Sharp Science Energy Transformations (Unifying Concepts

Sharp Science
Energy Transformations (Unifying Concepts)
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SC-6-ET-U-1
Standard - SC-7-ET-U-1
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-1
Students will understand that
oceans have a major effect
on climate, because water in
the oceans holds a large
amount of heat.
Students will understand
that most of the energy
that powers the Earth’s
systems comes from the
sun. Energy from inside the
Earth, however, is
responsible for some
important phenomena
(volcanism, plate
Teacher Target
Students will understand
that energy can be
transferred in many ways,
but it can neither be
created nor destroyed.
Student Target
I can explain how all energy
comes from the sun
Student Target
I can explain the law of
conservation of energy.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-U-2
Standard - SC-7-ET-U-2
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-2
Students will understand that
several Earth systems and
processes occur primarily
because of the constant
influx of solar energy.
Students will understand
that the amount of energy
in a closed system remains
the same, so that the
energy lost by a hot object
equals the energy gained
by a cold one.
Teacher Target
The learner will understand
that several Earth systems
Teacher Target
Students will understand
that a steady supply of
energy is essential for our
society, but every source
of energy has potential
problems as well as
benefits. Not all forms of
energy are practical to use
given our current state of
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
The learner will understand
that oceans have a major
effect on climate, because
water in the oceans holds a
large amount of heat.
Student Target
1. I can describe how
oceans affect the
2. I understand that the
oceans hold a large
amount of heat.
Teacher Target
and processes occur primarily
because of the constant
influx of solar energy.
Student Target
I can understand the role
solar energy plays in the
nitrogen cycle.
Student Target
I can explain that heat lost by
hot object equals the heat
gained by cold object.
Student Target
I can identify advantages
and disadvantages of
various energy sources.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-U-3
Standard - SC-7-ET-U-3
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-3
Students will understand that
seasons are a result of the
interaction of the tilt of the
Earth’s axis relative to its
orbital path.
Students will understand
that all energy must have a
source and may change
forms or be transferred in a
wide variety of ways,
including via waves.
Teacher Target
The learner will understand
that seasons are a result of
the interaction of the tilt of
the Earth’s axis relative to its
orbital path.
Student Target
I can describe how the tilt of
Earth’s axis combined with its
orbital path (revolution)
causes seasons.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
that solar energy
influences global climate
in a number of direct and
indirect ways. Patterns of
global climate can be
determined through
analysis of climatic data.
Teacher Target
I can understand the role
solar energy plays in the
water cycle.
I can understand the role
solar energy plays in
Student Target
I can explain that sound, light
travel in waves
I can explain that waves are
one way that energy is
Student Target
I can explain how solar
energy influences global
climate in a number of
direct and indirect ways.
I can describe how
patterns of global climate
can be determined
through analysis of
climatic data.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-U-4
Standard - SC-7-ET-U-4
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-4
Students will understand that
energy, in the form of sunlight,
is transformed by a chemical
reaction in plant cells
(photosynthesis) to form
essential nutrients for the
plant to live and grow.
Teacher Target
The teacher will understand
that energy, in the form of
sunlight, is transformed by a
chemical reaction in plant cells
(photosynthesis) to form
essential nutrients for the
plant to live and grow.
Student Target
I can understand the process
of photosynthesis.
Students will understand
that thermal energy and
motion are inseparable
when viewed at the
molecular level.
Students will understand
that although many forms
of energy exist, they can
all be classified as either
kinetic energy, potential
energy, or energy
contained within a field.
Teacher Target
I can describe the role that
the Sun’s energy has in the
process of photosynthesis.
Teacher Target
Student Target
I can explain how molecules in
matter move faster as you
move from solid to liquid to
Student Target
I can describe the various
forms of energy.
I can classify the various
forms of energy as either
kinetic, potential, or
I can describe the chemical
reaction involved in
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-U-5
Standard - SC-7-ET-U-5
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-5
Students will understand that
inside a closed system, the
temperature increases or
decreases as heat energy is
added or removed.
