahon - TranSystems
- 30 min -Using
AASHTO's new
Guidelines for Historic
Bridge Rehabilitation &
engineering & cost data,
level of required effort &
what makes a particular
bridge historic to analyze
useful bridge life
improving techniques.
From inexpensive
routine maintenance
practices, to replacing
selected flooring system
members to increase live
load capacity, or using
inherent flexibility to
address geometric
deficiencies, learn how
the prudent solution can
be one of historic
Minnesota Bridge
Collapse: Lesson
Learned - Forensic
Investigation of the I35W Bridge Collapse
and Evaluation and
Inspection of long Span
Trusses.Speaker Wesley Weir TranSystems - 30 min A detailed review of the
failed conditions,
including first-hand
photos & associated
anecdotal evidence &
findings of the I-35W
failure investigation.
Smart Signal
Progression. Speaker Matt Myers - MoDOT 30 min
New Developments in
Roadside Safety
Research. Speaker - Dr.
John Reid - University of
Nebraska - Lincoln - 45
min - New safety
hardware for use in
roadside design along
with recent research on
the Midwest Guardrail
System (MGS). Other
recent crash testing
according to AASHTO's
new MASH criteria
including high-speed
tests on work-zone
Innovations - District
7's Award Winning
Chip Seal
Process.Speaker - Mike
Dunseith - MoDOT - 30
min - Technical &
operational details
necessary for a quality
chip seal. Also an
overview of how chip
seals fit into a
maintenance plan.
Beam me up? Not
quite, but yesterday's
science fiction can be
today's reality...with
the power of integrated
Speakers - Chris Cobb &
Bob Gilbert - both of
Bartlett & West - 45
min - The latest tools for
project delivery
including resource
sharing between
locations, availability
monitors, instant
messages, desktop video
conferencing & more.
Improvements for All
Users - Part 1.Speakers
- Dan Jessen, Earl
Newman, & David
Hutchison all from City
of Springfield - 90 min Springfield's experience
with urban speed limits
(raising speed limits on
arterial streets &
lowering speed limits on
local streets from 30 to
25 mph); with road diets
- converting four lane
streets to three lane
streets; and Springfield's
Bicycle Route Program.
Also the application of
these findings to a
follow-on project - the
Jeremiah Morrow Bridge
- Cincinnati,Ohio - a
2200 ft. long continuous
deck truss.
Bike/Ped facilities on
Bridges. Speakers - Tony
Schmitt - Burns &
McDonnell and Jason
Vanderfeltz - MoDOT 30 min - A look at a
recent design to create a
Practical ,
barrier separated multiImplementable,
use path across the
Sustainable Green
Missouri River in
Solutions for
downtown Kansas City
utilizing existing
Projects. Barbara
roadways & bridges
Friedman & Kelly
PLUS The Missouri
VanElders - both from
River Bridge
HNTB - and Joe Schroer
- MoDOT - 30 min attachment on the EB
Implementable, costbridge & downstream
effective, innovative
side viewing the State
GREEN transportation
Capitol will provide a
project solutions both
safe connection between already in use plus some
the Katy Trail andh
additional ideas worth
downtown Jefferson
City. The attachment will
be uniquely bid offering
three material & width
options - concrete, steel
or fiber reinforced
Moderator - Roopa
Moderator - Brandon
Moderator - David
Moderator - Chris
Breakout Session #2 - Thursday March 18 - 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Star Wars Comes to
TEAM. Speaker - Gary
Responsibilities and
Improvements for All
Safe & Sound Bridge
Weil - EnTech
Ethics. Speaker - Dr.
Users - Part 2 and
Improvement Program
Engineering - 90 min Paul Munger - Morris & Signal Timing.Speakers
- Speakers - Bob Brendel
descriptions & case
Munger Engineers - 30
- Jason Haynes, Martin
& Jerica Holtsclaw of
studies of remote sensing
min - What happened at
Gugel & Earl Newman
MoDOT, and Troy
Kansas City's Hyatt
of City of Springfield,
Heckmaster & Harry
infrastructure testing
Regency on July 17,
and Joseph Rickman of
Koenigs of KTU
technologies including
1981? What was the real
MoDOT - 90 min Constructors - 30 min Aerial & Moving
cause of the walkway
Springfield's Safe Routes
A program status
failures? How does this
to School federal grants
LiDAR; Infrared Energy
affect the professional
& project experiences
Pattern Analysis; Goundresponsibilities of
including city-wide
Penetrating Microwave
Radar, data merging to
locate in 3D space
(surface & underground
objects), reinforcing steel
corrosion &
delamination in concrete
bridge decks & roadway
with a 2 inch accuracy.
