Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 5 9/24-9/28/2012 Today’s Big Idea(s): Date: 9/24-9/28/2012 *Adapted from KIPP-Austin ESL 0-3 years Ms. Black Agenda & Time Estimates: Topic Objective: Monday TSW- 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards. (4) Reading (A) Beginning. (i) read and understand the very limited recently practiced, memorized, or highly familiar English they have learned (II) some very highfrequency words (6) Writing (A) Beginning (II) high-frequency words/phrases and short, simple sentences Review color/number 1-10 vocabulary Assess students ability to write complete sentences Objective: Tuesday TTW- 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards. (c) Crosscurricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills. (1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/learning strategies. (C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary; Support student success in content classes through translation/study Objective: Wednesday TSW- 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards. (4) Reading (A) Beginning. (i) read and understand the very limited recently practiced, memorized, or highly familiar English they have learned (II) some very highfrequency words (6) Writing (A) Beginning (II) high-frequency words/phrases and short, simple sentences review color number vocabulary students will be able to identify and name nouns student will be able to identify the subject in simple sentences Objective: Thursday TTW- 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards. (c) Crosscurricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills. (1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/learning strategies. (C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to Vocabulary match - 5 min New procedures (mirror) - 10 min Describe image on screen - 15 min Write six sentences - 15 min Sentence share - 8 min (52 min.) review of yesterday's vocabulary - 5 min homework share/discussions 5 min make content vocabulary cards 15 minutes practice vocabulary - 10 minutes partner quiz - 5 minutes complete content assignments 15 min (52 min.) MATCHING RACE Cue Cards 1 and 2 Identify nouns Identify subjects Exit ticket (52 min.) homework share/discussions 8 minutes review of yesterday's vocabulary - 5 min Resources 10 min make vocabulary cards 15 minutes practice vocabulary - 10 minutes partner quiz - 5 minutes (52 min.) Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 5 9/24-9/28/2012 ESL 0-3 years Ms. Black acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary; Support student success in content classes through translation/study Objective: Friday TSW- 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards. (4) Reading (A) Beginning. (i) read and understand the very limited recently practiced, memorized, or highly familiar English they have learned (II) some very highfrequency words (6) Writing (A) Beginning (II) high-frequency words/phrases and short, simple sentences Students will demonstrate their understanding of number/color vocabulary Students will be able to identify and name verbs Students will be able to identify verbs in simple sentences Matching race Quiz Cue card 3 Identify verbs TEKS Connections/Indicate whether Readiness/Supporting/Process: Mon. Materials, Texts & Reminders: Color/# vocab list Journals Power point image Computers Vocabulary cards dictionaries Fri. Color/# vocab list Journals Quiz Wed Matching game; speaking; questioning Wed Thurs Fri Mon *Adapted from KIPP-Austin Color/# vocab list Journals Thurs. Tues Tues Checks for Understanding: Computers Vocabulary cards dictionaries Wed. SWBAT match color and number vocabulary to colors and numbers; write 6 simple sentences using stems SWBAT match color and number vocabulary to colors and numbers with increased speed; vocabulary cards; assignment completion SWBAT match color and number vocabulary to colors and numbers with increased speed; name and/or recognize nouns; identify subjects in a simple sentence SWBAT match color and number vocabulary to colors and numbers with increased speed; vocabulary cards; assignment completion SWBAT match color and number vocabulary to colors and numbers with increased speed; understand, speak, read and write color and number vocabulary words on quiz Matching game; vocabulary use in simple sentences Matching game; partner quiz Mon Assessment/Evidence Of Learning : Tues. Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 5 9/24-9/28/2012 ESL 0-3 years Ms. Black Thurs Matching game; partner quiz Matching game; written quiz; listening quiz; speaking quiz; Fri. Mon Tues Higher-Order Thinking Questions: Wed Thurs Fri B: M: E: B: M: E: B: M: E: B: M: E: B: M: E: What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Introduce new procedure of mirroring Intro to New Material: Lesson Include Time Estimates: Monday Students will practice mirroring Instruct students on Matching game Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Show image and demonstrate how to describe what is seen Encourage students give sentence stems Closing: Read students writing *Adapted from KIPP-Austin Motivation/Hook: Intro to New Material: Matching vocabulary to colors/numbers Independent Practice: Lesson Include Time Estimates: What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Students will attempt short sentences Independent Practice: Have student write six short sentences based on image on screen. Closing: Students will read their own writing to the class What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 5 9/24-9/28/2012 Tuesday ESL 0-3 years Ms. Black Motivation/Hook: Listen and check for understanding (5 min.) Intro to New Material: review the importance of best effort in content classes Guided Practice: remind students how to use computer and make vocab cards Independent Practice: check to understanding Closing: What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Timing students; check correctness Intro to New Material: Lesson Include Time Estimates: Wednesday Giving information on cue cards Guided Practice: Have students make a list for each category of nouns (person, place, thing) Independent Practice: Guidance or help as needed Closing: Share nouns with partners What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Lesson Include Time Estimates: Thursday Motivation/Hook: Listen and check for understanding (5 min.) Intro to New Material: review the importance of best effort in content classes *Adapted from KIPP-Austin quick review of vocabulary with partner/homework share Intro to New Material: have students add to bulletin board Guided Practice: sign on to computer make vocab cards Independent Practice: students will work to prepare for content classes study new cards Closing: check to understanding Motivation/Hook: Partner’s Quiz each other What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Matching race Intro to New Material: Writing cue cards in journal Guided Practice: Naming nouns Looking for nouns in simple sentences Independent Practice: Look up nouns in Sp./Eng. dictionary Write list of nouns in journal Closing: Share nouns with partners What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: quick review of vocabulary with partner/homework share Intro to New Material: have students add to bulletin board Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 5 9/24-9/28/2012 ESL 0-3 years Ms. Black Guided Practice: remind students how to use computer and make vocab cards Independent Practice: check to understanding Closing: What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Timing students; check correctness Intro to New Material: Lesson Include Time Estimates: Friday Giving information on cue cards Guided Practice: Have students make a list of action verbs Independent Practice: Guidance or help as needed Closing: Check for understanding Homework: Modifications/ Accommodations/ Differentiated Instruction: sign on to computer make vocab cards Independent Practice: students will work to prepare for content classes study new cards Closing: check to understanding Guided Practice: Partner’s Quiz each other What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Matching race Intro to New Material: Writing cue cards in journal Guided Practice: Naming action verbs Looking for verbs in simple sentences Independent Practice: Look up verbs in Sp./Eng. dictionary Write list of verbs in journal Closing: Share verbs with partners Watch TV or listen to radio in English for 30 minutes per night write reflection in journal; read 15 minutes in Spanish and 15 minutes in English each night, write reflection in journal ESL/LEP/ELL: 1. Extended time on Assignment 2. Cooperative grouping 3. Daily agenda on board/Teacher review 4. Use pictorial directions 5. Use positive reinforcement 6. Give directions in small distinct forms 7. Use written backup or oral directions 8. Establish routines in classroom 9. Simplify instructional language, NOT content 10. Pre-teach vocabulary, modeling, hands-on, pictures and visual aids Teacher Reflection: What worked/what didn’t work? Why? *Adapted from KIPP-Austin