Students will understand
that the role various
organisms play within an
ecosystem can be
determined by observing
the flow of energy between
Teacher Target
Students will understand
that the interaction of
waves with matter
provides the vehicle for a
number of important
types of energy transfer.
Teacher Target
The learner will understand
that inside a closed system,
Teacher Target
the temperature increases or
decreases as heat energy is
added or removed.
Student Target
I can understand that the
temperature increases when
heat energy is added.
I can understand that the
temperature decreases when
heat energy is removed.
Standard Demonstrator
Student Target
I can describe the flow of
energy in ecosystems.
Student Target
I can describe how energy
is transferred through
I can model the flow of
energy using a food chain
or food web.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-U-6
Standard - SC-7-ET-U-6
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-6
Students will understand that
the Earth is a complex system
of energy transformations,
materials and processes.
Understanding the whole
requires first understanding
individual subsystems and
their interactions.
Students will understand
that systems tend to
change until they become
stable and remain that way
unless conditions change.
Teacher Target
The learner will understand
that the Earth is a complex
system of energy
transformations, materials
and processes.
Understanding the whole
requires first understanding
individual subsystems and
their interactions.
Student Target
I can understand that the
Earth is a complex system of
energy transformations,
materials, and processes. For
example, it includes the
connection between oceans
and climate, Sun’s energy
and seasons, Sun’s energy as
Teacher Target
Students will understand
that changes that occur to
any one component of an
ecosystem may influence
the entire system, since all
of the components are
interrelated. The
relationships that exist can
be determined by
observing the flow of
Teacher Target
Student Target
I can describe how
heat flow inside closed and
open systems to explore the
concept of thermal equilibrium
Student Target
I can explain how changes
in a part of an ecosystem
influence change in other
parts of the ecosystem.
I can describe
relationships in an
ecosystem by observing
a major source for water
cycle, winds, ocean currents,
and growth of plants.
the flow of energy in the
food web.
I can describe how energy is
transferred through
conduction, convection, and
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard -
Standard -
Standard - SC-8-ET-U-7
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Students will understand
that many systems contain
feedback mechanisms that
serve to keep changes
within specified limits.
Teacher Target
Student Target
Student Target
Student Target
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
I can explain how many
systems contain feedback
mechanisms that serve to
keep changes within
specified limits.
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-1
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-1
Students will explain the
law of conservation of
energy and infer where
energy goes in a number
of real-life energy
Standard - SC-6-ET-S-1
Students will model and
explain why some locations
on Earth have seasons
Teacher Target
Students will investigate a
variety of Earth systems that
are powered by solar (e.g.
water cycle, climate, carbon
cycle) and/or geothermal
(e.g. plate tectonics,
volcanism) energy
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
The learner will model and
explain why some locations
on Earth have seasons
Student Target
Student Target
I can relate the carbon cycle
Student Target
I can use a model to
demonstrate why some
locations on Earth have
seasons. (Ex. Flashlight and
Styrofoam ball on a pencil)
to how our atmosphere
I can relate the rock and
water cycles to systems that
power the earth.
I can infer where energy
goes in a number of reallife energy
I can explain geothermal
I can describe how plate
tectonics work
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-2
Students will model,
explain and analyze the
flow of energy in
ecosystems and draw
conclusions about the role
of organisms in an
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-2
Students will identify the
energy transformations
that occur in the
‘production’, transmission
and use of energy by
people in everyday life
(e.g., electric power,
automotive fuels, food)
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Student Target
I can describe the water cycle
and the sun’s role in it.
Student Target
I can describe the nitrogen
cycle and the sun’s role in it.
I can model the flow of
energy using a food chain
or food web.
Student Target
I can identify the energy
transformations that occur
in the ‘production’,
transmission and use of
energy by people in
everyday life.
Standard - SC-6-ET-S-2
Students will identify Earth
processes influenced by
energy from the sun (e.g.
water cycle, nitrogen cycle,
photosynthesis) and describe
the sun’s role in those
Teacher Target
The learner will identify Earth
processes influenced by
energy from the sun (e.g.
water cycle, nitrogen cycle,
photosynthesis) and describe
the sun’s role in those
I can describe photosynthesis
and the sun’s role in it.