Capable of 20 locations
per day!
engineers to the public?
An important & timeless
message for every
wireless School Speed
Zone Flashing Beacon
System & NonInfrastructure
Educational Program.
Streetscape program,
including modifications
to Park Central Square.
Also yellow signal
change interval timing lessons learned from
Springfield's red light
camera enforcement
Project Design Peer
Reviews. Speaker - Joe
Jones - MoDOT, Warren
Knoles - Crawford,
Asphalt.Speaker - Dale
Murphy & Tilly, and
Williams - MoDOT,
Jamie Gilbert - George
Jonathan Maclver &
Butler Associates - 30
Jean-Paul Fort min - Finding MiddleNACTECH - 30 min Ground Solutions:
The contractor,
Manchester at I-435
manufacturer & MoDOT
Interchange Closure and
Rural Roundabout Highmast Lighting
Risk-Based Quality
Oversight on DesignBuild Projects.Speaker Michael Schnarr Delcan - 30 min - Using
risk during oversight of
Concrete. Speaker design-build projects.
Thomas Winkelman Owner oversight must
Continental Cement
focus limited resources.
Company - 30 min - The
How to simplify
basics - lessons learned complex quality
successes, failures,
oversight roles. Using
locations of use &
risk to prioritize the
potential applications for
audits performed &
municipal, county &
observations collected. A
state agencies.
continual information
update system allowing
for immediate change or
improvement in the
oversight process.
Moderator - Mike
Moderator - Tom Ryan
Moderator - Tim
Moderator - Vicki
Breakout Session #3 - Thursday March 18 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Gullies, Rills, and
High Speed Rail &
LiDAR Mapping (Past,
Backslopes Research in Alternative
Improving Amtrak's
Stabilization Concepts Fuels.Speaker - Dr. Scott Performance between
for the Future. Speakers
Grasman - Missouri
K.C. & St.
- Billy Billings University of Science &
Louis.Speaker - Rod
MoDOT; Melissa
Technology - 45 minMassman - MoDOT - 30
Schrand - Innovative
Current trends in
min - passenger rail
Turf Solutions; Rod
alternative fuels for
improvement ideas,
Tyler - Filtrexx
transportation as well as
federal funding
International; George
highlights of alternative
possibilities, route
Hild - Hild & Associates
vehicle activities at
history, future operation
- 90 min - Slope
Missouri S&T.
impacts, and recent
protection using
federal initiatives
GeoWeb (case history in
Concordia); Slope
protection with HYDROPAM & guar; Slope
stabilization using
Compost & Filtrexx
Products; Sediment
flocculation using
Biostar (applications for
highway construction
and sediment control).
Present, and
Future). Speakers Errin Kemper of City of
Springfield and Jack
Shaller & Jason
Robertson of City of
Joplin - 40 min - types of
data available and their
potential uses plus
lessons learned while
obtaining multigovernmental funding of
county-wide highdensity flight imagery.
Mobile LiDAR.Speaker
Decisions, Performance
- Paul DiGiacobbe Based Funding &
Freight Development in HNTB - 20 min - Mobile
Report Card for
mapping technologies
Missouri - The Keys to
Missouri.Speaker are changing how
Mara Campbell Development.Speaker transportation projects
MoDOT - 45 min - How
Dr. Ernie Perry are surveyed, designed
and why MoDOT started
MoDOT - 30 min - A
and built. Speed and
the Performance
MoDOT Program update
accuracy are essential
Management journey and
including major
elements of the designwhere we are now. What
partnerships and the
build project delivery
is being done on a
nuances of multiple
and the advent of mobile
national level with
agencies, businesses &
mapping has forever
entities working
changed how
Management and the
transportation facilities
difficulties with making
wil be designed and
comparative measures
ultimately constructed.
that apply to all states.
Developing the KC
Region: Building
Business, Partnerships,
- Chris Gutierrez Kansas City
SMARTPORT - 30 min How Kansas City
developed a strong
partnership focused on
growing the
Threading the Eye of a
Needle - Rte. 141
Mitigation. Speakers Randy Perkinson &
Marty Hesterberg of
Jacobs - 30 min - A new
six lane highway
relocation project
between existing
subdivisions and a large
creek in west St. Louis
County. Geometric
transportation & logistics
industry in the greater
KC region.
Moderator - John
Moderator - Bob Gilbert
Moderator - Kyle Kittrell
constraints - floodplain
impacts - mitigation
efforts - all make for an
interesting approval
Moderator - Marc