100th Birthday- Ideas For Relay For Life Events

100 th Birthday Ideas for Relay For Life Events
As the official sponsor of birthdays, the American Cancer Society knows how important each and every birthday can be.
On May 22, 2013, we will celebrate our 100th birthday – 100 years of saving lives. We believe our 100th birthday is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to celebrate our lifesaving progress, raise additional funds to finish the fight and
demonstrate that cancer’s time is up. To assist staff and volunteers in the Florida Division with easily integrating our
100th Birthday into your Relay For Life event plans and Wrap Up Parties, we have included a few simple suggestions
below to help us finish the fight this century!
At Your Relay For Life Event:
 Incorporate finish the fight messaging by including American Cancer Society Points of Pride available in the
“100th Birthday Ready to Use Content” attached here. Include 100th birthday messaging in Opening and Closing
Ceremonies and have the emcee make announcements throughout the full 18 hours to inspire participants and
let them know how the American Cancer Society is finishing the fight. Add the 100th Birthday and Finish the
Fight logos (attached below) on collateral materials such as your event program. *Reminder: The 100th Birthday
logo may be used on its own while the Finish the Fight logo should always be accompanied by the 100th Birthday
100th Birthday Ready
To Use Content.doc
Have your Survivor/Caregiver Committee add up the total years of Cancer Survivorship at your Relay For Life
event. Announce this total during the Opening Ceremony and Survivor Lap. For example, “As a result of 100
years of fighting cancer we have 375 years of Survivorship to celebrate during tonight’s event!”
Set a Work the Track Challenge with your Committee to recruit 100 volunteers at your Relay For Life event. Help
break down the goal to manageable pieces. For example, if your event has 35 teams and 100 Cancer Survivors
and Caregivers you can set a goal of recruiting 2 people from each team for a total of 70 volunteers and a goal of
recruiting 30 Cancer Survivors and Caregivers during “Work the Tent” efforts at the Survivor/Caregiver
Set up a photo and/or video booth at your Relay For Life event so that participants may take photos or videos of
themselves sharing their reasons for finishing the fight. Encourage them to share these photos and videos on
social media sites. *Remember- This booth can simply be an area at your Relay that is in a quieter space or
under its own tent with a backdrop that includes the American Cancer Society logo and/or 100th birthday
banner. Encourage participants who create videos to say the full words “American Cancer Society” when talking
about their involvement with us rather than “ACS” to strengthen the brand connection and impact.
Invite participants who have individually raised $100 to join in a special 100th Birthday Lap commemorating their
fundraising achievement. Ask the participants to wear their white Relay For Life participant T-shirt and take this
time to have your emcee thank them for leading our efforts to finish the fight. Utilize the HOPE $100
Fundraising Activity attached below as a fun and easy way to encourage participants to raise $100.
HOPE $100
Fundraising Activity.pdf
$100 in 100 Minutes On-Site Challenge: Invite all teams to participate in a fundraising challenge to help each
person and/or team raise an additional $100 during the event. Teams can reach out to friends and family by
calling, texting, emailing, posting to Facebook and other social media, asking for donations during this time.
Have your Online Fundraising Chair set up an “internet café” where participants can send emails asking for
donations. Keep a running tally of donations collected and have the emcee make announcements from the
stage to generate excitement and competition. Ideas to recognize challenge winners include special recognition
from the stage, VIP treatment at the winners’ campsites, donated prizes and recognizing in a post-event
newsletter and at the Event Wrap Up Party.
Have your Fundraising Chair and Online Fundraising Chair organize a $100 in 100 Hours Fundraising Challenge in
the hours leading up to your Relay For Life event, kicking off at your Relay For Life event or taking place as a
post-event fundraiser leading up to the Event Wrap-Up Party. Resources to support this challenge are attached
100 Dollars in 100
Hours Fundraising Challenge.doc
At Your Relay For Life Wrap Up Party:
 At your upcoming Event Wrap Up Party, incorporate the 100th birthday and finish the fight messaging into your
program. Thank Committee Members, Teams, Sponsors, Cancer Survivors and Caregivers for their efforts to
make your event successful and reflect on the progress that they have helped achieve, reinforcing how the
funds they helped raise will help the American Cancer Society finish the fight. Play the 100th Birthday “Silence
Won’t Finish the Fight” video available at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REww_uNRcRw. A
PowerPoint template that can be used at your Wrap Up Party is available on The Link by visiting:
 Have volunteers get a sheet cake donated from a local business that says “Happy 100th Birthday” or “Celebrating
100 Years of Saving Lives.” Invite all attendees to sing “Happy Birthday” together as we celebrate the progress
of the American Cancer Society over the past 100 years and our commitment to finishing the fight this century.
On the Eve of the American Cancer Society’s 100th Birthday:
 Invite Relayers to show their commitment to helping us finish the fight by purchasing a luminaria bag (separate
from those that would be present at your Relay For Life event) and placing it lit outside of their place of
residence on the eve of our 100th birthday (May 21, 2013). Our goal is to light up the world with our passion to
end this disease, creating not only a powerful visual in communities, but also an opportunity for additional
fundraising as well. Relay For Life Team Captains are encouraged to sell the luminaria both to increase
awareness and boost event income.
 Invite local Sponsors and businesses to “Light up Main Street” by asking businesses to display luminaria at the
counter and sell them with 100 percent of the proceeds going to the Relay For Life. Have the businesses place
these Luminaria bags on display outside of their location on the Eve of the 100th Birthday.
 Some additional resources are attached below to assist with Luminaria ideas and messaging for spreading the
word about this Nationwide Luminaria Activity through social media outlets.
100th Birthday
100th Birthday Social
Nationwide Luminaria Recommendations.docx
Media Sample Messaging.docx