Standard Demonstrator
I can describe the flow of
energy in ecosystems-
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-S-3
Students will explain the
cause and effect relationships
between oceans and climate
and describe the predictable
patterns that result
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-3
Students will explain where
energy comes from (and
goes next) in a variety of
real-world examples (e.g.
burning, respiration,
residential lighting, dry cell
batteries) involving different
forms of energy (e.g. heat,
light, kinetic, chemical)
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-3
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Student Target
I can describe the
relationships between the
oceans and climate.
Student Target
Student Target
I can illustrate examples of
potential and kinetic
energy in everyday life.
I can describe predictable
patterns that result from the
relationships between
oceans and climate such as
ocean current, prevailing
winds, etc.
I can explore kinetic and
potential energy.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Students will illustrate
examples of potential and
kinetic energy in everyday
life, such as objects at rest,
geologic fault movement
and falling water
The learner will explain the
cause and effect relationships
between oceans and climate
and describe the predictable
patterns that result
Standard - SC-6-ET-S-4
Students will describe the
role of photosynthesis in
energy storage within plants
Teacher Target
The learner will describe the
role of photosynthesis in
energy storage within plants
I can describe the transfer
energy which occur in
examples that involve several
different forms of energy
I can explain how energy is
transferred in a variety of
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-4
Standard -SC-8-ET-S-4
Students will identify forms
of energy that are
transferred via waves
Students will compare a
variety of energy sources
(e.g., biomass, fission,
fusion, ethanol) and
evaluate their potential
for large-scale use, as well
as their benefits, risks and
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Student Target
I can describe how
photosynthesis transforms
energy into a form that the
plant can store for use.
Student Target
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-6-ET-S-5
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-5
Students will equate work
done on an object with
change in energy of the
Students will experimentally
investigate the relationship
between temperature and
heat transfer in closed
I can explain that sound, light
travel in waves
I can explain that waves are
one way that energy is
Student Target
I can investigate energy
sources and evaluate their
potential for large-scale
use, as well as their
benefits, risks and
Standard Demonstrator
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-5
Students will classify
methods of heat transfer
(convection, conduction,
radiation) and forms of
energy (kinetic, potential,
energy contained within a
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
The learner will
experimentally investigate
the relationship between
temperature and heat
transfer in closed systems
Student Target
I can experimentally
investigate how temperature
is related to radiation,
conduction, and convection
in closed systems.
Standard Demonstrator
Teacher Target
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard -
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-6
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-6
Students will describe the
kinetic molecular theory of
Student Target
I can interpret that energy is
the ability to do work.
Student Target
I can classify methods of
heat transfer.
I can describe that more
energy equals more work.
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Students will model
energy transfer via waves
and identify real-life
Teacher Target
Student Target
Student Target
Student Target
Standard Demonstrator
I can explain how molecules in
matter move faster as you
move from solid to liquid to
I can model energy
transfer via waves and
identify real-life examples.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard -
Standard - SC-7-ET-S-7
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-7
Students will analyze
multiple sources of data to
identify global climate
Teacher Target
Students will experiment
with heat flow inside
closed and open systems to
explore the concept of
thermal equilibrium
Teacher Target
Student Target
Student Target
Student Target
I can analyze multiple
sources of data to identify
global climate patterns.
I can describe how
heat flow inside closed and
open systems to explore the
concept of thermal
Teacher Target
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard -
Standard -
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-8
Students will graphically
represent energy flow
within an ecosystem to
identify the existing
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Student Target
Student Target
Student Target
I can graphically represent
energy flow within an
ecosystem to identify the
existing relationships.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard -
Standard -
Standard - SC-8-ET-S-9
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Students will analyze
ecosystems to identify the
factors that determine
carrying capacities
Teacher Target
Student Target
Student Target
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Student Target
I can analyze ecosystems
to identify the factors that
determine carrying
Standard Demonstrator